Mitochondrial DNA traces all human cultures back to the San Bushmen of the Kalahari.
We also know that humans first migrated out of Africa into the Middle East and Europe around 130 thousand years ago.
The brain of Cro-Magnon was fully formed when he arrived in Europe.
We know nothing of what happened during the time it took to for our specie to gradually migrate across the 6000 miles that separate South Africa from Europe.
So how long did that take for the brain to fully develop?
There are four crucial things about our origins that we do not know.
We have not defined the distinction between a hominid consciousness and human consciousness
We do not know when it happened
We do not know how it happened
We do mot know why it happened
The net result of this ignorance as to our origins is a global-wide confusion on every front of human interaction: About race, culture, politics, economics, religion, science and everything else that drives us to into wars and depressions. We simply do now know who we are, why we exist and what the reason for it is.
It is my conviction that if we can come to a consensus on the above four questions, we can then move forward together, step by step and gradually define the exact reason for our being.
I believe that I resolved those initial four riddles forty years ago while living and researching in South Africa.
It has been my hope, ever since I joined this forum that I could engage the members in a serious investigation into the origins, purpose and destination of the evolution of human consciousness.
I will not argue that I have come to the correct conclusions.
I will simply explain how and why I came to them and see if you agree, and if not, we can discuss the reasons why.
If enough of us engage in this, it is possible we may end up in a consensus. If that miracle should happen, the magnitude
of its wider consequences are unimaginable.
For those interested:
2.5 million B.C.E. I AM SEPARATE
I arrived at the date by looking for embellishments in crude hominid tools and weapons. I was looking for something more than just crude attempts to fashion them into increased efficiency. Chimps do that. There is no survival treason for embellishment. It requires Ego, It require leisure time. I wanted something that showed a distinct stamp of personal ownership - of craftsmanship.
There is enough collected evidence in museums that such personal embellishment began to take place around 2.5 million years ago. I believe at that time, enough neuron connections took place between the left and right hemispheres of a gradually enlargement hominid cortex for the dim beginning of a human ego to emerge. An internal dialogue began to take place between the two brains. For the first time in creation an individual consciousness saw itself as separate from all other consciousnesses.
In this way I answered for myself the first three questions.
A self-reflecting ego defines human consciousness.
It happened around 2.5 million years ago
It was caused by a sense of separation
If there is any argument on this, let us discuss it and find a consensus.
We can then move onto the more subjective question of WHY did it happen?
What was the survival advantage of Nature evolving a human Ego?
Why did She do it?
Is there some long-term design?