thanks for putting words into my mouth spider, words which are completely untrue. i cant believe any thinking person could confuse reason and logic with religion: how do beliefs based on NO REASONS equate to beliefs based on REASONS/LOGIC…?? they are not even comparable; apples and oranges.
since youre otherwise a smart person spider, i can assume that you are capable of making this distinction, between reason and religion; therefore its easy to see that you are deliberately trying to confuse the issue and discredit me by trying to make me look bad. it seems there are so many people on here who, when i get close to the heart of their flawed beliefs, they instinctively lash our with irrelevant and irrational statements like these, to try and distract me and confuse the issues. unfortunately, its not going to work. it didnt work with wonderer, it didnt work with unity, and its not going to work with you. nice try though.
to your previous question, Why do i believe in progess? that question may better be phrased: Why do i believe in human survival? we survive by progress; technology is our means of gaining knowledge and applying it practically to our lives. like i said before, if you reject technology and progress then you better live in a cave somewhere. see how much you like it. the “new mind” youre taking about is that of a pre-civilized tribal brute, hunched over grinding corn all day for a measly amount of bread, and worshipping the rocks and the birds above.
man has MIND, he has REASON and LOGIC and CONSCIOUSNESS… these things combine to form his survival tools: man has no survival instincts, he is not born with the knowledge of how to build a house or hunt for food. man has no claws, no fangs, no great strength: he has his mind. thats it. what youre talking about is abandoning that mind, so that man returns to primitive status, where his survival is as much a matter of ecological and natural luck as anything else, not to mention the misery and despair that would come with returning to a primitive existence.
progress is not perfect; no one says it is. sometimes we destroy too much of the earth’s resources too fast, before they can regrow; sometimes we generate too much waste, or use our intellect to create weapons of terrible power. but to abandon all progress is far more dangerous: it would be to abandon our ability to survive.
man does not “adapt” to nature, he does not find a niche within nature and survive by conforming to his environment’s demands: man CHANGES his environment, he adapts nature to his needs. this is man’s calling, his ability to survive, his destiny. this is the nature of the mind. we can think, therefore we can learn what is true and use this knowledge to benefit ourselves.
when you talk about depleting resources, or overpopulation, these things cannot be addressed by abandoning technology and progress: throughout his history, man has been faced with limited resources and limiting circumstances, yet it is precisely TECHNOLOGY and PROGRESS that find ways around this: man finds that oil is running out? he embraces free progress in technology and developes a new energy source. man find that some places are overpopulated? he embraces free progress in technology and developes new food delivery and growing techniques, new housing techniques, someday space exploration and colonization of the moon to address these needs. when we use our mind, when we apply our thinking reasoning ability to our problems, we can always find a solution. yet when we abandon our mind to live like primitive savages, starving off the land, wasting 10 hours a day just trying to catch and kill one animal for food, there is no hope of addressing the real problems that we face.
animals survive by luck; they are victims of their environment, of predation, floods, droughts, fire, etc. if you advocate for the abolition of man’s mind and his ability to apply his mind to his life (technology and progess), then you advocate for man to lower himself to the status of ordinary animals, and be just as dependent and powerless as they are.