The Existence of God: Abstract and Jayson

I’m not sure.
In Bomanism, the term refers to realizations.
So enlightenment, Bomanistically, wouldn’t be something that equates to a condition of speed, but each realization.
The optimal rate of realizations could be labeled something, but on the other hand, I hold that the optimal rate of realizations are equal to all factors involved and changes immediately to each conditional moment.

Kind of like asking what the optimal rate of current change in water is; that depends on a grand amount of factors, and changes every moment.
In mental exercise we could imagine a computer powerful enough to calculate such on the fly and tell you I suppose, but then again; the human being wouldn’t be able to respond quickly enough to those figures to take advantage of them.

I would say to trust your intuition of how you feel.
If you feel you have too little, meditate upon that. If the other, meditate upon that.


Volume only offers potential capacity of action within, not actual. (referring to measure, volume, area, etc…)

And in such, I have the work ahead of me to comment on the relationship between yourself and others to address just such conditions.
But in as far as Bomanism is compartmentalized to address, I had to keep such refrained.

Pretty much.
Let’s all remember now what we learned in the 80’s, “Eggs are bad”.

The Chinese weren’t idiots when they marked down Yin and Yang. :wink:

Perhaps some minds have the capacity…like how autistics calculate primes faster than computers…

I can see that, might i suggest a side…as in one can say this is bomanism, but these seem to be important considerations…and than provide some moral points in the aside…

I think of the pattern of life…Yin and Yang…Up and Down…of course there are other aspects and such…but that is the general principal…

It could be possible, yes.
Such would have to be tested in a rather radical series of experiments.

I probably will not, though such may happen.
It is hard to say.
Once all parts are compiled, then they will be grouped together in one volume with a preface that covers the totality; how to approach the text.


I would think those minds would not want to be tested so as to prevent patterns from being able to detect occurrence which could lead to prevention if gotten into wrong hands…
Not to mention such may not be testable…

Well to be honest i wanted to help you see what i saw in “God” so as to lend to you…I still hold that it is a thing that is and as such understanding it lends to the understanding of the all…Though i see that the same recognition is not always best for others…

lastly might i save our conversation on my comp?

I always enjoy seeing and hearing such thoughts.

I don’t really see it as which way is best for some, but instead, that to each a different relationship is held with their existence by the nature of their self.
