The Cushion

Cyril and Cynthia were having a fling.

One day, Cyril turned up at Cynthia’s unexpectedly, and finding she wasn’t in, let himself in and went into the living room. She was due home very soon, so he sat on the settee and waited. It was very comfortable, and the cushion he was sitting on was a delight! “Ooh, this in nice” he thought to himself. He wriggled about on it a bit, and then started gently bouncing up and down. This went on for about two minutes in all, and when Cynthia did get home, Cyril was practically gyrating his body in pleasure.

“Oh, you’re here” said Cynthia, smiling naughtily.


“Would you like a coffee?”

“That’d be great? Hey, I love this cushion.”

“What cushion? There aren’t any - you must be imaging it.”

Cyril shrugged, and Cynthia went into the kitchen. She resumed speaking.

“I was hoping you’d come round today. I’ve got something to show you” (there was a pause) “hmm, he’s not in his basket.”

“What you on about?”

"I was hoping to surprise you. I bought a new cat yesterday - an expensive one. He isn’t in there with you is he?

Cyril looked around for a few seconds, and then looked down, and gulped. A lifeless tail was dangling below him…
