The Ethics of Sex.

Bill Clinton was right when he said that he had not had sex with Lewinsky.

Sex is coitus. When sex is not coitus the mind is deceiving the body or even itself.

Blue-eyed heterosexual men prefer blue-eyed women for sexual relationships, because it’s easier to tell when the child is not theirs. This inextricably ties sex with procreation. It would be interesting to see whether blue-eyed homosexual men also prefer blue-eyed men for sexual relationships.

The sexual drive is the will to insemination.


I’m blue eyed and I’ve always been more attracted to brown eyed females.

But perhaps I allow this because I have a base anxiety in social situations which drowns out a lower-level dissonance arising with the sexual attraction towards a brown eyed female (a dissonance which would cause those without such a general and/or social anxiety to associate the brown-eyed as cognitively dangerous, and something to be avoided).

I may also not experience such attraction to blue-eyed girls because I associate the color of their eyes with that of my mother’s (who I prefer to distance myself from).

Then again, almost every girl I’ve ever slept with, and every girlfriend I’ve ever had and any girl I’ve ever fell in love with, have been brown-eyed, and I’ve had plenty moments of jealousy and/or suspicion.

Perhaps I am attracted to these females because I have self-destructive tendencies?

Well of course. We come from a line long of people who intercourse. Those that didn’t didn’t pass on their genes.

A man sleeps with a woman, and she has a child. It has her color eyes.

Are you proposing that a great number of men (enough to claim blue-eyed men prefer blue eyed women as a result of this) had killed these children, and then moved onto a blue-eyed female, perhaps due to new negative feelings towards the brown-eyed or merely due to chance, and had his child with her, passing on the “insecure(?)”/“thinking”/“realistic”/not-sure-what-to-call-it-but-you-get-the-point gene/cluster of genes/etc?

Do you think there were ever blue eyed men who didn’t experience this when having a brown-eyed child, but since brown eyes are dominant, the kind of man who wouldn’t have this “sleptical/suspicious” quality would rarely be born with blue eyes, after so many years of procreation?

Are you suggesting that, from the start, this was a blue-eyed quality? I don’t see how the quality would be gradually removed from the brown-eyed population; if anything, if the blue-eyed men with it killed children that came out brown eyed, they were only lessening the likelihood that their own genetic information, with that quality and (a) blue eye allele(s), will continue on after their death.

Unless blue-eyes and this quality were connected from the very start, I don’t see how blue-eyed men would be any more attracted to blue-eyed girls as brown-eyed men would be to brown-eyed girls.

I could be missing something though, can you elaborate on anything I may have misunderstood/haven’t thought about?

This is very interesting :slight_smile:

I’m not so sure about this. I think insemination is the reason for the sexual drive is a more accurate statement.


I think most men would agree that their preferred way to orgasm would be to have their penis fully-driven-home and held there for the duration of that orgasm. There’s nothing more anoying than having a woman on top, who continues to bounce up and down as you arrive.

I definitely agree about that, but I am not convinced that that makes the sexual drive the will to inseminate.

More like the will to feel good.

That is not how it works. It doesn’t go for brown-eyed men. But two blue-eyed people cannot, as a rule, have a non-blue-eyed child.

When a blue-eyed man is with a blue-eyed woman, and she has a brown-eyed child, he knows for sure that it is not his. There is no such certainty with a brown-eyed woman. Therefore a blue-eyed man will, as a rule, prefer blue-eyed women, because with these there is at least a possibility to tell when a child is not his. No such possibility exists with brown-eyed women, or for brown-eyed men. Thus brown-eyed men do not have such a preference.

It is a strong expression of the will. The will to insemination as an overwhelming passion.

Sex feels good because the body affirms its own propagation. And, as I said, the mind can deceive the body and even itself: it is pleasurable even to imagine insemination.

The love of one’s family is the love of one’s genes; likewise romantic love. And the love of one’s friends? Perhaps this is the love of one’s enemies, the love of struggle, of whatever makes one aware, makes one stronger.

The love of two brothers can be a combination: both the love of their own genes, and sparring practice.

My next thesis has to be on imagination.


What you are suggesting is loyalty to one’s race. Only blue eyes men should propagate with blue eyes women so as to have only blue eyed children.

You are suggesting race should not mix so as to contaminate the races and that one race maybe better than another because it has proven its superiority with superior inventions just like a kid proves he is smarter with better grades.

What you are suggesting is true to a large extent, in that there is inherent difference in the racial groups, black culture as a result of black genes is inherently different to white culture which is result of white genes. Most people especially in our multiracial society is aware of all that, by observing with the other races you can decipher a pattern that is racially based. Hitler noticed this too in his stay in Vienna.

However, like all things when it comes to sex there are perversions. There are many who would never consider a brown eyed women, then there are that only chase after browned eyed women, what people feel is on the individual level and there is not a scientific or natural way to go about explaining why people do what they do. You need to stop trying to understand people, on the individual basis but use propaganda to achieve your aim.

If you want blue eyed to only mate with blue eyed, make some horror film about brown eyed people. Sex is emotional so you can’t really use reason to persuade people not to have sex with brown eyed people. Please refer to Himmler if you have any issue.

When is sex not coitus?

That all living things are driven toward procreation is hardly a ‘thesis’ that is uncovered or expanded by this observation. Moreover, evolutionary theory would hold that there are thousands of variables involved with sexual selection; I’m not sure how high eye color truly ranks on that list. Finally, stating that ‘blue-eyed heterosexual men prefer blue-eyed women’ is probably more than a slight overstatement - I’m sure you’d agree, it’s much more complex than that. (Not to mention, since you’ve made this statement as some kind of anthropological, evolutionary-biological fact, you’re in need of a bit more than merely the statement as such.)

Again, are you not merely rewording the obvious here? You just as soon could have said ‘living things seek to reproduce’ or ‘that Darwin guy was on to something’.

You’re beyond this garbage.

when did sauw say blue eyed ppl are better or that they SHOULDN’T mix? … :astonished:
he’s just saying that blu eyed men tend to prefer blue eyed women cause they have an ‘evolutional advantage’ maybe… i mean…
the comment wasn’t racist, my eyes are brown and …my bf’s are blue… so what?

but i also think that it’s an overstatement… cause …while ppl may prefer their own genes or similar ones…
then there is also the thesis that ppl preffer DIFFERENT genes…
say… a slender person prefers a chubbier built one… or someone with an elegant nose prefers someone with a piggish one…
i dunno… in the same race or in different ones… ppl may tend to preffer someone that has different genes so that the kid is ‘stronger’ and has different genes not to get the same illnes from or to get like… different strengths and habilities…
and also like… i guess mixing races makes te human race better…i dunno.

Actually, he didn’t say that. He said he didn’t have sexual relations with her. Oral sex is a type of sexual relation.

Perhaps it’s true that blue-eyed men tend to prefer blue eyed women. But this might have nothing to do with the colour of the child’s eyes (except for the obvious case where a man is consciously aware of the relationship). There could be any number of reasons (including genetic and cultural) why they find blue eyes beautiful.

I’ll tentatively agree with that. I need to think about it some more.

The thing to remember here is, when we are talking about ‘preferences’ there is no one size fit all definition because preferences are all individual.

We all have our individual preferences, to generalise and say blue eyed ppl prefer blued eyed only is to ignore the individual personality of blue eyed people and group them into a single person which is not true.

When we speak of statistics, we can’t assume things. We need to produce statistics about them. So instead of saying blue eyed prefer blue eyed, do a statistic saying 89% of blue eyed in 2007 prefer blue eyed only. that would make more sense than just generalising the issue.

I prefer to go on their face.

I believe spiders make different webs depending on their genes and it might be the same with bees with their hives. If this is the case, then it might very well be that human culture is influenced by genes in some complicated way.


“Anal sex”, “oral sex”, and the like.

It is the outcome of research. I merely interpret it.

Saying the obvious is not redundant in a world where “everyone” is deceiving themselves. The typical 20-ish female student wants sex, but not pregnancy. Just imagine everywhere you hear the word “sex” today it would be replaced by “mating” (e.g., “to have sex” would become “to mate”).

I am reminded of the Dutch hit song “Sex On The Beach”…

I thought Clinton said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”.
Is head considered a sexual relation? I mean, it’s not vaginal sex, but its gotta be something if it’s illegal to do in public right?

Firstly, that remark about blue eyes was not the only thesis. Indeed, that one was not my own, but the conclusion of a study I read about. It is not about loyalty to one’s race, for then why should blue-eyed women and brown-eyed men not have the respective preferences? This is not explicable with loyalty to one’s race in mind, whereas the “own children” theory does serve to explain it.

Being a blue-eyed man myself, how could I disagree? And yet, it wasn’t what I meant.

The bottom line of my original post was this: The sexual drive is the will to insemination.

I read your post titled “The ethics of going to brothels”. I will change the title of this thread to “The Ethics of Sex”. I am appealing to the virtue of Honesty. This is what ties Nietzsche’s ethics of art, his ethics of religion, of knowing, of creativity, and of history.

Honesty - honour - pride - manfulness - virtue - prowess - might.

As a rule, blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women. It is not a fad. But perhaps we should say that blue-eyed men are genetically inclined to prefer blue-eyed women.


But what does that mean? Do you mean that as a fact. do you mean ALL blue eyed or a percentage. Or do you feel blue eyed SHOULD prefer. You are vague.