The earth contrasted to the universe.

If the Earth was supposed to be the most important planet in the entire universe (the one for God to house his children), then why did he create the entire universe around it?

Genesis 1:14
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons.

Why are there so many billions that we can’t see, and only found through powerful teloscopes?

For breathing room?

To encourage us to build telescopes?

So he creates what seems to be an infinite amount of space, that we can’t seem to go into at all, merely so that we can have what you call “breathing room,” something that we could have had by him making, quite simply, a bigger planet?

Chances are, there is life on other planets.

Why would there need to be if we were created as his children?

They are his children too?

I thought God created us (humans, and only humans) in his own metaphysical image, and that’s why we are so special.

What made you think that? In Matthew 3:9 Jesus says “I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children…”

I’m ignorant, so can’t understand what that has to do with what I was talking about.

God created humans in his image (whatever that means). He did it once why can’t he do it again? Whenever, where ever?

Because if he created us in his own image, then any other extra-terrestrial life that he created would both metaphysically and physically look pretty much exactly like us. And why would he create another species to be like him/us?

What does “in his own image” mean? What would it mean if the ETs were “metaphysically” like us? Even if the ETs did look like us, the conditions on the planets could be vastly different. Maybe it’s like a huge experiment to see what autonomous living beings will do under different conditions. God chose to keep the planets far enough apart to allow evolutionary development to reach a high stage before the beings encounter each other. Otherwise they would kill each other before the experiment got interesting.