The Enemy

Which thinkers do you hate the most? Freud, Schopenhauer, Kant and Hegel rank right up there for me.

I hate Ayn Rand. But I’m not sure if she counts as a thinker. Also Peter Singer, what a douchebag. Those are just off the top of my head. I’ll think of some more.
I’m actually intrigued by Kant. I read the prolegomena to any future metaphysics, the groundwork for the metaphysics of morals, and the critique of practical reason and got hooked. I downloaded the rest of his books about a week ago and started reading them in order. I hope to write a big nasty paper about him by the end of the year.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kant is the philosophical ground upon which decadence reposes; don’t let him seduce you!

Impious: what are you thoughts on Kant’s Copernican revolution?

Can’t remember (did that at uni a few years ago). I’d be willing to bet that if I read about it now, I’d think it was all poop.
I actually haven’t read much Kant myself, rather critiques of his work by Deleuze and Nietzsche. What I have read has confirmed what Nietzsche said, however.

kant and singer both are up there, so is marx, lenin, stalin, hitler …


Why the Kant hate? I find his philosophy almost impossible to even entertain, but I also find it very hard not to admire the sheer brilliance of his solutions to, for example, the free will problem (not that I actually think he solves anything, of course, but he gives it a damn good try). I do find his complete rationalism in ethics a bit too much, but at the same time a lot of problems people have with him are caused by misunderstandings.

I thought the Copernican Revolution was a quite wonderful way of solving a whole host of problems when I first encountered it. However, I can’t make head or tail of what transcendental idealism really means, which I’m told shows that I understand some of it!

I personally just can’t stand reading Aristotle.

Bertrand Russell.

Free will is like a chinese finger trap for your brain. The harder you try to solve it, the stupider you become.

Kant was a pretty decent guy all-in-all, no hate there.

There are very few philosophers I dislike, but there are many that I disagree with to some extent or another.

But if I were to talk about a philosopher that I do dislike, I would nominate Yang, Han Fei Zi, and Mozi. Doschebags all of them. And I’m no fan of Lu Xun neither.

I second that motion.

I hate Epicurus and Hobbes with a passion.

I like to call Hobbes my eternal nemesis.

Richard Dawkins is also another on my list of contempt.

Not if you have a firm understanding of existentialism.

Oh yes I also hold Jean Paul Sartre with contempt as I find his philosophy of accidentalism distasteful and I would take Kierkegaard’s approach to existentialism anyday.

I actually hate quite a lot of them. I despise Heidegger even though I respect a lot of his thinking. I have a lot of issues with Descartes and Plato that I’d like to talk to them about. I think that Kierkergaard was a massive fraud and I have problems with that.

It’s Ayn Rand, though, that I have the most trouble with. Hate is too weak a word.

What is it about Ayn Rand that many of you hate?
I’m not familiar enough with her to have any sort of opinion.

For many of these philosophers in which you hate, do you hate their personality and actions or specifically their ideas? Or do you hate characteristics such as arrogance etc in which they present their ideas? (but don’t really ‘hate’ the ideas proposed)

I hate Ayn Rand for the same reason that I hate Phish and Widespread Panic; because of the followers.

It amazing. Sometimes I’ll like something, or even generaly not have a problem with it but when it becomes popular or liked by people I do not like, I begin to despise it!

“Rock star” Noam Chomsky and his entire academonic ivory tower of leftist babble.