The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Funding two world wars caused crippling economic debt, not sure what the fuck that has to do with anything.

Probably just means we know a colonialist asshole when we see one.

You can stop acting like a twat if you like but no.

Seinfeld and Ellen are indeed painfully unfunny, and almost make me depressed watching them. Then I flip over and find friends, well friends with 2 slightly different people and 2 more slightly different friends and I come to the conclusion that there is merely an autobot2000 writing all American comedy.

WTF happened, you used to write decent comedy now its all just the same old shit repackaged as the same old shit. Sometimes I just think the real writers died 30 years ago and studio execs have been fevourishly fishing through their bins looking for material ever since. Which means all they find is the stuff they rejected and then get fucking Doogie Howser to play friend 2. :laughing:

Friends? The sitcom Friends? I’ve been to secret meetings with masonic shapeshifters that were funnier.

But perhaps I have said too much.

But then every comedy is 2 people and 2 more people who are friends, and who get into some funny situations whilst or after drinking coffee.

That’s it that’s every American comedy for the last 20 years. If you don’t like friends, there’s no alternative comedy except in cartoons.

Lighten up, Francis.

What kind of conversation were you expecting? You throw out half-assed generalities lambasting my country and you expect…what, exactly? I noted that my observations based on my experience were nothing like what you’ve described and that’s all I wanted to say (along with proposing a theory as to what’s really behind the lambasting).

You’re very wrong, in my estimation, and there’s really nothing more to say than that. Now go run off and call somebody else a twat.

No I think I’m done calling people twats for today, you asked why people dislike America and intimated that the whole world is just jealous of how fucking wonderful your egotistical nationalistic country is, you didn’t like the answer because secretly you’d love to believe anyone could be jealous of you, but the problem is everyone thinks your country is kind of the Joke country of the developed world who got rolled over by China and has been royally screwed by a series of incompetent idiot presidents. Not my problem though. Go back to believing the whole world is just US wannabes if you want, if its comforting to believe obvious falsehoods, knock yourself out.

The real reason you are so widely disliked, by so many countries is all of the above though, undoubtedly.

Arrogance, delusions of grandeur, and false pride though is seldom all that flattering, trust me.


I didn’t mean you as in you. :unamused:

Americans can’t even fricking speak English properly, don’t get irony, I think you have to start paying attention to what the rest of the world says for once.

Most countries really dislike you, some just mildly dislike you and some utterly loathe you atm, this is because of you, your actions, and your lack of respect for anything you sign or agree to, or any country but your own. no one likes a count
ry that acts like a count. You want to see it through rose tinted spectacles fine, but spare us your confabulations.

I’m sure wherever you go in the world everyone sucks your cock and pretends the sun shines out of your arse, that’s kinda what happens when you are in the customer service industry though. What people really think is likely to be very different.

Most people though don’t hate Americans as in hate people individually, they are aware that most of the fault for your decline in both wealth and popularity is due to piss poor excuses for leaders.

It would be polite not to use eye roll, when you have put forward a statemen that could be misunderstood, further it would be nice if you could specify to whom you talk, instead of useing genral terms. Replace “you” with a better and more accurate word please, that would allow other people like myself, to better drop in to a discussion, instead of wasting time to find out about what/whom you are talking to/about.

Er not my problem. I explained, if you don’t like it take it to the judge. By which I mean you as in you personal pronoun denoting a single person as opposed to the more formal forum you that refers to a group of people or the OP or topic generally.

It would be polite not to use eyeroll? :unamused:

Oh. You meant me as in “one of those Americans.”

I see.

No not really but never mind.

Calrid - one of the problems you are having is that you have never been to America. TV in america is lame, to say the least. Besides Two and a Half Men, I don’t know of a funny sitcom on US television.

The thing about Seinfeld is that it’s a very american jewish “You never get away with anything” type of thing.

A synopsis of part of one episode - "Jerry’s arch-enemy, Newman, catches Jerry and his current girlfriend making out during “Schindler’s List.”

Just that line is funny, if you like american self-hating jewish humor. It’s not if you don’t.

I don’t think people hate the US because of its television. It’s amazing and frankly puzzling to me just how widespread the distribution of american TV is. The facts seem to be working against you, here.

Many foreigners, in my experience, hate the US until they get here. Until they see Walmart. Or the mind-boggling amount of open space. Or until they experience some of the basic freedoms we have. And this not just from people from third-world hellholes.

When a friend from the Netherlands visited me, he was impressed by the fact that we could have an open fire in the backyard. I love campfires. Can’t have them where he lives. On forums, I hear a lot of people from Britain complain that they can’t have guns, or most of the knives we have here. I have both - I have never shot or stabbed anyone, by the way. Friends from Romania marvel at the array of consumer goods we have available, at prices that are unheard of over there.

America is and always has been something of a noncountry. While we have been restrictive lately with immigration (in a way - in a way we have not), america will always belong to the world. We are you. If we lack an identity, it’s okay. And we’re very materialistic - how could we not be? From the beginning, people came here for political freedom and economic opportunity. But it was you who came here.

My maternal ancestors were English - mostly Manx. Mongrels. Methodists. Poor people. My paternal grandparents from Italy - peasants. Shoemakers. Socialists, protestants, anarchists. They couldn’t flourish in Italy. They did, here. That’s what we are. We are not cultural geniuses like the Czechs. Nor geopolitical giants like Churchill. We have never had a Churchill, and we may never have a Churchill. We’re not artistic geniuses like the Russians or the French - but we were a place to thrive when the War started or the artists of St Petersburg truly were starving.

We are what we are. We’re good at what we’re good at. We can make decent wine now, which we couldn’t even forty years ago. We’re not as arrogant as we are ignorant and uncaring. We’re superficial, mercurial and materialistic. But the american dream is still very much alive. People still come here from nothing and nowhere and make fortunes. That’s what we are.


sniv i think you and cal should come clean.

the english speaking countries need each other bad.
lets forget the european union for now.
cal–how can england help the usa.
sniv----how can the usa help england.
turt(arent i a nice reptile)

I don’t hate the US, I hate their leaders.

It’s hard to hate a nation you identify with so much and its people accordingly. Some of my best friends are from the US. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are what you are and you are good at being what you are, your government is good at representing what you are not. I hope you get over that stumbling block.

I really don’t have a personal grudge against any person or people therein, although the whole arrogant asshole thing is kinda wearing thin. What I do have a problem with is morons who run their country into the ground because they are self righteous cocktards and they smell of sulphur. :wink:

Luckily the US is learning the hard way that not everyone is in it for the greater good no matter how patriotic they seem, some people are just twats.

Criticise everything about politics if it is a sink hole, because that is that is the only true democracy.

“Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!”

Albert Einstein

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.”

George Washington

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron."

Dwight D. Eisenhower, speech, American Society of Newspaper Editors, 16 April 1953

“Do not… regard the critics as questionable patriots. What were Washington and Jefferson and Adams but profound critics of the colonial status quo?”

Adalai Stephenson.

“Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and excusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may.”

Mark Twain

Dismiss them as trite or way behind your values, but they were true patriots not sheep.

“What is most important for democracy is not that great fortunes should not exist, but that great fortunes should not remain in the same hands. In that way there are rich men, but they do not form a class.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

I would change this quote from they do not form a class to they do not have any class.

I’m highlighting why the world distrusts America and why it is currently so unpopular not trying to establish that my country is all that popular. Wouldn’t even try I know we’re not that popular, but not in the same league as the US atm.

Ultimately I think we are quite similar. I see more of the blame on them because I know more about them. I do not (try to) place all of them blame on them.

Meh. We can return to this. I’m going to think all this over for the time being, though.



The planes came yesterday. They sprayed. I couldn’t get inside in time.

God bless America.