The embarrassment from my home state.

I happen to live in Georgia and I’m sure some of you may have heard of some of our fine leaders Cynthia Mckinney, Jimmy Carter and even some lunatic who wants Harry Potter banned from public schools. This is some resume for my area. But what I want to talk about is Rep. Ben Bridges who believes the earth is in a fixed position and evolution is a Jewish conspiracy. Isn’t it sad that this kind of ignorance in alive and well in this day and age.

Here are some links: … ELG0.shtml

Funny, I was just looking at that site.

Are you sure it isn’t a parody? I mean, it has to be. . .

I don’t know, I mean I do live in the bible belt. And the lengths that people will stretch the bible to disprove anything scientific is kind of sad. But I think this could be real just as easy as it could be false. In another county here they had to put stickers on all science text books saying “Evolution is only a theory”. Also you said that sounds funny, I know it does especially to an educated person, but to some zealous nut thats “fact”.

Oh and here is one more link: … geTwo.html

Isn’t it obvious? Those scheming Jews, in order to discredit Jesus, tried to discredit their own creation myth so that they could rule the world for thousands of years.

I personally think young earth creationists are hilarious, as much as I try not to laugh at others religious beliefs. Kent Hovind, who is serving a ten year sentence in prison for tax fraud and has a mail order doctorate, is much loved among those that believe “Darwin confessed he made it all up on his death bed.” His “debates” are viewable on youtube.

Here’s a funny youtube video that shows how creationists grasp at straws and pat themselves on the back.