Ok this is getting old fast. What I want to know is how you can have my EXACT QUOTE right above your response and STILL MANAGE TO PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH. Show me where in this reponse I said you have to believe in God to be a philosopher. According to the following response I gave you claim I said that.
“But what is even more ironic is that at the current stage in human existence it is impossible for any philosopher to be secular yet most on this board claim to be philosophers. How can any one of you who is secular claim to have the slightest grasp of philosophy when to deny the possability of the existence of God is to deny the basic beliefs of philosophy itself”
I said you cannot be a secularist and a philosopher. I never said you had to believe in God. At the very least a philosopher must be agnostic, willing to admit that because they lack all the knowledge of the universe that there is the possability of a God existing. Nowhere did I say you had to believe in God to be a philosopher. I do not understand how you can quote me and right below my quote completely change what I said above. Is it really that hard to say what I said when refering to what I said instead of saying whatever you want and ignoring everything I just said?
And from my experience on this board, yeah I am lumping the whole board together, because you know what? There isn’t a single religious threat running through this entire forum that isn’t filled with insults or attacks against a particular religion with a nice overtone of spite.
This forum has probably run off more religious people than 95% of all the forums on the web. It’s no wonder there are hardly any people visiting this site, the fact that hardly anyone goes here speaks for itself. The secularists have mocked and constantly attacked all religious beliefs on this board to the point where there is probably 1 religious person for every 15 secularists. And that would be perfectly fine if this was just a current events site. But this is a philosophy site, and the tunnel vision of MOST of the secularists I’ve seen on this board is unbelievable.
If this site is so balanced and truely a place for all free thinking people to get together and discuss things then why is every subject dealing with religion attacking it in some way shape or form? I’ve found more harmony and civility and kindness amongst the differing viewpoints of regular people on a New York Giants current events message board! Maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s because those people don’t act like they have every answer to every question humanity has ever asked.