The end of man

Once we can duplicate consciousness in a non-biologial form, then will that be the end of our step in evolution? Are we just another midpoint in the ongoing process of evolution?

If we truly do evolve, why would we stop evolving if confronted with a consciousness, regardless of whether that consciousnees is biological or not.

Lets say tomorrow, all playing cards become self aware. Does it necessarily follow that humanity will cease to evolve after that?

I don’t see it.

Right. I suppose we could say that human (biological) consciousness is not contingent upon parallel existing consciousness, i.e. non-biological like computers. The question is, is the continued existence of non-biologcial consciousness dependent upon us (human)?

You show a major malfunction in your understanding of evolution.

i think he means puttin his soul into a hunk a metal. then would we be done voveling? Heck! Seems to me we’d still be beaten on things with robot arms…and the data with the mostest dit, dat or de udda will survive the data with nada lada tostada. hence, ergo. we evolve in any case, chumly.
Download yer mind into a stainless steel vase, my friend, and you will see my pass my friend, in titanium class my friend, cuz my brainedid bigger, so who the negro? fly out da bottle yit, g?

Could you please elucidate your point?


I gotta admit that I was inspired to this line of thinking by the movie “I, Robot.” I have never read the original books by Asimov, so I am ignorant in that regard.

Basically evolution move towards greater complexity and utility. So far the human form is the most complex and useful form on the planet earth. If we created a form that we both more complex and more useful for functioning in this environment, then they would have the ball, so to speak. They would be the pioneers at the frontier of development.

Now it may be like the relationship between Radio, Television and the internet. Each one is in some ways superior to the other, but neither has replaced the others. They exist together changing each other.

Could human co-exist with our equals (or our betters)? Or do human beings have flaws, such as an overactive amygdala, that would make us too threatening to the next life form with more complexity and utility than ourselves?

If we create a form of life that was more advanced then us, but too close to our niche, then could we make our form obsolete?


That is the question. If we were able to successfully recreate consciousness in a non-biological form then would that sign out death warrant, as it were? Would we be the outdated models, or would we still have a purpose?

One thing that excites me though is the possibility of using the new mecha-consciousness for space exploration. It would make a lot more sense to send highly intelligent robots to explore the universe than rather weak and squishy humans.

I think it would become the end of man.

As we have seen that new technology beats older technology. Represent as the wheel – horse and cart – car and so forth…

Modern technology seems to discard older technology. Soon our conscious would be considered retarded. It would be so out of date and may seem drastically immoral. The only problem would be supplies and time. Maybe we do not have the material on this planet to create artificial consciousness. This leads to time until we can go visit Sedna or something and find a magical rock that makes a new type of energy called Consciontheodrem and blah blah blah.

Yet, this all depends is man stupid enough to make something he cannot control? I think man is. Just to prepare his own doom. Maybe it was his destiny. As we don’t know if fate truly exists as science cannot prove everything.

Well consciousness is one of the major advantages we have over the other life forms. (And opposable thumbs.) Take that away and we are easy prey for other more efficient killing animals. We have no natural weapons. We don’t run very fast. We have weak hides. Consciousness is what put us here on top. Its a very successful adaptation. A highly useful mutation.

But maybe you are right. Maybe something better will come along that will blow us right out of the water. Something that lacks consciousness, but its difficult to imagine what that would be like.

I hope I don’t survive when the nuclear bombs start falling. I would hate fighting all of those mutants. It would be a post-apocalyptic nightmare.

Sure some insects will survive, but what kind of life is that.

I have seen bugs, but I don’t watch them all that often. They kind of creep me out. Snakes and lizards are fine, but bugs, not my cup of tea.

Who know perhaps we are the mistake and cockroaches are the most perfect form?

Sure there is lots of consciousness out there, but none quite as complex as in a human. We have that whole sense of identity thing. You gotta admit, it does give us an edge. (But then again we might use that edge to cut our own throats, so how smart is that?)

True, we could be signing out our own death warrant. There is now the cliche idea of man being the creator of their own destruction. Look at the nuclear warfare. So, yeah I agree.

Sounds a lot like Philip K. Dick’s novel in which human-like robots are used for colonization.

Now I have never read any of the man’s work, but I keep feeling as if I would enjoy him as an author. I haven’t read a lot of sci fi. Mainly old Frank Herbert. Would you recommend Dick’s work?

What’s your criterian for winning the evolution race? There are many species with greater numbers, and I’m sure there are a few with greater overall biomass. And many have us beat in years on the planet.

No no, the whole thing starts off wrong when you assume that mankind is the pinnicle of evolution. We still haven’t made it past the short blink stage yet- there may still be basic faults in our design that haven’t had time to show themselves. I hope there is a manufaturer’s warante, because it would certianly still be valid on us.