The Culture War

Who said anything about putting a small group of lefties together? Lefties only do what the globalists tell them to do.

you two should get a room.

Who said anything about putting a small group of lefties together? Lefties only do what the globalists tell them to do.
Nobody who’s sane cares to group with them, but you can prove me wrong by volunteering to group with Sculptor, Biggie, Peter Kropotkin, and Mr Reasonable, your distant neighbors. SAM Coop that. Good luck and may God protect you!

See their logic, big government = less corruption? Millions of corrupt officials equals less tyranny. Why? Because there’s only one person to blame. Oh no, that’s my logic for small government.

I think you are misunderstanding what James’ SAM Co-op is. He didn’t propose it as something to institute over the US all at once. He explicitly stated that it would have to begin with only a small (experimental) group that he expected to first succeed and then be voluntarily adopted by other interested parties such that eventually - eventually the whole nation could be converted into a much more grand form of democracy through the “monkey see - monkey do” characteristic.

I agree that no one sane would expect Lefties to do anything other than what the globalists direct them to do. But that has nothing to do with James’ SAM Co-op. Those people were proposed to be slowly displaced.

I am thinking that a large labor union could take a similar route by becoming a constitutional organization - similar to the USA Congress and US State congresses. It only makes since that all large groups involved in making decisions for their members should follow that same basic constitution. The SAM Co-op was basically that same thing - it only makes sense. I am just thinking that it could be applied to an existing large union and much more quickly be replicated - assuming it worked as proposed.

That’s true. Beside that, SAM cooperatives are made out of likeminded individuals. You and Sculptor are the polar opposites.

  • at least like minded enough to follow the same constitution. O:)

The problem that the US has is that about half of the population was (treasonously) convinced that the Constitution is irrelevant (even I heard Obama appointed ambassadors preaching that the US Constitution should be ignored).

I am impressed that we are 27 post into a thread about the “Culture wars”
and have not yet actually talked about, “THE CULTURE WARS”…

I am wondering if I should be the only person on this thread who is engaged
with the topic at hand or if I should respond to the thread as is which is
a “bash the left thread”…ummm, I guess I will do something useful
and like take a nap…back in a few hours…


A country divided, but can it ever be united, or united enough to be a cohesive society at least…?

Maybe in another few decades, after the rich have made more money off the backs and woes of its citizens.

This is where Western Civilization is at “Culturally”:


BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome) has settled in over the Trumptard cucks of the ridiculous right. Kind of weird to see. :laughing: Culture War is about all the old fossils have left is to yell at clouds and lament their obsolescence.

It’s fascinating to see a thread in which the topic is demonstrated rather than discussed.

You’ve asked to define tribalism, then immediately divide the U.S. population into two tribes based on political party. #-o


It’s additionally interesting that saying that doesn’t change it. :sunglasses:


In USA, we now live in two separate nations that will not and cannot reconcile.

I disagree with obsrvr’s recent hopes in reconciliation. I do not see any cause or reason for that in the next 50 years. The Communist-Liberal-Left have already proven they have no loyalty to the US Constitution, and that they are willing to commit domestic terrorism, Burning-Looting-Murdering, to gain more power.

Once the American-Conservative-Right fight back, it will turn very ugly.

Just TWO?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Authoritarian Socialist vs Democratic Republic.

Let’s all count together -

[list]* Authoritarian Socialist - 1
[] Democratic Republic - 2
I can’t seem to get around it - looks like 2 to me. :confused:


Social Democracy vs Libtard Corporate stooges…

There are a few more…

Black vs White
LGBT vs Red Neck
Rural vs Urban
East/West vs middle america
North Vs South.
Police vs citizenry
human rights vs republican.