The De-sexualisation Pill

If there was a pill that removes sexual feelings and desires, would you take one? I’m coming to think that such a pill would be ideal for me. Sexual thoughts are a constant distraction for me, and even though there’s pleasure attached to them, pleasure can be procured by other means and in other ways, and if truth be told the sexual pleasures aren’t that strong anyway.

Withouth sexual feelings, a man can persue his hobbies and interests undistracted. He is freed up from the terrible “mission” of having to gratify himself, and is immune to sexual blackmail and manipulation. There is still much pleasure for him in life, cleaner pleasure too.

The reaction “but I’d miss out on sex and flirting!” is deluded. The absence of sexuality will mean that you don’t desire them, and the pleasure you’d miss out on can be had elsewhere.

I’d be better off without sexuality, and so would you, probably.

They do have such a product. It is normally administered to child molesters. I am sure you could find some if you really wanted.

Me? I’d rather harmonize with my desires rather than remove them.

You mean chemical castration, or something similar? I thought that merely takes away sexual powers, leaving feelings behind, albeit weakened.

And if harmonisation can’t be attained?

I believe that they have a pill that is reversible now. Though most anti-depressants should also pretty much have that effect.

As for harmony being impossible, meh, I’ve always been somewhat opposed to chemical solutions to moral problems. Clockwork Orange and all that. Promoting virtue by removing temptation has rarely proven an effective strategy in the long run.

Try finding a community of some sort that will either help you deal with the issues or help you find a way to sublimate them. Or, depending on age, wait a few years.

No, I’m alright just the way I am… Thanks, though.

I’d get a whole bunch of it and put it into the drinks of all the guys at a party leaving no one but myself to pleasure the hos.


Just no.

Those urges just make everything seem so much more worth it… come on expectations don’t fail me now!

I’ve always wondered about the moral implications of this idea. I think that it would be a greater feat to calm sexual urges and constantly face them than to take a pill to solve everything, although I think it’s completely fine to do such a thing there too. I would not do such a thing though because I like the challenge of controlling my sexuality.

I have always found that when my libido waned then so did all of my other active desires. Likewise when I have experienced a severe loss of appetite then I also lost the “appetite” to seek out any kind of pleasure.
I suspect that all of desire is entangled together in a single web and one cannot selectively diminish any region in that network without also diminishing all of them to some degree.