The cult of idealogy
What is a cult? A cult is a group of people that follow an idea or a person. The idea of godlessness is a cult. As is communism, socialism and others. Marx was no different than Christ or L. Ron Hubbard. Instead of giving us an answer, he gave us another Idealogy.
So here we stand in modern times with the various Idealogies battling each other out. New ones, old ones, some truth, no truth…
Where is an individual to turn? How can one not expect more people to become misanthropic in the current state of affairs? All the idealogies are at each other’s throats, calling for an end to the other. The godless want “an end to faithâ€. (Courtesy of Sam Harris, and his pundits.) Is Sam Harris any different than a modern day version of Marx, or dare I say any other charismatic atheist leader? He walks the walk, and thinks that he is on the side of ultimate righteousness… what he doesn’t realize is that his path is no different than [u]ANY other idealogy.[/u] His faith is no less or no more strong than someone who believes in the rapture…
Harris believes in the power of liberal science. Science without justification or morals, or proof. Global Warming(1), Stem Cell Research(2), Abortive measures and Euthanasia(3)… All these are the spoils of his idealogy. Most of them, merely because they contradict the enemy of the liberal idealogy. The Christian Idealogy.
What we need is not an end to faith. What we need is an end to idealogies. What we need is for people to stop being huxtered by charismatic liars, who know nothing of the actual truth of the world. The cultural and political elite continue to run our lives, even with are so called seperation of church and state.
I think the answer lies in teaching. BUT, it must be self-taught. People must be taught to discern fact from fiction. They must know the importance of myth, and the dangers of believing in them literally. They must have the common sense, not to believe in golden plates, special translations (Jehovah), or alien races that travel billions of light years to commit genocide. (twice).
It’s not an easy road to travel. One has to let go of their lies, and grasp onto the truth.
but unless we let go of our idealogies we are doomed to a perpetual war of the words, and knives and swords and guns and planes.
All for our god. (or man made god…)
Can you let go of your idealogy?
even with our heat waves in this summer, they aren’t shattering records set 90 years ago. In fact they aren’t even close. Most real scientists recognize the problem the underwater volcanos are causing with producing tons more carbon (and other noxious gases) than we could ever hope to produce.
There’s no evidence that stem cell research will cure anyone, not to mention the ethical question of “would that human I just killed to save my ONE life have saved the entire human race?”
There’s no question that a “clump of cells” is a human being, as there’s no question that commiting suicide for subjective reasons is morally and ethically wrong.