Our existence is a subjective existence. All of us have some background or a weltanschauung through which we interpret the world. Choosing to be objective is a subjective choice. Being objective is the willingness to accept contrary views that might seem bothersome and eventually make them your own subjective views. But people put their own values on things and views, come up with their own predictions about how they will effect the future, and even on the idea of being objective itself. If the choice to be objective is going to mentally and physically damage someone and endanger the person’s life, because for whatever reason they cannot digest certain views, is not the rational thing to do, to stay healthy, to stay happy and to live longer, to drop the choice to be objective? You must protect yourself from the iniquitous doctrines of vipers and protect your own soul, or else as you find yourself decaying, you might want to destroy the world.
Some people consciously or subconsciously want to destroy science because it constricts the field of beliefs we are “allowed” to hold. With the scientific method applied to all fields of human knowledge, everywhere you look certain beliefs are deemed heretical. Philosophy might be able to boil down arguments to assumptions that can be rejected, because they can’t be proven, but these days many are seen as pretentious quacks if they don’t at least accept much of the current scientific paradigmatic consensus.
Science has a materialistic bias. It is a great destroyer of worlds. It is the great declarer of meaningless. It is the great nihilater in many ways. It throws people into the void and is very cold. Our science leads to death, though it may give the illusion that it leads to life, a long life of nothingness, worthlessness. You know you have real science when it sounds dismal, cold and non-compassionate like economics seems to be. At the bottom, substructure, everything has costs and if costs are ignored things eventually fall due to their weak foundations. And thus as the evolutionist get worked into a fenzy over creationists, the economists get worked into a frenzy of a new breed of creationists, the economic creationist. Morality is the foundation of this creationist just like the others.
Let the lovers of science scoff at them both and call them both heretical and push them into the ground and step all over them and steal their children, destroy their traditons, and set up a new alter, new idols, and a new brand of priests, the dark priests of entropy with the specialized knowledge of the workings of the universe.
So, what can we do? It’s all nice and find if you have no problem accepting all of this, but some people are just physically unable or at least it may take a long time until they can. Is it time for medication to alter the brain chemistry of the masses of these type of people? shall we call them abnormal and give a name to their psychological problem? we can’t kill them because we need them for our purposes of creating the ideal society. Iillimitable progress. March march march my peoples. What? you don’t accept? I’m afraid that you are just a bit outdated sir. I don’t care if you think these things already happened numerous times over again throughout history. History is old news. Throw it to the flames.
You are getting very weary. Ah, I can’t wait until every last one of you is subdued or gone forevermore. That would be the most wonderful, final solution to all our problems.
Sleep now