The Evolution of Society - Chaos to Enlightenment

Today, we are born into a social structure of laws, of nations and governments, of morality and religions, of economics, industry and profit. But this social structure, as pervasive as it is, was not always so. I don’t know but it seems to be neither the highest form of evolution, nor is it the lowest state into which Humans can sink. It is just what is and where we are. It seems to me that this social structure is actually a mid-point between chaos and enlightenment. And it can go either way. I don’t know but it seems to me that the evolution is something like the following.

In the beginning there is Chaos. As enlightenment increases, chaos is diminished. When all social structure breaks down, there is Chaos, robbery, and violence.

In an effort to rise out of Chaos, Humans first adopt rituals and fixed concepts. Ritual is the husk of religion, and a poor substitute for Virtue. Ritual is one step away from Chaos.

From Ritual follows piety, holiness and religion. This breeds discrimination and persecution. Sects and denominations divide us. As some things are labeled Clean, others are labeled Unclean. As some are called Holy, others are called Heretics and Heathens. Also arises Patriotism as yet another division, and rationalization for violence, and some are seen as enemies and labeled evil.

From Religion emerges Morality and Law. Governments and Nations are formed. Standing armies are raised and maintained. Economics, Industry and Profit are nurtured, and competition thrives.

This is where we are today in our world. Nations and Rulers are highly competitive, and seek to control events by force.

In this present social structure, we are born into desire. Caught up in desire we see only the manifestations but cannot realize the mystery. Our current social structure dramatically expands the number of desires. Acquired social desires are added to natural desires. Social desires are far more competitive than are natural desires. Social desires have a skewed value scheme. These artificially acquired desires fill our minds with fixed concepts, judgments, and expectations. Our inner vision becomes clouded like a glass of muddy water. Original mind is clear but we have filled it with thoughts and desires.

Success or failure: Which is more destructive? We get enveloped in the turmoil, in constant striving, reaching, and seeking. Life losses it’s simplicity and becomes cluttered and complex. We become like sheep, thinking we must value what others value and avoid what others avoid. We over-esteem great men, we overvalue possessions, and we grow increasingly ambitious. Each day, in seeking knowledge, we add something new to our already clouded minds. We seek to control events and take sides. Our reality becomes artificial. Buried in expectation and desire, our actions lose all spontaneous authenticity. We lose our intuitive connection to Nature and to reality. Thinking we know, we lose true wisdom.

Not all Nations and People are at the same point in this process. Some Nations are less so, still clinging to more to Chaos. And some few Nations are more so, seeing the possibility to truly improve the People’s lives.

But most large and powerful Nations focus on war, spending huge sums and energy on defense. Politicians and Diplomats create enemies for the People to fear and hate. Enemies are dehumanized and made to seem less than human. Threats are emphasized and the People are made fearful. Rulers seek to control the People with Police. Rulers seek to protect their power by force of arms. Fixed Plans and Schemes attempt to control events and map out the future. They impose prohibitions and the People become less virtuous. They stockpile weapons and the People feel less secure. They create subsidies and the People become less self-reliant. Legislatures pass ever more Laws and the People become ever less Honest. Feeling repression, the People become crafty, sneaky and depressed. The Leaders impose Economic sanctions and regulations, they raise Tax rates, and the People become less prosperous. Losing their sense of awe, the People institutionalize Religion and become less Serene. Not trusting their own judgment, the People look to Authority. The higher the ideals, the lower the results. Trying to force the People to be moral, the groundwork is laid for vice. Trying to make the People happy, the groundwork is laid for misery. Fame is esteemed over integrity. The People begin to admire shamelessness, indecency, and exhibitionism. The People lose their modesty and decency, until little or nothing is viewed as shameful or shocking. Money is esteemed over happiness. The People admire ostentation and showiness. The People depend upon money for their happiness and so are never happy. Materialism, Wealth and Possessions become the measure of a Man rather than his Character. In their desire for the Common Good, Good becomes increasingly less common.

From this social structure can and do arise great evils. Industry assaults nature. The air and water become polluted. The Earth becomes depleted. Natural Equilibrium crumbles and Creatures become extinct. Rich speculators prosper and farmers lose their land. Government becomes corrupt and spends wastefully on weapons, instead of cures and education. The upper class becomes extravagant and irresponsible. The gulf between rich and poor widens, and the hungry poor have no place to turn except to robbery and violence. Family life deteriorates and children become wards of the State. These are movements toward Chaos.

But it also possible that from this same social structure could emerge a Nation that is an example to all the world. Thoughtful men can make that next step towards enlightenment. From Morality, Religion and Law may emerge Goodness and Honesty. States of Character can form that are less competitive and more accepting. After all, the true test of the greatness of a Nation is the States of Character it produces in its Citizens. The degree of control lessens, as the make-up of Legislatures slowly shifts toward moderation. The People are trusted more and left on their own. The Rich become more compassionate, and socially responsible. Philanthropists prepare people to help themselves. Fewer laws inspire more Honesty. Disarmament inspires more lasting peace. Weapons exist but are rarely used, with great reluctance, and only in direst circumstances Police exercise greater restraint and become less intrusive, and the spirit of the People improves. Government and Rulers act for the People’s benefit. Taxes are lowered and the People prosper. Subsidies fade and the People become increasingly self-reliant. Nature is treated with respect and Industry operates responsibly in Harmony with the Natural Law.

From Goodness and Honesty could follow actual Virtue and Serenity. And finally, a Nation could achieve true Harmony and Balance. Rulers do their job and when it is done, the People say, “Look, we did it all on our own.” Athletes, Generals, Businessmen, and Leaders all embody the spirit of non-competition. Not that they don’t love to compete, but they do it in the spirit of play. Great Athletes want their opponent at their best. Great Generals enter the mind of their opposition and win by understanding how to yield. Businessmen serve the communal good. Great Leaders follow the will of the People, and place themselves below the People. To lead, they learn to follow. No one feels oppressed or manipulated. Content with ordinary life, Rulers set an example for the People, and show them the way back to their true natures. The Nation nourishes the People and cares for their welfare as a Mother cares for a child. The Nation does not meddle in the affairs of others. It becomes a light for all the world. The greater the Nation becomes, the more humility it displays. It is not defensive. If the Nation makes a mistake, it quickly admits it and then corrects it. The Nation knows that enemies are shadows of its self. The Nation is governed with Tolerance so that the People are comfortable and honest. Letting go of law, honesty abounds, and the People have the law written in their hearts. Letting go of economics, the People prosper. Letting go of religion, the People become serene. Losing all desire for the Common Good, the Good becomes as common as grass.

I don’t know but at least that is the how it seems to me that the process would go. I am interested to know your thoughts about how this evolution might occur?

Philosophical Caveman, counter-question: Can one actually do philosophical anthropology without any anthropology?

Secondly, how can Chaos be bad when, even in your utopia, it is the generative principle? That place from which all things are born? In your Utopia, people attempt to rise out of Chaos, to distinguish themselves from Chaos. Yet in this attempt to differentiate themselves from the wild and unruly do they Not carry the Chaotic within themselves? By differentiating do they not remember the state from which they originated and carry its memory in their heart?


Hermes: I think one can, for example, study the history of man’s thought, at least that which has survived the test of time, and can use to ask the question “Where is society today, and how does it distinquish itself from where society has been in the past and might be in the future” Contrary to your apparent opinion, not all idealists are Utopian. To see things as they have never been and to use your ablitiies to try to alter them to achieve some ideal is a very constructive, positive and worthwhile endeavor. I am certainly not alone in my vision of an enlightened society. These ideals were expressed 500 years BC in the Tao Te Ching.

It is all too easy to play the jaded cynic. It is too easy to see all the obstacles and none of the possibilities. It is too easy to say something is impossible and impractical. But nearly every great thing ever achieved by man was once thougth impractical and impossible. Chaotic society, anti-social behavior, destructive violence, is not an inseperable core of man or of society. Man can understand where he comes from and the risk that he could all too easily decend back into that same Chaos. While there were may always remain trace elements, I think a majority of mankind eagerly embrace the concept of enlightenment, of becoming more centered, more serene, more accepting, more tolerant, more at peace with himself and his fellows, less judgemental, less perturbable, and also of society reflecting the cultural evolution of it’s citizenry.