I’m having a personal crisis. I haven’t had much luck with girls so I decided to go to a brothel to see what it feels like. One night I went to a local brothel and had penetration with a whore, but I didn’t ejaculate because it didn’t feel good. Then I had a second time with another whore a couple of month back and this time I ejaculated inside a condom which i wore on both occasions.
Now i’m curious about the ethics of professional prostitution. I don’t know the whore’s name, all i know is that i had a crappy blow job (didn’t ejaculate) and I had to force myself to want to ejaculate.
Now $110 for 1/2hr it felt right, because I don’t need to worry about the hassle of a girl friend. Let me list the pros and cons.
cheaper than a girl friend
no emotional blackmail or using sex as weapon
no guilt trip
can try many whores
without the burden of marriage and the possibility of a heafty divorce settlement
no commitment
can always have younger whore while one’s wife goes old and ugly and changes
sex as it is. ‘the whore even asked me: "you want to fuck?’ after seeing i’m not enjoying her bj and that’s such a straight forward question and I immediately obliged’
there is more honesty involved in prostitution
risk of HIV/AIDS (if the condom breaks)
fall in love with a whore (though highly unlikely)
the whore is a stalker
I really can’t think of anything wrong with prostitution. It’s just sex without the emotional hassel.
No one cares if you get AIDS or not. No one cares about emotional issues. No one cares about honesty. No one cares what her name is. No one cares if you ejaculate inside a condom --or up her nose.
Why are paying $110 for thirty minutes? Do you realize that for that same money you can have a 10/10 white girl in Sofia all night; or four 19 year-old Filipinas in Manila for an hour each --or twenty-two good blowjobs in Sihanoukville?
Don’t spend your time and money on whores; there are a lot of nice ladies out there if you’d prefer pay.
Are you having issue with their ethics or yours? I see nothing wrong with a good clean Brothel. A job is a job and a niche is being filled What is wrong with that? The unethical part is denying the need for it and putting people out of jobs. Or arresting someone who is trying to stay out of welfare. I mean jeez where is the logic in that? There would be a huge reduction in disease if it were brought out in the open and made to follow health guidlines. Prostitutes are only bad because most females are insecure and wives become cock teasers.
Im pretty sure if you go to the right place the girls have to be checked out and clean to work there. Like porn. I dont think there is anything wrong with brothels. Going myself to one the end of this month. Me and my bro are going to mexico. Cruz to mexico for a few hours, bone some bitches then bounce. no harm done. You would be suprised how clean they are down there. and hotttt.
I beg to differ. Nothing poses more of a danger to P4P than middle-class attitudes like these. No --nothing poses more of a danger to sex than attitudes like these. Do you masterbate with rubber-gloves on too? in a sterile vacuum?
A whole generation of kids is growing up --who don’t even know what real sex feels like. Sex is dangerous; sex is messy, bloody; it smells; it’s slimy, it hurts…
What is the difference between the sex scene in Manila and Bangkok you may ask? In Manila the nice girls fuck bareback, but they don’t do bbbj; God forbid cim or cof. Where as, in Bangkok, as one punter put it,
But fucking a nice Thai girl in the cunt no condom --it’s out of the question.
Fucking with a condom on is just not sex. Manila is for fucking girls in the cunt, Bangkok is for fucking girls in the mouth. In Sofia… better off going to the Cineplex.
Dude you’ve gotta figure out a way to get those bitches to pay for your shit. Pussy is free. Half the world has one. And it’s the weaker half. Physically, intellectually, emotionally and financially, the list can go on and on.
Maybe so. But getting 1000 pesos is better than paying 1000 pesos. So many guys have been force fed all this PC/equality/tolerance b.s. for so long that they’ve forgotten that the world works better when you make your hos work for you. That’s why God made them. That’s why he made them weak, so that we can control and exploit them.
My problem with Brothels is the same as my problem with Capitalism: the treatment of humans as objects.
It seems like your religious sensibilities that you demonstrated in the “Ever wonder if you are Gay” thread go right out the window when it serves your interest. Something to think about.
Well it seems there are more pros (pardon the pun) than cons. Of the cons, the second and third are highly unlikely; the first is the only greater risk, a risk of sex regardless of the circumstances.
Why stress about the ethics? Provided it’s all consensual, why not?
Anyone that holds any type of employment becomes an object. Not just capitalists. The farmers, the factory workers, everyone even in communist countries if they do a job, they become mere tools to get that job done. thus they are objects. Degrees don’t really matter. We all are objects in this universe.
Some prostitutes chose that way of life, not all have it forced upon them. It is a job just like going to an office. Some are enslaved but, the largest reason for that is its illegality and supposed immorality. Remove those and most problems will cease at least in this country and more civilized countries.
Sex for sale does not objectify a person, It is the beholder’s eye that does the objectification. I don’t see prostitutes as anything other than another human trying to survive.
I have to say, Old Timer, that your reasoning and actions look uncannily similar to my own! As long as the woman in question is working there out of choice, and you don’t do anything illegal or harmful, there’s nothing morally wrong with it at all. It’s probably more “morally wrong” to be a public toilet cleaner, because it’s dirtier, more degrading, and more dangerous - and no one talks about banning toilet cleaning!
This graphic and un-erotic text reminds me of something a high school teacher once said to my class, which put me off sex for a decade. As a squeamish person who practises what I call “dry sex”, I beg to differ. I’ve had good orgasms without getting a single drop of foreign fluid on my body.
I disagree with Xunzian. Just because it’s sex people seem to hastily dismiss it as some sort of especially depraved industry. I think working 8 hours a day in some office (often for less wages) is far more demeaning than the odd shag. Sure, condemn the exploitative nature of capitalist organisation as such. But within that I’d deem ways of making money wrong only if it harms someone (e.g. burglary).
Ya, bloody? smells? (as to say in a bad way?) hurts? not for me, and im sure those werent moans of pain. Messy, meh. Its a good thing. Sex is beautiful. PRUDE! sorry. dont like prudes. america is a bunch of prudes.
I think that you’ll find that both the OT and Paul have some less-than-accepting things to say about prostitution. Actually, very much in the same vein as homosexuality.