the free speech big lie...


#1 You are a disgrace to Poland.

#2 We already have one stark-raving mad lunatic on this forum, Ecmandu, we don’t need two.

Bye bye.


what the fuck do you know about Poland you clown…I quit anyway…hehe
bored of lowering myself to a level of an insane and uneducated loonies
want to discipline myself to raise to a level of respectable
which requires more reading and thinking
and less time fighting idiot windmills
whacha think clown?
want me to do a little quiz on Polish and Central EasternEuropean history???

is there such a quiz?

Actually, what you’ve been doing here on this forum is way way beneath the level of every other forum poster. But in your mind, I am sure, you think you are merely matching what everyone else is doing.

I wouldn’t make the same mistake that Urwrongx1000 is making and compare you to Ecmandu because Ecmandu is actually considerably more cooperative than you are.

I don’t think that had very much to do with anything Biden is doing. It is the international coalitions saying to Twitter that if you are going to do that to major political figures, especially the US President, yet not to public terrorist organizations then we are going to consider Twitter to be a WMD and act accordingly.

There is only so much of this “I am god” dung that they will put up with.

Here, in the UK, numerous Conservative Facebook profiles and groups kept getting repeatedly suspended because Facebook simply didn’t like the tone of the posts, and not because they were inciting anything, spreading misinformation, or racist etc. I witnessed this first hand and have no need to lie.

We didn’t even have any elections coming up lol, and our posts and Conservative message are tame compared to the US’.

Twitter is more forgiving with us than Facebook is, as I’ve not heard anybody mention suspensions or bans (yet), but they have zero customer service skills and don’t look into things like hacked accounts etc., of which I have first hand knowledge of.

What I said has nothing to do with racism, as Brits in general (regardless of ethnicity/colour) have mentioned likewise.

I think some Caribbeans give Caribbean-Brits a bad rap, and as for dating… I am neither full Anglo, nor full South-Asian, or full Caribbean, so I don’t involve myself in the colour game and I certainly don’t dislike others due to their ethnicity/colour, but due to personality/how they treat others etc.

There is no such thing as Caribbean-Brit…there are only Brits…as there are no Afro-Americans, only Americans or no Canadian-Greeks or pagan-neo-nazi ‘Americans’ or other deluded fantasies and everything else is neo-liberal delusion and capitalistic propaganda that is nearing its end. For example…a negro American will always see(AND COMPLETELY RIGHTFULLY!!!)a descendant of his enslaver and an inheritor of his SUPERIOR civilisation in a Caucasian white American…there can be no synchronisation there…and will never be because nations grow out of tribes and tribes consist of a: shared language, shared land and shared HISTORY; without these 3, THERE CAN NEVER BE A UNITED TRIBE and the Western negro or a western mulatto like you does not share the history and does not share land with the reset of the white Brits. The coloured colonial Brits have their own conflicting historical identity and their own land on their islands just the same way as the white Brits have their own conflicting historical identity and their own land on their own British Isles… I am not a racist and I dislike racism but these are the practical and unavoidable facts…you step out of the big cities in the South of England and white Brits simply don’t want negros around and don’t trust them nor perceive them as one of their own because humans patriotic tendency springs out of the deeper tribal tendency that has its mechanistic limitations that can’t be overcome because they are deeply embedded in the homo-homo sapiens nature just like evil or a sexual drive is…

The invention of a race mixed mulatto is a phenomenon that is completely alien and no more than two or three generations old…your history is not a bit black, a bit white, a bit this or that…your identity begins with your birth and is tied exclusively to the existence of the neo-liberal, quasi-communist Western experiment and will expire with it with, unfortunately, very dire consequences for peoples such as yourself or we will see a new Communist dictatorship which will institutionally stifle peoples homophobic and exclusionist tendencies, but just like the neo-nazi fantasies, communist fantasies are always destined to fall and they will always do.

My South-Asian Gran met my Carib/Anglo Grandad in the Caribbean, and had my dad and his siblings, so nothing to do with any Western experiments.

My part South-Asian/French-Norman-Anglo/Carib mum, met my dad in London, and had me and my siblings, so again… nothing to do with any Western experiments.

European sailors and other workers stayed on the island and inter-married with the local demographic rather than go back to Europe, because they had nothing to go back to. There was no experiment, but simply a chain of events that occurred. Same with the Indians… they refused to toil in the plantations, so worked in Trade and Finance etc. instead, and inter-married also.

The other islands do have different histories though, and each islands’ history is unique to them, so that is the history of mine. It is one of the most fought-over countries in the world due to its location, and was the home of Napoleon et al for many years, until the British signed a deal with the locals.

The males here are totally cool with me, but the females tend to be overly territorial… for no reason at all, and it’s not like they can realistically shag all the men in town by themselves, but I’m sure some try lol. :laughing:

Are you Pedro by any chance?

I did not say your are an experiment…I dont use that kind of language…when you can call things what they are you should and not harp and borrow unproductively from bizarre or technical vocabularies to make your pretentious and imbecilic dribble seem impressive nor did I say a person of your racial make-up can’t be assimilated into a nation-tribe of any Western or white society. The experiment is literal and refers to the social experiment that began in 1910s in America with Freud and Dewey and refers to pretending human-nature is something it is not and constructing governmental interventions to support that delusion; one of these delusions is that you can eradicate racism or homophobia without a dictatorship…or that the racial group of people who less than 200 years ago were traded as slaves and were a property of white Anglos will now simply assimilate and not create its own independent and conflicting identity whilst half the political spectrum preys and exacerbates its feelings of racial separatism and hatred and treats the working class as donkeys in general past 1970s Reagan neo-liberal revolution…and so on and on… to rephrase myself…individuals of any race or any culture can be assimilated into any Western nation but groups can’t, not because it is impossible in principle but because it is impossible in practice and especially impossible in democracies as history evidently shows that the more totalitarian the state THE MORE RACIAL AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY it can handle, and the more free a state, THE LESS.

The fall of the American star is a great tragedy for the West…despite what the loonies claim…they are stupid and arrogant and think they are important because they never leave their basements and when they do they dont engage with the real world at all… hiding in America or Canada, sitting safely on their asses as opportunistic immigrants they are telling the Europe what it ought or ought not do…a Canadian-Greek self-declared expert is all of a sudden qualified to lecture on what Central Europe needs and does not need after living on his ass in Toronto or whatever cucked shithouse he simps in…without America, what can Europe do???look the the Greek Aryans for ideas???look at the swelling Asia and its hordes of humans…look at China…who will stand up to such an enormous monstrosity???the autistic virgin neo-nazis with knowthyself???sad spectacle but this is a wider and deeper process…look at Jordan Peterson, look at the Anglo churches, look at its politics…Anglo-sphere is tragically sinking and with it any prospect of Western world dominance…I weep and so do European loyalists everywhere but in the 90 IQ neo-nazi circles…who cares???

Not land, sure… as my parents came here in the 60s, but a shared European history… yes, as my mother’s maiden name actually means English so of Engleland, and she grew up in the Western tradition of her European side… convent-school educated, born into Roman Catholicism etc. Her surname opened doors for her here, and my dad’s looks opened doors for him. :laughing: though his grand-parents left India in the 1920s, to work for the East India Company, and were flown out of their hometown to the port when his mother was only 2.

Call me tri-racial or Hybrid, not mulatto… that’s so passé, I’d even prefer be called red skin… yea hybrid sounds cool, and makes me sound like a machine or something… :smiley:

Why does the rest of the world think that all Caribbeans are born into and/or, of slavery? even many African-Caribbeans were never enslaved, due to escaping their captors and so remaining free men. The Caribs out-right refused to be enslaved, and so all but the weak ones worked for themselves, as farmers and agriculturalists and were left to their own devices by the warring Europeans who were fighting over the islands.

If you think so, but it is otherwise… it’s only some of the British females that dislike me and my type and try to undermine us, but not the males. I went to Uni up North, and traveled the country when a Civil Servant… and I was always adored, by all. I now sometimes travel the UK, for politics, and often want to stay because everyone’s so nice… even when they find out I’m a Conservative. :laughing:

One person’s reality is another’s ill-conceived idea, of what that person’s reality is actually like. I’ll leave it there, as anything else would simply be boasting… and that’s not really philosophy.

Re. the OP: The Left do always try and stifle the Right narrative, even if it’s day-to-day political information-sharing/business as usual stuff that all the Parties share, but what they did to Trump was something else/on a whole other level. Even my staunch-Left eldest sister, has seen through the divisiveness of what the Left, BLM, and Antifa have done in order to ensure they won this election.

What they did isn’t going down well abroad, and so then can the elected Party be trusted or want to be traded with etc? Facebook, Amazon, and WhatsApp… amongst others, are being boycotted here, for less data-mining apps/to buy British… as in the case of Amazon.

You are a dumb attention whore that is deluded and worst of all completely dishonest.

Shut your mouth you autistic dimwit.

And you are definitely bi-polar, and need to see your doctor about it.

I suggest not exchanging words further… ever.

i love ppl!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

i love ppl !!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

To OP: The Left do always try and stifle the Right narrative, even if it’s day-to-day political information-sharing/business as usual stuff that all the Parties share with the public, but what they did to Trump was something else/on a whole other level. Even my staunch-Left eldest sister, has seen through the divisiveness of what the Left, BLM, and Antifa have done in order to ensure they won this election.

What they did isn’t going down well abroad, and so then can the elected Party be trusted or want to be traded with etc? Facebook, Amazon, and WhatsApp… amongst others, are being boycotted here, for less data-mining apps/to buy British… as in the case of Amazon.