The Degeneration of the Human Race

In some sense, the human race is evolving faster than any other species and in another sense it is devolving. Being aware of the process of evolution puts us at a great advantage. Even though we are aware of this I still think we fail to realize it’s full potential for progressing the human race. Sadly, The only field the human race has come to consensus on (for the most part) to really push ourselves is logic. The schooling system for the most part teaches us to think logically and straightfoward. But this is only a small portion of our full potential as brain oriented (for lack of a better term) beings. We need to realize the full capability of the brain and start making unmade connections.

As far as devolution goes, it is happening both mentally AND physically. In regards to the mental aspect, it is present because of our onesideness type of thinking. Restricting ourselves to logically thinking can only create more of a tendencey to that type of thinking for future generations. As this snowball effect takes place, making any other kind connections outside the realm of logic will become near impossible.

The physical degeneration is more prevelant and visible than anything. As soon as any sort of problem occurs in the body, we naturally pump ourselves full of medicine. We act so quickly with this medicine that our body has not time to “realize” the sickness. Because of this, the body does not even have a chance to fight it off and naturally build up an immunity. By ignoring the capability of our immune system it becomes weaker and weaker. It’s the same way with allegeries. They say most allegeries are caused by lack of exposure to the substance. If your body never gets exposed to the substance, it does not know what to do with it so it just ignores it because it doesn’t think it’s a threat.

It’s ironic that we are the only species that are aware of evolution and yet we do nothing to benefit ourselves as a whole. The evolution of other species is taken care of by nature. As soon as the majority of humans became civilized, nature became less and less of a factor especially in regards to evolution. Because nature no longer has an impact on us, we need to take matters into our own hands. We must take this great knowledge we have discovered and use it to its full potential. As soon as humans start exploring all regions of the brain without emphasis on one type of thinking, we will become more wholistic thinkers. This type of thinking can only benefit us. Solutions to problems will only become more obvious. I can understand the physical degeneration so long as we are sacrficing it to push our mental capabilitites to the limits but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

“Evolution” is another word for self-righteous or glorified forms of change.

Or, it puts a minority of “us” into a state of farther self-righteousness, which gives “us” a sense of progressing superiority. “Evolution” has also destroyed countless millions of older morphologies and older forms of genetic uniqueness.

Becoming more robotic and linear? Becoming uniform? Isn’t that the [false] essence of utopia? Isn’t that “perfect”?

Humans have always been one-sided, haven’t they? My goodness, today is the time of logistic bounty. We have access to much more mental stimulations now. But those may just be the same old poisons as before.

[size=150]Allergies[/size] = sensativity, irritation, over-reaction, over-burdon = trauma, shock, super-exposure, over-exposure.

Immune-system strength depends upon the strength of other organs. An overly-toxic enviroment weakens these systems down so that the immune-system also becomes weak. Cancers are mainly the side-effect of over-toxicity, for example. And over-toxicity is not the result of “never gets exposed tot he substance”. You wouldn’t believe how many nasty substances you’re exposed to every day.

You obviously want humanity to move into a state of completeness. But other parts of humanity don’t want this. They in-advertantly work towards the opposite of completeness. They are half-parasite, half-cannibal. Just think of how much human damage is caused by the human towards the human. That’s anything but a progressive “evolution”, and yet, that behavior itself “evolved”; it has not always been, has it?

Only in terms of human evolution. But what’s wrong with that? Shouldn’t we want to be perfectly fit for our environment? Or even take it to the next level and be one step ahead of the game. We could be so fit that we are ready for anything that nature throws at us.

That’s what we’re conditioned to believe. That’s what I’m arguing though, that we need to free ourselves from that kind of thinking. Don’t limit ourselves to any one form but embrace the whole.

Yes, but now more than ever we have the ability to change that.

The theory is still being disputed but it makes perfect sense in my book.

Yes, I think in a sense this type of behavior has always existed. It’s survival of the fittest to an extent. Humans will do anything to help themselves firstly and once they are content with their state they will think of others. Even if helping themselves harms someone else, they will still do it. But in my opinion, we should move past this state of primitive thinking. Humans for the most part live a very content lifestyle. Those living a priveliged or content lifestyle should sacrafice something to help others living a troubled lifestyle.