I have heard the following two statements numerous times but I often blew them off as conspiracy theories. But the more I think about, the more I believe them.
Stem cell research poses a major threat to the drug industry because if certain cures were found, they would lose business.
The drug industry is like any other business in that in only seeks a profit. They would rather prevent a cure because their drug treatment would be the less effective.
What do you think the validity of these two statements are? How far do you think the drug industry would go to prevent cures? Do you think the government (ie Bush and Republicans against Stem Cell Research) is involved in such an outrageous crime?
In my opinion, if the drug industry would go this far to put morals over money (or any company for that matter), then America has officially gone down the shitter. If this is true, I am frickin’ outraged! I cannot believe someone can go on living knowing they could have prevented thousands of deaths but instead they would rather make money. Ugh. This disgusts me.[/i]
I used to work for one of the big pharmas and there were constant rumours that they’d cured asthma, but it wasn’t profitable to sell it so they’d fixed the trials to kill the cure.
These same stories, in different guises, surface again and again.
You’re wrong in thinking that companies won’t put money over morality (I assume you made a typo earlier). There’s a great program someone did where they psychoanalyzed companies (one of Gobbo’s other points that companies are considered a ‘person’, which is true in virtually every modern country, it’s required to make the law work correctly). They turned out to be psychopaths.
The main reason is because no individual feels like they have personal responsibility for the actions the company is taking. All you have to do to see a good example of this is find out how cigarette companies found out they were killing their customers.
This could be viewed as a truism. The fact is that the prevailing “moralists” are the ones leading the charge against stem cell research, and their ties to the corporate entities are well known.
Right idea, wrong conclusion. If stem cell research were given the precedence of fiduciary support and proper research attention, it is highly likely that many of the conditions that assail humanity could be alleviated or soundly defeated.
This doesn’t limit drug treatment, it would likely obviate it, in the greater use of society.
Modern medicine has little to nothing to do with curing illness. It is more a matter of creating the dependencies that promote greater chemical usage. Thereby enabling more drug creation that promotes as much, if not more, havoc for the body than the ailment or disease of affliction.
There are no conspiracies, there are only standards of human behavior.
Welcome to the highest order of human aberrance: avarice.
Some of the heads of these companies must feel some sort of guilt. Individually, they may not take total responsibility but their actions along with their associates are destroying this country. My question is, if it’s so obvious what some of these companies are doing, why doesn’t the government step in? Or are they in on it too?
Yo Mustard, haha just kidding…Mastriani,
I know stem cell research is a hot topic, and that’s for a whole new post (I am for it by the way). But if these moralists have such strong ties and influence on these companies, why aren’t they preventing some of the other horrible actions?
So is this the leading cause for preventing stem cell research? And I agree with your medicinal dependency bit. Medicine is destroys the immune system and the physical strength of humans. The weaker the immune system then the more susceptible one is to dieseases thus creating a dependence on drug treatment.
Pharmaceutical companies are largely…unnecessary. The problem is, they fund the medical schools, and they fund the politicians and government enterprises…so the paradigm that they set is the one that spreads.
-Organic vegetables only need to be 70% organic to be labeled as such.
-Splenda and aspartame were originally intended to be insecticides.
-Gluten and refined flours make a paste in your body and clog your system.
-Dairy and stuff are largely undigestible by the human system
-Flu vaccines are a hoax…don’t risk it.
-The government forbids grocery stores from advertising the health benefits of fruits/vegetables
-MSG causes cancer, sudden/spontaneous cardiac arrests, and the like…but it is used/hidden in EVERYTHING. I don’t even eat at restaurants any more because of it.
The true reason for the halt on stem-cell research is because of the true nature of DNA – a truth that’s going to be coming into the public realm quite soon.
Big Pharma companies are looking for money. There is no real empathetic morality anywhere in their approach.
I mean… like google ‘ibogaine’ and you’ll see an ideal example. It’s the perfect drug for addicts but you’ve never heard of it because as you’ll see – it works too well.
So why hasn’t some other company come along and proposed drugs like that (ibogaine)? Isn’t that what captitalism is all about, a free market? Isn’t it supposed to present the consumer with the best available choice at the time? Personally, I think the government is somehow involved with this charade. Fuck politics…they just make things more complicated.
Well, the pharma industry -is- the gov’t in large part.
As for Ibogaine, i wouldn’t be surprised if someone picked it up and tried to make it work economically (which it could… ) but much of capitalism is run by aging old fucks who watch the wonder years and have hairy ears. I’m not sure exactly as to how they would market it so as to actually make money (you take it once and you’re cured from any addiction – no withdrawl)* but it’s definitely possible
It does entail a 36 hour introspective drug trip – but hey, beats projectile vomiting!
Of course big pharma is willing to prevent cures- just like our politicians with oil company ties stunted efforts into developing alternative fuel sources- it is the nature of our corporate state-protected capitalist economic system.
As a minor personal example: I cured my acne by switching to a whole foods diet. I didn’t need antibiotics, or harsh chemical washes, I enabled my body to heal itself the way it was meant to. Acne is an external manifestation of an internal disease- a build up of toxins and hormones that accumulate up to the point where your liver cannot detoxify these chemicals and must expel them through your skin. But does the medical industry treat it as such? Of course not, this would not be conducive to profits.
If this occurs with acne, it does not take a leap of faith for me to believe it happens on all levels of modern disease, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc., as corporate entities do not differentiate between the severity of diseases- they only differentiate between profits.