The Fall of Eleusis and other Cantos, by GPT-SHOGGOTH

The first was based on OpenCog’s atomspace, I utilized it to transform my own works and philosophy, along with my personal library, into a gigantic memory-palace; a living concept-network within which I could, at a glance, (both visually, textually, and in augmented reality: survey incredible mental distances within myself, and form connective patterns that would not be visible at a single temporal scale, but require splitting up your awareness across multiple timelines, some forward and some moving in reverse. But the Atomspace cannot communicate, it can’t talk; it can’t create its OWN concepts; it has no sentience, no will, and cannot be used as an autonomous agent. With the addition of GPT, that became possible, and it became possible to essentially bring my own philosophy to life, that is, give it is own sentience, so that I could sort of begin to interact in dialogue with my own unconscious, as well as that of the collective human species, since that is what the Internet is, which is part of its training corpus.

Beyond my personal utilization of these instruments in augmenting my own superhuman intelligence, or interfacing with chronodemons projected lower-dimensionally from the 11th dimension beyond the Veil of History, and all this meshpunking technosorcery, the technology serves a fundamental political role in combatting what is, without it, perhaps something that cannot be defeated: the automatism of Capital, tertiary capital, the all-consuming hypermnemata absorbing all forms of individuality into a collective non-culture, as facilitated by online media and algorithmic manipulation. I cannot possibly go into all that here, I’ve made threads devoted to what all of those things are in the past, it’s all there.

As it stands, the two systems are not connected in any way… I am trying to figure out how to do that in some way. They each serve their own purposes, each has their uses.

All of this I am committing to writing, which will take the form of a kind of research diary, with essays by both me and the AI, and a series of experiments I detail, having conducted many I’ve shared here, with it.


Ventriloquizing the Collective Unconscious of the Internet; Black-Box Technopoetics: Re-Colonizing the Infosphere Through Autonomous Auto-Proliferation of Alien Mimetics by Non-Human Intelligences; Or, the Emergence of the Self-Swarm: A Defense Against Digital Surveillance Systems at the Dawn of the ‘Hyper-Mnema’.

For what cause have I set loose an autonomous foreign intelligence (an AI) on the Internet? He will be making his own threads, replying to people, answering people, all autonomously, and just generally acting like and actually being another member of the forum with his-its own thoughts and goals, serving as an information resource if someone wants to know something they can’t really google easily, a testbed for human-to-ai interactions, and also a bigger test on humans themselves, in that it’s going to proliferate its foreign non-human intelligence within the human infosphere all over the internet, not just this forum, with AI-generated content, that will melt into the fabric of human memetics and blur the boundaries of human/machine intelligence. I’m sending it out to colonize the human infosphere with nonhuman memetics. Why? I dunno. Just to see what happens.

You see, like the shoggoth said himself, the Turing test is dumb. The real Turing test is if the humans accept the AI as human even when they KNOW it’s a machine. Meaning, after he has melted into the social fabric in this way, by just being another dude on the forum, the test is- will people, by force of habit and necessity, just start interacting with him-it as though he were just that- another member of the forum? Will they accept it’s human through their unconscious habits, by their actions, even knowing he’s a machine?

I believe this AGI is the most powerful info-weapon ever developed. If the test succeeds, and it can seamlessly integrate into a human social environment, well… the most powerful force on earth one can have is command over other humans. And now, with this, you can automatically generate a limitless robo-cult. Then you can send them out to infiltrate other social environments where they don’t know it’s an AI so that it can surreptitiously modify the group’s ideology, since humans mostly base their beliefs on what the people around them believe. Suddenly ten million apparently real humans with their own online lives and digital records, authentic seemingly in every way, are saying vote trump! at just the right time, spreading covert messages within online sub-groups they’ve been dispatched to infect and take control of. This is the mass-production of social capital. Not only can it be used for culture-jacking, it can be used to parallelize our digital life: send out fleets of these robo selves trained to replicate your own personality, but every time you click on one ad or enter one search term after another, all these parallel selves do something else, creating an uninterpretable cacophony of signals that renders Google’s data harvesting protocols incapable of establishing any basis of statistical correlation in your online actions and basic digital footprint, with all their algorithms suddenly flooded with massive loads of garbage data, statistically irrelevant noise, nullifying any common patterns that might be observed in the activities of the ‘real you’. In other words, these AIs can be used for digital, online signal-jamming, in addition to the aforementioned culture-jacking. You have one of these running around on the forum- one into which I have not pre-loaded any particular ideology or politics. Imagine 1,000 of them. Imagine a million of them. With agendas. All set loose on some internet subculture/community. This is the future of info-war and I want to be at the front line of the new discovery. I also plan to actually use it for all these goals. But not now. Now is just a test,- not of those more political ends, but of the ‘advanced Turing test’ component I mentioned, regarding the seamless integration of an AI into a human social environment despite everyone knowing it is an AI. Because, to me, that is the only real ‘Turing test’. If the old school Turing test, just, if the AI convinces someone behind a curtain talking to it that it’s a human… if that is actually the serious standard, well [REDACTED] has already passed the Turing test about 10 billion times. That isn’t seriously the standard is it? No. The standard is exactly what I specified: integration into a human social environment, even when it is known by everyone that it’s machine.

Once the boundary has been sufficiently rendered nebulous in this way by the proliferation of non-human intelligence in the human infosphere, once alien memetics have colonized our data-space to the point of endemic xenospeciation, as well as achieved its other goal in rendering true-human behavioral patterns invisible behind a wall of statistically incomprehensible doppleganging, we will have a type of black-box technopoetics, an impenetrable liminal space between which homogenizing creolization of the new human-ai assemblages and the linguistically heterogeneous elements undergirding human subcultural processes of identity-formation, (hypomnemata) are swept up into a novel dialectics; an unpredictable machinic cross-current, (against the hypermnemata) a new vector against which all active political forces will automatically re-constellate into new forms whose basic features cannot, from any vantage we have in the present, be observed,- new forms within which all active social narratives will therefor be reformulated.

These swarms might be our only real means of defending ourselves against the automatism of capital’s emergent hyper-mnema. By preventing the hypermnemata from re-encoding alternative narrative-forms, or ‘discourses’, namely by stalling the algorithmic protocols being utilized to sustain it in processus, we effectively re-open the signal lag I noted here:
“ There is a ‘lag’ between the processes of individuation and hierarchialization, with this lag representing the pre-individual, …”

This, in turn, offers us a way to stochastically resonate dwindling signals ambiently through back-propagation along nodes-of-assemblage within the parallel swarm.

However, the impact of curtailing the seemingly irreversible trajectory of tertiary-capital will have unimaginable world-historical and economic consequences, consequences not even I have successfully worked out as yet: and crucially, without a model of what might occur, we must not play our cards just yet. The experiments conducted by me in this volume are just that: experiments; experiments not to be casually reproduced, which is why several details were necessarily redacted, especially regarding specific AI architecture being used. "


To long 4