Peter Kropotkin"
K: remarkably low standard you have there.
Kindof reminds of the doctor who tells a dying patient
how great the broken arm is coming along, nevermind
the patient is within days of dying, the broken arm is
doing great. Thus missing the essential point as you notice
one small part and miss the essential point. Terrorism is
up in the world and so is the number of deaths. It is just a matter
of time before they hit here again and still we are wasting time
in Iraq. Your stay and pray policy is doomed to failure
because there is no plan to win the peace, no exit plan, no
plan of any kind, that is quite clear. Just throw money
at halliburton and pray it solves the Iraq issue.
IMP: have you not been watching the news? damn, bush foiled another one… just imagine if the aclu was working in england…"
K: bush didn’t do jack, it was the brits, in case you didn’t notice.
and all the white house did was try to make sick political
points from it.
IMP: when did they hit san fran? your idea of failure is laughable"
K:I don’t have to create a pretend issue to
divert attention from the fact this administration has
failed miserable.
IM" “no, you have to show the terrorists winning if you claim bush is losing. you haven’t shown anything”
K: terrorism is gaining around the world, over 11,000 attacks
last year and a record numbers of deaths. If the number was
going down then maybe, you might have an argument, but
if the number of terrorist attacks go up, then the policies
are failing.
The national counter-terrorism center. NTC.
As a PDF, the world wide report about terrorism.
Over 11,000 terrorist attacks last year, up by about
600 from 2004. If terror attacks are up world wide,
then the government has failed. It is that simple.
IMP: nice try to divert. when did they hit san fran?"
K: a total non-issue. You can create proof from a negative.
I haven’t died yet, so by that standard,
I am never going to die. Same thing about hitting san fran.
IMP: wake up. show all these successful attacks on america. you can’t? then bush wins."
K: again, I know this will come as a surprise to you, but
we are not the only country in the world. If england is hit,
that is as good as a hit in NY or SF. We are tied to the hip,
for better or worse.
K: We have achieved absolutely nothing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Taliban is back and controls more then 50% of Afghanistan.
IMP: proof?
K: bbc news. article titled “Afghanistan Taliban’s second coming”.
IMP:that isn’t proof. karzai is still in control"
K: Karzai is in control of Kandahar and thats about it.
The rest of the country is beyond his control. It would
be like saying the village idiot is in control of the U.S.
by being in control of Washington dc and nothing else.
IMP: hardly."
K: Yes, Karzai has control of Kandahar and thats it.
He controls nothing else in that country. Warlords and
the taliban control the rest. It doesn’t matter if you believe
or not, that a fact jack.
K: Iraq is quite clearly in a civil war, the only people who can’t admit
it, is the current village idiot and his administration.
IMP: “proof?”
K: Just about any newspaper listed last week news conference
with rummy and two generals and the two generals
admitted that Iraq is in civil war.
IMP: a “civil war” with one side being comprized of iranians?"
K: nope, again try reading a newspaper once in a while.
It is a sectarian (religious) civil war, Iran supports one
faction of Islam and hopes to export that faction all over
the world, but the factions in Iraq are Iraqi religious
sects fighting each, there is actually little need for Iran to enter
the conflict, because it is going quite nicely for them.
IMP: “that isn’t proof”
K: Look in the paper tomorrow and see how many people
died in Iraq. People who died in sectarian violence.
Once again, believe or not, but over 100 people will die
today in Iraq from sectarian violence. That my friend is
civil war. The facts speak for themselves. I am sorry you
don’t see, but the day after tomorrow, another 100 people
will die from more sectarian violence, just another day
in the ongoing civil war. 100 people dying from a civil war
is pretty clear proof, but hay, if you feel its so safe and wonderful
I suggest you visit it. I will happily pay for you to travel to
Iraq and spend your vacation there. Deal? Two weeks paid
vacation in that wonderful vacation spot of Iraq. Can you turn
that down if it was so cosy and wonderful.
K: This massive failure of this administration is undeniable
and criminal. The war policy has failed. Do you continue
policies that have clearly failed? If you do, the bush
white house has a job for you.
IMP: proof?"
K:I have listed many failures of the village idiot, the war
policy of stay and pray is among them.
The war profiteering is another. A criminal offense is the
disappearance of 10 billion dollars in Iraq. Just gone.
No where to be seen. If I allowed 100 bucks to vanish
in my transport of library money, I would have been fired
and prosecuted. So why a double standard for 10 billion bucks?
IMP: you have not proven anything. you need evidence for that. you have no evidence, just political innuendo, slander and name calling."
K: 10 billion is gone. Now if congress would do their job
of oversight we would have already had the impeachment of bush,
but the GOPhers are afraid of the truth, that this president is
not only a crook but an incompetent crook. But nov will
help return congress to its rightful role of oversight.
K: I am less interesting in revolution and more interested in
a president who actually follows the law, instead of
breaking 20+ laws.
IMP: " proof? show me the evidence. show me the laws. details mr prosecutor. details."
K: The ABA in the last two weeks said the village idiot
use of signing statement was a clear violation
of both the law and the constitution. His illegal wiretapping
without use of a warrant violate several different laws and
the constitution, his use of torture violated the Geneva
convention which violate the law so say the UNITED STATES
SUPREME COURT. But the GOPhers have no interest in
obeying the laws. They have interested in seeing
haliburton and other sleazy businesses get rich.
Congress has been criminally in its dereliction
in its constitutional duty for oversight of the president.
But this upcoming election has a chance to return
congress to its rightful role of overseeing the president.
IMP: all that is in democRAT talking points. not proof. case dismissed."
K: what part of the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT did you not
get? It said, bush violated the law and the Geneva convention.
That is not a talking point, that is a fact supported by the
SUPEREME COURT. A very right wing institution right now
by the way.
K: the revolution has already begun with the 3 incumbents losing
yesterday. More on the chopping block in Nov.
In nov, it will be a democratic congress. And oh my,
won’t that be fun.
IMP: but have no fear, the party of pull out now and surrender will win nothing. 10% of the far left fringe have corrupted the democRAT party in a few places. I truly hope michael moore’s promise of jihad against democrats who supported the war comes true.
K: Actually so do I. We need to get rid of those who believe
in the failed “stay and pray” policy.
IMP: LMAO. great, vote for the party of cowards. america will not"
K: we are not the chicken hawk party of the GOP.
We don’t stay and pray, and we aren’t gutless cowards.
IMP: it will be a very simple choice. vote for defense or for the party of pull out and surrender. you can vote with the cowards all you like. america is smarter than that.
K: I am far braver then you are riiiiight… and far braver then the chicken
hawks of this administration. They hid from duty when it called and
then sent people to die when they can hide behind a desk in
Washington. Kerry served and gore served in Vietnam.
bush hid, Chaney hid, rummy hid, wolfowitz hid,
they all hid when given a chance to serve. They are chickenhawks.
It easy to be brave behind a desk in Washington. GOPhers
are truly gutless cowards.
IMP: gore hid behind his body guards and kerry injured himself to get out early. but that’s beside the point, your name calling isn’t going to help. the party of appeasement, cut run and surrender is finished. did you read the latest poll on that link I provided? that’s how november will go. sorry, but the americans are not cowards and the war escalates into iran, the shits hit the fan, and the democRATS grab their ankles… sing your hippy love commie totalitarian socialist slavery anthems and watch the world roll over your ass.a"
K: I had friends in Vietnam and unless you were a general, nobody
had body guards. Kerry got hurt, so what, over 55,000 soldiers
died and over 200,000 got hurt, he wasn’t alone getting hurt,
unless you think every single person who got hurt was really
trying to get hurt just to get out of the war! That would really
disrespect hundred of thousands of veterans who fought
in Vietnam. Is that your position? They on purposely hurt
themselves to get out of the war?