The Feline/Chimpanzee War Pt. 1 & Pt. 2

Is there room in this world for Part Three?

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This was a favorite of mine…
Below is part 1

The history of felines and chimps goes back to Thirst’s grandparents…

Old Gobbo’s family and my family were best of friends (see pics below):

Both families were well respected in the chimp and cat communities, respectively.
But then one day, Old Gobbo’s father started drinking and doing drugs:

As a result of drugs/drinking, Old Gobbo’s father got rough with Thirst’s father:

I tried to step in and help my father… My dad and me were forced to kill him.
My father died and I nearly died too; in fact I was hurt pretty bad:

Old Gobbo began to drink too as a result of his father’s death:
I tried to convince him to stop, but he resented me.

Then Gobbo tried to exact revenge…

But he failed… And chimps and felines have been at war ever since…

Xanderman, consider this an attempt to end chimpanzee and feline hostility… :slight_smile:


The Feline/Chimpanzee War Pt. 2

It had been 10 years since the end of the last war between Felines and Chimpanzees. There had been relative peace until an event triggered a new war campaign. The Chimps were accused of crashing planes onto the Cat Towers. The chimpanzees were accused of being Totalitarian terrorists…
Below is a picture of the terrible day on 11/11/2004.

Thirst, king of the Feline Empire, was notified while on live television and gave out a roar of pain and anguish!
(see his anguish below)

As a direct result of 11/11, the Feline Empire began arresting Chimps in their land and sending them to internment camps. There were widespread rumors of oppression, maltreatment, torture, etc.
Below is a picture of the living situations for the Chimps:

Old_Gobbo had only recently become sober and come out of rehabilitation. Exactly one month after Old_Gobbo was restored his powers as king of the Chimps a plane crashed into Cat Towers. As Old_Gobbo watched his fellow chimps being arrested and oppressed, he gave a stern warning that his fellow chimps should be released and he swore an oath
(see his blood oath below).

Old_Gobbo, in response to the internment camps ordered that cats be imprisoned.

The campaigns quickly began… Over the next 6 months there was much propaganda and many threats were exchanged. Below is an example of the propaganda war machine of the Felines and that of the monkeys!

Both Chimpanzees and Felines began training for war…

The monkeys had armed themselves…

The cats had armed themselves…

It was a bloody war… but the Chimps were at their wits end. Gobbo was desperate. He thought that he would take one more shot at Thirst while Thirst was celebrating the near annihilation of the chimps…

However, Thirst had used spies and torture to get information… In the end, a DUCK that had access to Gobbo’s masterplan was forced to give him the information about the war and the assasination attempt… It all failed…

Gobbo got off the wagon and started using drugs again… We was cornered and was off his rocker!! Before he was caught, he threattened to kill himself…

Suddenly, there was a discovery that proved that the chimps had nothing to do with the attack on Cat Tower…

It turns out that it was ZENOFELLER (seen here at left with glasses with his buddy Detrop on the right) and his brethren that manipulated both the cats and the chimps so as to sell them the weapons for war…

{to be continued}



This thread is perfect…

All others fall before thee.

Thanks Dan.
By the votes, it looks like a part three may be coming to a forum near you…


:laughing: Typical bias reporting…


I want to make a prediction. I think the cats turn into tree hugging hippies and both monkeys and cats decide to live and let live embracing one another as brothers.


I used to wonder about who has more time on their hands: me or thirst

I think I’ve found my answer :wink:

Yeah, maybe in part 4.


Of course I have more time than you, Gobbo.
I am a fat cat capitalist living it up on your hard work.


Hard work?! :astonished: Not only is Gobbo a student, he’s a Canadian! :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re all in the same country now.

Also, as of now, Bush can do anything.

Hey, if you are going to talk politics in this thread, do it in \terms of Monkeys and Cats…


Part 3: The Apocalypse…?


Part 3: The Love-In…?

Bring it on!!!

[size=75]Cats practicing kung-fu[/size]

[size=75]One of the cats that made it home from the war[/size]