The Dark Energy and the Vacuum.

The Dark Energy and the Vacuum.

“Dark energy, this mysterious stuff in the vacuum of space
which makes the universe want to accelerate, is the basis
for standard cosmology today because it explains much
of what we see,”
/ Research by Dr David Wiltshire, from
New Zealand’s University of Canterbury /.

Tony Bermanseder <PACIFICAP@… .> wrote:
‘ May the Dark Energy bathe you in its mysterious
light of darkness and illuminate your skeptical minds.
. . . . . . .
…the Dark Energy is INTRINSIC to the spacetime structure.’
============= . .
My opinion.
‘…the Dark Energy is INTRINSIC to the spacetime structure.’
‘the spacetime structure ‘ is Vacuum.
The Dark Energy is INTRINSIC to the Vacuum.
Vacuum is not a died space, but according to Quantum Theory
Vacuum is some kind of Energetic Structure/ Space.
The Energetic Vacuum itself is ‘ The Dark Energy ‘.
The physicists only invent new word ‘Dark Energy ‘ instead of
simple to say ‘ ENERGETIC VACUUM ’.
========== . .

If somebody belief in “ big bang” he must take in calculation
that T=2,7K expands and therefore T=2,7K is temporary
parameter and with time it will go to T=0K.

Dark energy may be vacuum … 011607.php

Sakharov’s induced gravity: a modern perspective
Authors: Matt Visser (Washington University in Saint Louis)
(Submitted on 19 Apr 2002)
Abstract: Sakharov’s 1967 notion of induced gravity'' is currently enjoying a significant resurgence. The basic idea, originally presented in a very brief 3-page paper with a total of 4 formulas, is that gravit is not fundamental’’ in the sense of particle physics. Instead it was
argued that gravity (general relativity) emerges from quantum field
theory in roughly the same sense that hydrodynamics or continuum
elasticity theory emerges from molecular physics. In this article I will
translate the key ideas into modern language, and explain the various
versions of Sakharov’s idea currently on the market.

When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum, that endless
infinite void. … everything
================ . .
Please, have patience and wait “when the next revolution rocks physics.”
============== . .

" The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
of something more complex? "
/ Paul Dirac ./
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.
The Dark Energy and the Vacuum.

“Dark energy, this mysterious stuff in the vacuum of space
which makes the universe want to accelerate, is the basis
for standard cosmology today because it explains much
of what we see,”
/ Research by Dr David Wiltshire, from
New Zealand’s University of Canterbury /.

Tony Bermanseder <PACIFICAP@… .> wrote:
‘ May the Dark Energy bathe you in its mysterious
light of darkness and illuminate your skeptical minds.
. . . . . . .
…the Dark Energy is INTRINSIC to the spacetime structure.’
============= . .
My opinion.
‘…the Dark Energy is INTRINSIC to the spacetime structure.’
‘the spacetime structure ‘ is Vacuum.
The Dark Energy is INTRINSIC to the Vacuum.
Vacuum is not a died space, but according to Quantum Theory
Vacuum is some kind of Energetic Structure/ Space.
The Energetic Vacuum itself is ‘ The Dark Energy ‘.
The physicists only invent new word ‘Dark Energy ‘ instead of
simple to say ‘ ENERGETIC VACUUM ’.
========== . .

If somebody belief in “ big bang” he must take in calculation
that T=2,7K expands and therefore T=2,7K is temporary
parameter and with time it will go to T=0K.

Dark energy may be vacuum … 011607.php

Sakharov’s induced gravity: a modern perspective
Authors: Matt Visser (Washington University in Saint Louis)
(Submitted on 19 Apr 2002)
Abstract: Sakharov’s 1967 notion of induced gravity'' is currently enjoying a significant resurgence. The basic idea, originally presented in a very brief 3-page paper with a total of 4 formulas, is that gravit is not fundamental’’ in the sense of particle physics. Instead it was
argued that gravity (general relativity) emerges from quantum field
theory in roughly the same sense that hydrodynamics or continuum
elasticity theory emerges from molecular physics. In this article I will
translate the key ideas into modern language, and explain the various
versions of Sakharov’s idea currently on the market.

When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum, that endless
infinite void. … everything
================ . .
Please, have patience and wait “when the next revolution rocks physics.”
============== . .

" The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
of something more complex? "
/ Paul Dirac ./
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.