The falicy of Nihilism

I see alot of people here calling themselves nihilists. which to me is silly. The definition of a nihilist is someone who belives in nothing, that includes nihilism. Firstly its impossible to hold no oppinion over anything at all. Secondly if a true nihilist did exist he would not call himself a nihilist.

Basically im saying you so called nihilist are fakes. Especially you Joker, your obviously very oppinionated, which goes against everything you apparently belive in.

Is it true that there is no truth?


Yeah… Even Baudrillard who claims that he is a nihilist, recognizes that nihilism is impossible:

“I am a nihilist. I observe, I accept, I assume the immense process of the destruction of appearances (and of the seduction of appearances) in the service of meaning (representation, history, criticism, etc.) that is the fundamental fact of the nineteenth century… The stage of analysis has become uncertain, aleatory: theories float (in fact, nihilism is impossible, because it is still a desperate but determined theory, an imaginary of the end, a weltanschauung of catastrophe.)”

Also cf the last paragraph of his book:

"There is no more hope for meaning. And without a doubt this is a good thing: meaning is mortal. But that on which it has imposed its ephemeral reign, what it hoped to liquidate in order to impose the reign of the Enlightenment, that is, appearances, they, are immortal, invulnerable to the nihilism of meaning or of non-meaning itself.
“This is where seduction begins.”

Pathetic semantics by those who hold opposition to nihilism.

Such trivialities don’t really deserve a reply to.

I think you have mistakenly defined nihilism. While it is popularly said to be “the belief in nothing,” the correct anecdote would be “the belief that nothing has meaning.” More commonly nihilism is a term used to mean a rejection of all forms of authority and/or current ways of thinking.

Nihilists believe that non-nihilists are fake nihilists. At least the Nietzchen ones.

Maybe the influence is that philosophy seeks the broadest possible concepts, and thus organizes its political spectrum as absurd as can possibly be. Well if schrodinger’s cat has any merit, maybe I’m a nihilist non-nihilist pretending both?

We ought to begin with a definition of Nihilist. A nihilist is someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief. What is the implications of rejection? Are they rejecting all morality or just the morality of society?

Back in 1970, and if I was in Stalin’s Russia, I would be a nihilist because I reject the morality of communism, yet I have the morality of liberal capitalism. No one is without morality, we all have our different standards of morality.

There’s a diffence between absolute-nothing
And relative neutrality.

A real nihilism has no falacy, because it is neutral, nil.


In reality, it is and always will be evident to other observers, that nihilists apparently have a position on eating being worth doing, and sleeping, and probably going to the bathroom in the bathroom (why not in bed? easier!). They probably talk to people too, and I’m going to guess here, they have some preferences on what others do or do not do. Every one that has posted here in what little I have read, all do this.

I agree with the OP, it’s not a reasonable claim.


See, Dan~, even Joker does it in just two sentences.

  1. Trivialities
  2. Deserve
  3. Pathetic


Deserve/non-deserve is a value, and a highly complex social one, at that.

Pathetic is an evaluation, aswel as trivialities being e-valuated instances of reality.

People say “i’m a nihilist” as they work towards being closer to nil, which itself is invisible to the quantificationalists [humanity]. The nil is silent, empty, neitherneither. It may also be both nothing and infinity simultaniously, which is possably the chaotic-true-nature of the universe viewed simultaniously. This non-absolute, and unquantifiable, is not a value nor a non-value…

Luckily, that which is beyond and below reason, aswel as that which is outside of reason – can exist.

Hi all,

Is there not a nihilistic awareness which is fundamental to the term, that being that objective reality in and of itself is meaningless, call it a rose gentleman, the reality remains intact. Apparent reality is the product of the objective world and a subject. All meaning is subjective, is this not a nihilistic realization?

If you refute the majority of the contemporary
They call you a nihilist.

Exactly. Once you claim to have knowledge of things that exist outside of being able to be reasonably defined (whatever above and below presumably mean), the argument is by defintion (really) unreasonable.
Which supports the OP, it’s not a reasonable position.

I believe there to be a pink elephant on my shoulder, based on, you guessed it, “beyond reason”. The pink elephant just gave me a stock tip…holon, logging into e-trade…


What you describe is reasoned, not any speific philosophy.
According to the posters here, that’s also not all nihilism is.

Nihilists would reject that based on their mood or what’s in fashion. Nihilists are like the goths of the fashion world, bitter at the mainstream yet portraying precisely the same things that they claim to reject. That’s a vestige of evolution, when not a majority, you may find strength in minority opposition. Purely emotional/evolutionary…can be described well in game theory (how to compete).

Some aspects of the philosophy may be reasonable, but certainly not any of the practicioners I’ve observed on this forum fit that description (reasonable).


The way I see it nihilism or pessimism is a sympton and reaction to moral decadence which obstructs man’s will to power.

Moral decadence is also the same thing thake takes the beauty and freedom of life in transforming it into ugliness by restricting man’s spirit to act out freely in life by imprisoning men under other people’s ideals of how they think living should be.

But that goes against human nature. I agree the theory of nihilism works, but the actual so called nihilists dont. Everyone cares about something, even if its their own desires

Oh good Im not just going mad then