The dangers of Islam!


I wasn’t inisting anything- simply asking you a question, and you have answered it quite plainly.

Hello to you too :smiley:

Conspiracy theories are not even an issue here. If you take the time to read up on the neo-conservatives that are currently driving American policy, you will find that their plans for world domaination are stated quite openly. (did you even read my post? :confused: )

is they ? :wink:

I’m sure your views would never offend anyone, Matt :slight_smile:

I’ve stated my reasons in the above post- you failed to address any of them intelligently. If you actually want to find out about the Bush cabinet and their imperialist imperatives, I suggest you read up on them. (I assume when you say “America” you are referring to the Bush administration- or are you putting words into my mouth?)

Guest (was it Jesse?),

As Anthony Robbins says, 2 options isn’t a choice- it’s a dilemma- when you have 3 options you are at choice. Why do you suppose that the only choices we have are to back one set of terrorists or another? There are multiple options. One of the primary ways to exert control is over the way people think is to limit their options. Rather than choose the lesser of two evils, why not choose a positive alternative? I know that sounds trite, but it is also true.

Incidentally, Iraq is not a “totally secular” country. yes, there is a secular government, but a large proportion of the population are Muslims.

Do you know why I don’t bother replying to the conspiracy posts? Cause they have no relevance at all to the topic we’re trying to discuss. So you want me to answer your post about Brzezinski & Perle. You’re not gonna like what I have to say…

It’s you who has to open your eyes. If you’d actually ever read some Brzezinski you’d realise that he can’t be what you’re describing. Your version of his book seems to be ripped entirely from two conspiracy websites FTW and The Emperor’s clothes. Now that makes me wonder if you’ve even read his book and if you have whether you did with open eyes or not.

An example of some other Brzezinski writing is here. It’s up to you here at ILP to read that article and judge if that sounds like a man intent on taking over the world in the way Gordy paints him. I’d say he was a man with his head screwed on. His suggestions for a clear and morally right stance on Kosovo is spot on, it did need political courage and the risk of NATO lives to stop the atrocities, it was wrong that they were not allowed to directly assult the genocidal Serbian troops.

The fact is Gordy, if you read the post you made, take out your hidden assumptions, add the ommited data, put the gist of what ZB is trying to say back in, you’ll probably find that all he is saying is that the area of the Middle East is key to world stability. Which it is. Big deal. And it’s also the most unstable. Of course it is, there’s a lot of money to be made there, which is why it’s so unstable. I don’t know, I haven’t rad his book. But as I said b4, I doubt you have either.

Your Perle quote looks like it’s ripped directly from the John Pilger website. Personally I think Pilger’s a sloppy journalist who sees conspiracy written into the sole of his shoes. That’s my own view, but don’t confuse his journalistic works of fiction for ‘fact’ Gordy, cause he’s got a very weird way of reading a few little facts and creating a tower built on sand. That’s something a real journalist doen’t do, unless you happen to be a tabloid journalist. Pilger is the broadsheet equivalent of “a sexual motive has not been ruled-out”, when it had never even been suggested in the first place.

So there you go, I didn’t really want to have to answer your conspiracy theory post, as in true religious fanatic style you won’t buy my arguments anyway, and we’re getting way off topic. As I suggested, start a new thread.

Congratulations, Matt, you’ve learned how to use Google.

Conspiracy websites? Nope- I’ve come across FTW bfore (and read it with due skepticism), but none of the info I quoted came from the Web. Having studied the ethics of international relations during my philosophy undergrad, I am no stranger to picking up a book- you should try it some time. (I am not surprised that Pilger quotes ZB on his site- it was via his book “The New Rulers of the World” that I first came across ZB). A sloppy journalist, indeed? Please take the time to back up your half-assed judgements.

I’ve only dipped into “The Grand Chessboard”, due to having shedloads of work on, but I must say, you have provided me with the motivation to read it in more depth and prove you utterly wrong. Once again- there are no conspiracy theories at work here. ZB, Perle and others have made their imperialist intentions quite clear. Their whole philosophy revolves around maintaining American primacy, by fair means or foul (usually fowl).

Fair enough- I’ll take up your challenge of starting a new thread on the subject (I have 2 contracts needing finished so it won’t be til Monday).

On the subject of “the dangers of Islam”, however- you say you believe ZB to be a man with his head screwed on. Do you support his view on the Taliban that I quoted above?

This the one you talking about?

Hmmm, plane flying into WTC or nuclear bombs flying into WTC, Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, Eiffel tower, etc., etc…

What a hard choice to make.

You’ve missed the point again.

He is saying- “why should we worry about some stirred up Muslims as long as we achieve our objective in re the Soviet Union”.

Why should he worry? 11-09-01 - that’s why.

No Gordy, you missed the point. There’s always a price to anything you do in politics. Rememeber the Iran/Iraq war. Had to support Saddam cause he was the better of two bad choices.

The US had to choose between destabilising the USSR power base and funding religious nutters or sitting back and letting Soviet power continue. ZB was justifying their actions because he believed that there wouldn’t be too much trouble with the Muslim fanatics. He was proved wrong, but unlike you Gordy he didn’t have the amazing power of hind sight.

They made their choice and it didn’t pay off as well as they’d hoped, the religious fanatics turned out to be even worse than they’d feared. I bet in hindsight ZB regrets that comment (made in 1998). You know, like most humans, people in the public eye can say something without knowing what will happen and also sometimes say things they haven’t thought about. It’s amazing, but true.

“2 options isn’t a choice- it’s a dilemma- when you have 3 options you are at choice. Why do you suppose that the only choices we have are to back one set of terrorists or another? There are multiple options. One of the primary ways to exert control is over the way people think is to limit their options. Rather than choose the lesser of two evils, why not choose a positive alternative? I know that sounds trite, but it is also true.” said Gordy, then
“There’s always a price to anything you do in politics.” said Matt.

This is a good debate. And I’m speaking strictly in my role as moderator here. Can we not resort to questioning the integrity of the user holding an opposing view, and that is not just to Matt. It could be useful to actually engage with every point of dispute identified in the opposing argument, especially when those points deal directly with the opposing ideas put forward.

(speaking as half-moderator, half-user) As far as starting a new thread is concerned. I do not think it is necessary. You are both, in my view, getting to the core of the issue, and I think covering the stated or otherwise motives of the current US administration with relation to the original questions brought up on this thread, and the points Matt has been putting forward, is a natural progression of the debate.

(Advice - If it is specifically the background to the current US administration, and the nature of the Washington concensus that you are disputing, then it could be useful to clarify those facts with each other on a different thread, preferably in the Essays&Theses forum, as an intelligent discussion about so-called governmental conspiracy theories, may almost certainly be hijacked by some in the PolEcon forum, whose sole pursuit is not the objective truth of the matter) continue …

Gordy, I’d like to know what alternatives the U.S had aside from choosing the lesser of two evils. What is this mysterious “third option” that only you and Pangloss seem to know about? And please, don’t respond with some idealisic jabber. In an IDEAL setting, there are more then two options. Unfortunetly we are restricted to the REAL world.

On a side note, I found it amusing that you quoted Anthony “Tony” Robbins. Unless I’m mistaken, isn’t he the late night, self-help, infomercial guy? After you bought his book, did you become wealthy through investing in real estate? :smiley: Please don’t think I’m criticizing. I did enjoy his performance in Shallow Hal.

Yes, Pangloss, you’re right, I do apologize Gordy. I’m trying to give up smoking at the moment and that means I’m more agressive than I normally am. Not that that’s a terribly good excuse :wink: Sorry, I shouldn’t have made it a contest.

No apology required Matt- I hope I have caused no offence myself- to me this forum is about interesting and and hopefully educational debate. I do not take any of it personally at all.

Pangloss- I will create something for the essays forum, though it will take a wee while- I’d rather give it a decent go as it’s an important issue.

Matthew- Options. It depends on the situation. Also, are you talking about the options available to nation states, or to us as individuals? If we are talking about the options for states in re Iraq, there are plenty of options that haven’t been explored. An obvious alternative to war is the French/German/Russian/Chinese position- more extensive inspections. As we saw today, the inspections/containment approach is making progress (Blix called it a “very significant peice of real disarmnament”). (It’s also a lot cheaper to spend 50 million bucks a year on inpections instead of 85 billion [FOX news] on war).

If you want to achieve anything you first have to know what your goal is:

:: do we want to disarm Iraq? (I’m happy with that goal though I think it could be applied to plenty other countries).
:: are we looking for regime change? (I’d love to see this also, but there are issues to consider here- legality for one; state sovereignty is an accepted fundament of international law. There is alo the question of whether there is a suitable regime in Iraq to take over- with different ethnic groups within Iraq this may end in more violence and a total lack of national and regional stability).

I am very concerned that these issues have not been thought through- or at least the solutions have not been presented to the population.

Once you know your outcome you are in a much better position to decide your course of action based on your values. (One of the dangers in debates is that we become too focussed on the most emotive aspects of the debate, and miss out on the opportunity to clarfiy mutual goals and ways of achieving these goals.)

A different approach might include human rights inspectors- this would no doubt have mass public support. The other day on tv I saw that an Iraqi opposition leader had appealled for such inspections, but was told straight off the bat that these would not be acceptable to the states involved (neighbouring states in particular, I believe).

The feeling in the UK is- what’s the rush? The Iraqi army has been emasculated over the past decade and most people simply do not believe that it poses a threat to its neighbours, let alone the UK or US. (I saw a report on claiming that US intelligence claimed that unmanned Iraqi places could launch aerial attacks on US cities- ridiculous. When arguments like this are used it undermines the credibility of legitimate points).

If you believe that it’s a case of “you are with us or against us”, or it’s simply a case of support the US administration or have the world overrun by terrorists, I believe you are making a grave error.

It’s stunning just how the debate is framed by the media. One minor example: Nelson Mandela has offered to go to Baghdad to act as a mediator for peace- how much press coverage did that get?

My alternative solution: Get clear on what is best for the people of Iraq and the global community. This is an extremely delicate and complex issue and must be given full consideration. What sort of government can be effective in a country that has really just been held together by brutality (prior to the reign of the Ba’ath party there were coups d’etats every few years). A change of leadership is required, but it must be done lawfully, and with minumum loss of lives.

Massive international pressure should be brought against Iraq, and Israel (for the two situations are far more closely linked than many people believe). To those who would argue that this has been tried for years via sanctions- the fact is that the sanctions were utterly inhumane (a number of UN officials resigned in disgust at their inhumanity). They weakened the people of Iraq and increased their dependence on the state. UNICEF estimate that 700,000 children have died as a result of the sanctions. (Blair admits this only when he wants to portray war as the humane alternative :confused: ). A much better solution is to allow a middle class to flourish (as it did prior to decades of war and sanctions)- to support the Iraqi people in governing themselves.

To me nothing could be clearer- the case for war has not yet been made. If it does go ahead by the US timetable, the threat of terrorism against Western state will be VASTLY increased- not diminished.

I know this is a fragmented and inaequate response- there are so many aspects to this debate- aspects that have not been given the focus they deserve and as a result people have lost sight of alternative courses of action. But I have 2 websites that need building, and a ticking clock.

Tony Robbins :slight_smile: Yeah- he’s a very cool guy. Real estate sales :laughing: nah- that’s not really what he is about- just how to improve the quality of your life in each area. I’ve been to his seminars and walked over hot coals and stuff. Sounds a bit wierd, but it’s really just to prove a point (you can easily do what you once thought was impossible). What I learned from him did help me get a job I wanted, and to secure funding for my MSc (interview/ rapport skills). I’d recommend him to anyone.

Any comment on these sayings of Mohammed?

(It’s not as though I have not already read both the ‘fundamental’ and ‘liberal’ Muslim inerpretations of these passages; I’m mostly interested in how some of you here would respond. For those who find it hard to believe that Islam would teach wife beating, read This scholarly work on the subject )

…PS, after catching up on this series of posts I’d have to applaud Matt’s argumentation – my two cents,


i’d admit being lazy enough not to have read through all the postins in this thread, however thought it appropriate to “enlighten”, if i may on the label anti-semitic that’s used by most as a political tool …

well …the term anti-semitism was coined in 1879 from the greek words “anti”, meaning “against” and “semite”, meaning a descendant of Shem.

a german theorist wilhelm marr first used it to explain the anti-jewish campaign in europe. in the context of jews, the term finds its right application only during those times when jews, the only semitic community residing in europe, were persecuted.

this old cliché has a one sided application in modern europe and north america, making people ignorant of the fact that arabs are also semitic !

the term is abundantly used by zionists to label people who criticise israeli policies. it is however hypocritical that the same group of accusers consider the usage of grave terms like “islamic terrorism” as freedom of expression

Dear All,

I am happy to share my view with all of you great people here. I am not so knowledgeable person as you are. But from my own understanding of life may I express something here.

First of All we have to learn the followings:

  1. Who is God.
  2. Who we are (as human being).
  3. How we came to this world??
  4. What is our duty during our life in this world.
  5. Are we living only for ourselves??
  6. Is there any motive God created us and also created the whole world
    and other creatures in this earth??
  7. Who is the cause of all destruction??
  8. Who are prophets, Angel, The Holy book etc etc.
  9. With whom we must fight???

Lets now disscuss point by point:

  1. God is the only super power for all the planets who created and maintains everything properly. He is the only one (No alternative of Him). He has no father, no mother, no sister, no brother, no wife, no daughter, no son. He is above of all thinking.

  2. We are the best creation of God and it is said that everything in this world and all other planets and creations only made for the sake of human being. We are the creation of Him who only got the right to think freely. Even Angel also only follow God’s rule and they dont do anything without God’s order. We must thank to God for this.

  3. At first God created us from the clay and gave us life. Everybody knows that. Adam was created first and then Eve. So all the people white, Brown, Black all are from single Parents Adam and Eve. Now we are called different race, color, sect. Dont we find the miracle of God here??? Although we are from Same God but we spreaded like we are completely separate nations although our root is same (Adam and Eve).

  4. Our duty in this world to prepare our life for another life. That is called after world eternal life where there will be no more death. We will be living there according to our good or wrong doing in this world. God never said that we dont enjoy our life here. Or only whole day and night we seat in Church, Pagoda, Mosque etc etc. God allowed us to learn about His world, His creation. And also ask us to earn money, have family, have children etc etc. But what He forbids us we may think He is depriving us but if we really can think proper way we will find that He forbids the thing which is not good for us. But we the people never realize that. Can anybody tell me that any father or mother deprive his/her children not to have anything unless if they dont find any harm of that??? I remember in my chilhood my parents didnt allow me to do many things and at that time I thought they didnt love me. But now I realize that if they would forbid more thing I could be better for this world. Same way with our limited knowledge we may think God doesnt love us and forbids many things but if we really can think ourself we can find the answer that He loves us so why He cares about us too much. He is the most Merciful, Most Kind. So my point of saying God created us and for our sake created other things and gave us everything we need (i.e. The sky, The Sun, The Moon, The Ocean, land, rain, trees, etc etc).

  5. In fact the main teaching is to live ourselves and let other live same way. You know God can forgive everything but will not forgive 1. Anybody make alternative of God (That means to worship other than One God, someone makes father, mother, wife, son, daughter of God). 2. God will not also forgive the person who owes something to other person. Like someone owes money to other, or someone killed others without any cause, or someone speaks ill of other, Someone takes blood of others. Unless the victims pardon the person who owes or tortured or deprived God will not forgive him. At the day of judgment God will take reward (sawab) from that person and will give to the victim and even that person will not have any reward or sawab left, will be taken punishment (Gunah) from the victim. So if we really believe this and follow this we cant make any mistake in our life. In fact this is the point we are in. We cant kill anybody unless our life is in danger or we are in war. God even forbids killing children, women in war time. All these are very deep thought. If we want to learn more about all these we can learn.

  6. God has created us with his own agenda. According to my understanding, He wanted to create someone who should enjoy all sorts of facilites He created in this Universe. So He has chosen the human being to be that creation who will enjoy everything and will freely move with their own thought and glorify God for all these wonderful thing in this universe. Also He wanted to prove who really grateful to Him. Who really follow Him. He loves us so much that He created heaven for us. But He also created Hell because those who are wrong doers must be punished. This is the same pattern we maintain justice and prison in this world. Our judgement has some deffect. But God has no deffect in his judgement. God also said that He gave death and life just to prove who is superior by his good doing or who is worst by his wrong doing as He created the Heaven and The Hell.

  7. In fact Devil is the cause of all destruction. The day the leader of Angel Azazil dishonored God’s command to obey Adam (Peace be upon him) God cursed him and he is known devil (Satan). Devil was the most pious creation of God once upon a time. But as he himself pride too much and thought that he was made of smokeless fire and Adam is made of Clay. So he is superior to Adam. But you know God Almighty is our Creator. He is the owner of everything and Devil didnt follow Him so why he has been thrown out from the Heaven and became Devil. From that time Devil promised to be the enemy of Adam (peace be upon him) and his all children until the last day of this world. So every second of our life we are misguided by Devil. And due to his all good doing in past God has allowed him to be the enemy of Human being. But God also said that he (devil) may try to misguide the human being but every time human being will make any mistake and will come back to God with repentant heart (it has to be real not pretention like hypocrate) God will forgive them. But as I mentioned earlier if we owe something to someone God will not forgive for that but He will help us to get forgiveness from that person who is victim of us.

  8. At first our Father Adam (peace be upon him) and mother Eve were in the Heaven and made mistake misguided by Devil. And have been sent to the earth. And after a period of time and when God accepted Adam’s (peace be upon him) apology, He gave guideline to Adam (AS) to live in this new place (because they were in Heaven and now in earth which is completely new place compared to Heaven. In heaven they didnt need to do anything by their own hand but here on earth everything they had to do their own). So as per God’s guideline Adam and Eve (AS) started duelling on this earth. God also set a time limit that one day this earth will be destroyed and we all will be back to heaven and hell as per our doing at the day of resurrection. You know this devil also never retired but to follow us. Because his promise to misguide us. So he always with us until the last day of this world. So when Adam and Eve (AS) came to this earth the Angel became media between us and God to bring his summons or guideline for us (but in some cases God directly talked with His Prophet i c. Moses-Peace be upon him). Thats the reason Angel is for. To make the whole systems work God created certain Angel for Certain Job. So Adam’s children became growing and spreading all over the earth as God permited us to do so until the last day of this world. In fact human life has certain period. In past during Adam, Noah or Moses time people had lived even 1000 years. But nowadays our average age limit 60-100 years. You can also see the system here. In past this world was very big and population was very small. So people needed longer life and God granted that. Now a days population is more and land is limited so why people live shorter life. Dont we see the work of God here??? If we are wise enough we can find that yes there is one supreme power who understands all the merits and demerits of us so why He acts accordingly; He is God almighty. And the point is that human being has limited life and they die after that but devil got power to live with his children until the last day. So it is same devil who existed from our Father and mother Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) and will be same until the last day of this world. So he is the one who created all the problem for this world. So to protect us from this devil, God has sent guideline through His selected person who is called Prophet. God has sent some prophet only for region and some sent for bigger area. There are may be 124,000 or 224,000 prophet God has sent. But we dont know all the name. Only we can know some. In fact all were not given new guideline. Very few of them had been given guide book and the rest only followed the prevailling book. Like Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad (Peace be upon all them) who had been given guide book through the Angel and this guide book called The Holy Book. In fact from Adam until Mohammad (peace be upon them all) followed the same God and brought us the same basic rule. Thats why ‘Islam’ is not a new religion but this is same like all prophets followed. Because ‘Islam’ means submission to one God. It doesnt mean that Islam means follower of only Mohammad (SA).

If we assume Muslims are the follower of Mohammad (SA), We can see the first lesson is that Muslim must not discriminate between any Prophet( i.e. Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad - Peace be upon all them), the Holy Book ( Turah, Bible, Quran, Psalms etc), the Angel etc etc. If Muslims dont believe in Jesus or Moses or Noah, or Abraham, or Adam or David as messenger of God as they believe in Mohammad (peace be upon all them), they are not muslim and they must believe all the real holy book. In fact they believe all the holy book in its true form. Not changed one.

  1. Now I want to conclude with saying that Devil is our enemy and we must fight only against evil doers and the agent of Devil but not against the human being. At first we should kill the devil we have in our own heart and mind. We must fight with him first. Now a days we dont find our own wrong doing but try to find fault in other.

To me Jihad means to fight with your misdoing first. Learn the good thing and by your behavior people will be convinced who is right and who is wrong. Its not that I impose my own view by force. Only if I myself can show by my virtue what I am doing is really good, people will respect me and when people will respect me, they will love me and when they will love me, they will not harm me.

On the other hand if I show my force or Power then people may show that they love me or they obey me but in heart they off course hate me.

We the Muslim (all believe in one God) must try our best to learn about ourselves and God’s teaching in life and then we can encourage others to do the same. We cant say we are superior and all other are the worst. Then we are the worst and the rest are superior. Remember devil was the most pious creature of God but due to his own pride he become devil and we have to take lesson from there. If we dont learn from that in fact we are rebelling God and it will go all in vain doesnt matter we are Jews, Christian or Muslim. To me I am the worst and the rest is good unless the other certify me that I am good.

I shame all those Muslim brothers (who pretend to be Muslim but in action following devil) who forgot that commiting suicide is a great sin. My question to all those our religious leaders if killing children, innocent civilians or women is allowed under any circumstances??? Even Mohammad (SA) said that in war killing Children, Women is not allowed.

In fact anybody who wants to learn the real teaching of our Prophet Mohammad (SA) they must start from his (Mohammad SA) life style before he became Apostle of God and until his death and also his Khalifa (4 rulers after Prophet’s SA death). Then they will get some picture about Islam. If someone wants to figure out the Islam seeing the lifestyle of today’s Muslim King, Ruller, or individuals it will be wrong then. In fact they have to study about thDear All,

I am happy to share my view with all you great people here. I am not so knowledgable person as you are. But from my own understanding of life May I express something here.

First of All we have to learn the followings:

  1. Who is God.
  2. Who we are (as human being).
  3. How we came to this world??
  4. What is our duty during our life in this world.
  5. Are we living only for ourselves??
  6. Is there any motive God created us and also creat the whole world
    and other creaturs in this earth??
  7. Who is the cause of all destruction??
  8. Who are prophets, Angel, The Holy book etc etc.
  9. With whom we must fight???

Lets now disscuss point by point:

  1. Who is God: God is the only super power for all the planets who created and maintain everything properly. He is the only one (No alternative of Him). He has no father, no mother, no sister, no brother, no wife, no daughter, no son. He is above of all thinking.

  2. Who we are: We are the best creation of God and it is said that everything in this world and all other planets and creations only made for the sake of human being. We are the creation of Him who only got the right to think freely. Even Angel also only follow God’s rule and they dont do anything without God’s order. We must thank to God for this.

  3. How we came to this world: At first God created us from the clay and gave us life. Everybody knows that. Adam was created first and then Eve. So all the people white, Brown, Black all are from single Parents Adam and Eve. Now we are called different race, color, sact. Dont we find the miracle of God here??? Although we are from Same God but we spreaded like we are completely separate nations although our root is same.

  4. Our duty in this world to prepare our life for another life. That is called after world eaternal life where there will be no more death. We will be living there according to our good or wrong doing in this world. God never said that we dont enjoy our life here. Or only whole day and night we seat in Church, Pagoda, Mosque etc etc. God allowed us to learn about His world, His creation. And also ask us to earn money, have family, have children etc etc. But what He forbids us we may think He is depriving us but if we really can think proper way we will find that He forbids the thing which is not good for us. But we the people never realize that. Can anybody tell me that any father or mother deprive his/her children not to have anything unless if they dont find any harm of that??? I remember in my chilhood my parents didnt allow us to do many things and at that time I thought they didnt love me. But now I realize that if they forbidden more thing I could be better for this world. Same way with our limited knowledge we may think God doesnt love us and forbid manythings but if we really can think ourself we can find the answer that He loves us so why He cares about us too much. He is the most Merciful, Most Kind. So my point of saying God created us and for our sake created other things and gave us everything we need (i.e. The sky, The Sun, The Moon, The Ocean, land, rain, trees, etc etc).

  5. In fact the main teaching is to live ourselves and let other live same way. You know God can forgive everything but will not forgive 1. Anybody make alternative of God (That means to worship other than One God, someone makes father, mother, wife, son, daughter of God). 2. God will not also forgive the person who owes something to other person. Like someone owes money to other, or someone killed others without any cause, or someone speaks ill of other, Someone takes blood of others. Unless the victims pardon the person who owes or tortured or deprived God will not forgive him. At the day of judgment God will take reward (sawab) from that person and will give to the victim and even that person will not have any reward or sawab left will be taken punishment (Gunah) from the victim. So if we really beleive this and follow this we cant make any mistake in our life. In fact this is the point we are in. We cant kill anybody unless our life is in danger or we are in war. God even forbids killing children, women in war time. All these are very deep thought. If we want to learn more about all these we can learn.

  6. God has created us to make Himself happy. Because He wanted to create someone who should enjoy all sorts of facilites He created in this Universe. So He has chosen we the human to be that creation who will enjoy everything and will freely move with their own thought and glorify God for all these wonderful thing in this universe. Also He wanted to prove who really grateful to Him. Who really follow Him. He loves us so much that He created heaven for us. But He also created Hell because those who are wrong doers must be punished. This is the same pattern we maintain prison in this world. Our judgement has some deffect. But God has no deffect in his judgement. God also said that He gave death and life just to prove who is superior by his good doing or who is worst by his wrong doing as He created the Heaven and The Hell.

  7. In fact Devil is the cause of all destruction. The day the leader of Angel Azazil dishonor God’s command to obey Adam (Peace be upon him) God curse him and he is known devil (Satan). Devil was the most pious creation of God once upon a time. But as he himself pride too much and thought that he was made of smokeless fire and Adam is made of Clay. So he is superior to Adam. But you know God Almighty is our Creator. He is the owner of everything and Devil didnt follow Him so why he has been thrown out from the Heaven and became Devil. From that time Devil promised to be the enemy of Adam (peace be upon him) and his all children until the last day of this world. So every second of our life we are misguided by Devil. And due to his all good doing in past God has allowed him to be the enemy of Human being. But God also said that he (devil) may try to misguide the human being but every time human being will make any mistake and will come back to God with repantant heart (it has to be real not pretention like hypocrate) God will forgive them. But as I mentioned earlier if we owe something to someone God will not forgive for that but He will help us to get forgiveness from that person who is victim of us.

  8. At first our Father Adam (peace be upon him) and mother Eve were in the Heaven and made mistake misguided by Devil. And has been sent to the earth. And after a period of time and when God accepted Adam’s (peace be upon him) apology He gave guide line to Adam (AS) to live in this new place (because they were in Heaven and now in earth which is completely new place compare to Heaven. In heaven they didnt need to do anything by their own hand but here on earth everything they had to do their own). So as per God’s guideline Adam and Eve (AS) started duelling on this earth. God also set a time limit that one day this earth will be destroyed and we all will be back to heaven and hell as per our doing at the day of resurrection. You know this devil also never retired but to follow us. Because his promise to misguide us. So he always with us until the last day of this world. So when Adam and Eve (AS) came to this earth the Angel become media between us and God to bring his summons or guideline for us (but in some cases God directly talked with His Prophet i c. Moses-Peace be upon him). Thats the reason Angel is for. To make the whole systems work God created certain Angel for Certain Job. So Adam’s children became growing and spreading all over the earth as God permit us to do so until the last day of this world. In fact human life has certain period. In past during Adam, Noah or Moses time people had life even 1000 years. But now a days our average age limit 60-100 years. You can also see the system here. In past this world was very big and population were very small. So people needed longer life and God granted that. Now a days population is more and land is limited so why people live shorter life. Dont we see the work of God here??? If we are wise enough we can find that yes there is one supreme power who understand all the merits and demerits of us so why He acts accordingly He is God almighty. And the point is that human being has limited life and they die after that but devil got power to live with his children until the last day. So it is same devil who existed from our Father and mother Adam and Eve (peace be upon him) and will be same until the last day. So he is the one who created all the problem for this world. So to protect us from this devil God has sent guideline through His selected person who is called Prophet. God has sent some prophet only for region and some sent for bigger area. There are may be 124K or 224K prophet God has sent. But we dont know all the name. Only we can know some. In fact all were not given new guideline. Very few of them had been given guide book and the rest only followed the prevailling book. Like Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad (Peace be upon all them) who had been given guide book through the Angel and this guide book called The Holy Book. In fact from Adam until Mohammad (peace be upon them all) followed the same God and brought us the same rule. Thats why ‘Islam’ is not a new religion but this is same like all prophets followed. Because ‘Islam’ means submission to one God. It doesnt mean that Islam means follower of only Mohammad (SA).

In fact those who are called muslim now a days lets say they are follower of Mohammad (SA). You know our first lesson is that we cant discriminate between any prophet, the Holy Book ( Turah, Bible, Quran, Psalms etc), the Angel etc etc. We dont beleive in Jesus or Moses or Noah, or Abraham, or Adam or David as messenger of God as we beleive in Mohammad (peace be upon all them) we are not muslim and we must beleive all the real holy book. In fact we beleive all the holy book in its true form. Not changed one.

  1. Now I want to conclude with saying that Devil is our enemy and we must fight only evil doers and the agent of Devil not human being. At first we should kill the devil we have in our own heart and mind. We must fight with him first. Now a days we dont find our own wrong doing but try to hit other.

To me Jihad means to fight with your misdoing first. Learn the good thing and by your behavior people will be convinced who is right and who is wrong. Its not that I impose my own view by force. Only if I myself can show by my virtue that what I am doing is really good people will respect me and when people will respect me they will love me and when they will love me they will not harm me.

On the other hand if I show my force or Power then people may show that they love me or they obey me but in heart they offcourse hate me.

We the muslim (all beleive in one God) must try our best to learn about ourself and God’s teaching in life and then we can encourage others to do the same. We cant say we are superior and all other are the worst. Then we are the worst and the rest are superior. Remember devil was the most pious creature of God but due to his own prideness he become devil and we have to take lesson from there. If we dont learn from that in fact we are rebelling God and it will go all in vain doesnt matter we are Jews, Christian or Muslim. To me I am the worst and the rest is good unless the other certify me that I am good.

I shame all those muslim brothers who forgot that comitting suiside is a great sin. My question to all those our religious leaders killing children, innocent civilians or women are allowed under our any circumstances??? Even Mohammad (SA) said that in war killing Children, Women is not allowed.

In fact anybody wants to learn the real teaching of our Prophet Mohammad (SA) they must start from his (Mohammad SA) life style before he became Apostle of God and until his death and also his Khalifa (4 rulers after Prophet’s SA death). Then they will get some picture about Islam. Also we the Muslim society must learn from our Phophet life and Khalifa’s (early rullers) life and real teaching of this religion and then no one can raise the finger to us.

Moreover its not Islam’s fault what Devil followers are doing (i.e. Muslim, Christian, Jews, Hindu etc all can be devil followers because devil is enemy of Adam’s children). Can anyone show me that the Holy Quran ordered to commit suicide and also to kill someone without any cause?? I mean Holy war means if I fight against someone abstaining me to follow my religion and to do any good for the mankind etc etc. But it must be when someone is coming with his force to stop me from doing the above. That means this must be the last resort.

In fact we the Muslim, Christian, Jews or any other religion followers dont know the foundation of our own religion thats the reason we misunderstand each other. Ignorance is the enemy of human being and the friend of Devil. So we must learn first about our own religion and then we should learn about others to find the truth. We shouldnt say I am right and you are wrong. Only we can prove this with our action.

Lets not fight but prove ourselves by our actioni that we are right. If so others will accept that and will follow the path. We cant force others to comply to our ways.

May God bless us all and lets work for the sake of peace and defeat devil and his followers for the sake of our own benefit.

At the end I do apologize to take your long time and in case I made any mistake in this article.

Brotherly yours

Slave of God and your one brother
