I personally feel that in the simplest of terms that with knowledge you have the power to obtain new knowledge or to use it in some fashion. Which doesn’t mean you with use it in a physical sense but you may apply it to other things in your life to further your own life. So with the more knowledge you have the more able you are to alter your own life, impact others, or impact your environment.
Some interesting ideas around this…
Foucault acknowledged that his works were like fictions, and that ‘fictioning’ is a creative act very useful in over turning power relations that have a deleterious effect that one may want to over throw. Sorry, no citation at this point since my books are buried right now and I haven’t written on Foucault in 5+ years.
The ‘specific intellectual’ [SI]Foucault talks about is one that engages for a certain period of time and as mentioned elsewhere in this thread does not become enamoured with power, especially the discourse of power relations. But rather the SI use the language of discursive-warfare to wage his struggle against oppressive power relations.
Power is almost always to be thought of in tri-part. Power, truth, right. I may have to dig out my old thesis stuff on this. Get the philosophical juices flowing again.
Who’s the baddest assed Monkey king Philosopher on ILP who’s been running around for nearly 1000 posts saying Kant and Borges are the same assed thing - fictions. NO WONDER FOUCAULT ALWAYS QUOTES BORGES!!! WOw Specific intellectual you are a rockin’ rocker of rockosity. Where in the West are you ? I feel like Alfred Russell Wallace.