The Forums are not the same without.......


Whatever happened to these people?

er…I know what happened to some, but are they ever coming back?

Gamer actually read one of my poems and comphrehended it, not many have the ability to appreiciate my poetry.

Hermes seemed to have an interest into some ancient Chinese stuff, which I can teach him a lot about.

Abgrund needed some intellectual flexibility, seemed to me that his social and economic views were more or less rigid and immature.

Zenofeller’s probably dead from the punch I gave him through you-know-who.

Beenajain hated the administrator.

Whitelotus is one of the nuttest guy I’ve ever met.

Are they coming back? Don’t know. Me, I’d like two guys back, if they are not already. So come back on AOW and Zen Swashbuckler!

My grandpa always used to say, “Speak of the Devil and he’s sure to appear.” :wink: They’ll be back.

If not already that is…

people come and go- I miss them too, not to disregard that I am a newbie compared to those mentioned.

This forum is pretty tight with it’s members- some of us are here an aweful lot, but this is not the norm in forums… in my opinion.

See what you are doing? You make critical comments about people who are far beyond you, in the safety of their absence so as to appear superior to them by whoever might read this thread.

You did this same shit when I left.

Tacky, man, real tacky.

Do you want to be known as the peanut-gallery of ILP?

Remember, some of us know you wouldn’t stand a chance in hell against Abs, Gamer or Zenofeller.

  1. I’m a character whose complex nature is obviously beyond your comphrehension.

  2. I enjoyed interacting with most of the people mentioned and I understand their sentiments clearly - I know because I have such a gorgeous and plenty personality that I’ve been where they have.

  3. You are right to say that they are more knowledgable philosophically, and I personally have no problem with that, I wouldn’t be here if that’s not the case… would you though?

Detrop, seriously man: you don’t bother me; I don’t bother you - why can’t you get that? I’ve never tried to offend you in the first place, so what’s your obsesion? The first time you ever replied to me was aimed at offense, and I asked you not to do it again; now you are back doing exactly the same shit, and just as presumptious and arogant as before.

As you have opinions about me (and what false opinios they are), I have some about you too. But I’m not saying them (damn how I want to), only because I don’t want hurt people deep.

be cool

:blush: :blush: :blush:

I did this to someone here at ILP. I won’t name names but his starts with Pole—, and ends with ----marchus.

So, to you-know-who-you-are—I apologize. I’m sure if you’re still living in Vermont, and still doing energy conservation, you can find time to read this thread. :blush: :blush:

Promise, I will only be rude from now on to the likes of Pinnacle of Reason. Just kidding.

Gamer - Gamer has left the game.

Hermes - Hermes went though a divorce and left his job as property manager working from home. That previous occupation gave him most of the day to set at the computer and post here.

Abgrund - Quit the site and virtually eliminated every post he/she had ever written, changing his/her name to [removed by management] on March 11th 2005

Zenofeller - stoppped posting after getting back from his trip.

Beenajain – Has quit the website on a number of occasions:

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:18 pm … t=#1601593

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:58 am … t=#1628497

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:07 am … t=#1629737

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:21 pm … t=#1642366

Whitelotus - banned


I kicked his lame, nazi, dirty ass, kick as in shame, and then punched him (literally), don’t believe me? Just ask the topic starter who did the punch for me…

Hi to All:

With the exception of Whielotus, whom I did not know, I think that all of these people made contributions to the quality of this site; and it is hard for me to adjust to the loss of their personalities and intellects. I wonder how the old timers deal with the passing of these people.

Zeno was my favorite, not so much because he was more cleaver than most than most, and certainly not for his civility, but he came on about the same time as I, and he was the person with whom I had the most communication.

Any way, to me, it seems to be a bitter pill.

Yeah, it’s kind of sad but I guess it’s the transient nature of cyberspace. It’s interesting (in a sad way) to go way back in a forum and pick out a topic from long ago. Even a year ago. You’ll find entire conversations between people that aren’t even here anymore.

lol! :smiley: :smiley: No.
Yeah, very funny, Uniqor.

Okay, here’s what really happened. Zenofeller might have had this irritated tone in most of his posts, and a bit of arrogance in some, but I have talked to him in private message about something that Uniqor wanted—hello?—and I’ll say that he is not the person you guys see in the forums annoying some with his racism, animal cruelty, gender differences, and capitalist critique posts. He was actually this warm, pleasant person and I don’t blame Ed3 for liking him. They were just a couple of private messages really, but with what little he said, he was gentlemanly and very nice. He agreed to open a new thread so he and Uniqor could debate about race (?) if I remember correctly. That’s when disaster struck and ILP went down for a couple of weeks. ( I hope my facts are straight).
Now Xanderman is saying he never came back after his trip. Sad, indeed.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: It just shows she really did care about this site. I hope she comes back, though

I miss Gamer…

…Perhaps a lot of the “sudden dissapperances” of active-members here at ILP can be explained by events that suddenly popped up in those members’ lives.

My activity here has been recently decreased due to an increase of busy-ness with work and school.

However, I plan on having a lot more time to spend here once the summer comes…

…Perhaps many other souls will also return once the summer starts, too. Just a thought.

I, for one, never intend to leave ILP permanently. I may have to slow down my activity here (as I did in the past three months) due to school and the like, but I allways plan on returning to ILP as much as I am able to. :wink:

arendt, I don’t know if it’s your memory or something else, but now let Uniqor have a say in what really happened.

Zenofeller wrote something like this: “ancient Chinese culture is shit.” I was disgusted with his racist language, and wasn’t impressed by his idiotic reasoning behind the ignorant conclusion. I then wrote a long post, in the attempt to show him what a stupid nazi that he was trying to be. I wish some moderator could dig out that particular thread titled “proof of race”, so everybody will know that I’m not bullshitting whatsoever. Oh if you happen to saw that unpleasant thread, you could see that arendt was also in it, and some of her language wasn’t that nice neither.

About the pms exchangexd between Uniqor and arendt afterwards, I prefer to skip over. But one thing I’ll say though: arendt told me she made sure that zeno got my “punch”, and arednt you didn’t tell me that he wished to start another round with me.

Zenofeller - presumed reading: do start another thread as you wish, and I’ll teach you how to respect and appreciate other cultures, in which field I’m more or less a master by experience. You could tell me something that I don’t know about cultures, I’ll be learning.

Just for the sake of integrity (phew, hardly been so serious in a post before).

In my own experience a lack of the understanding of humor can very quickly turn a forum into a slinging match of insults. Another filthy habit is targetting another user for the sole purpose of imagined revenge and self satisfaction. Young imature persons sometimes unknowingly behave so without realising they are Trolls/troll baiting. Unfortunately they are the cause of many leaving a forum. They just dont understand themselves.

“There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him.”

G. I. Gurdjieff

I was kidding (!). Because I’m really not like that in private message. About the new thread that he was going to open, I told him I’d leave it up to him whatever it is that’s going to happen in the debate betwen you two—not my business.

Now, I am ending this conversation about Zenofeller. I don’t want to turn this into an attack back and forth.

:slight_smile: :sunglasses: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

grace, if you are saying that I’m the reason for you contempted leave, then I’ve got nothing to say except: sorry and chill out ma’m. I think ripe individuals have the ripeness of not basing their enthuastics about something on others.

arendt, I didn’t attack nobody in this thread in the first place, unless it was your intitial intention to use this thread as some sort of a indirect attact on whoever might be.

Methinks you presume too much, I am not leaving. Remember rotten follows ripe. If you didn’t attack nobody you might have attacked everybody. :smiley: ( I am being funny…laugh now).

Hope you enjoyed my Gurdjief quote, its my favorite. :wink: