The frost of Christmas Morning

The frost of Christmas Morning
pinches the tip of the nose,
warms the tea further,
as we clasp our hands around the mugs like flowers.
White flowers - white roses! Christmas roses.

The young boys and girls walk hand in hand.
The young homosexuals catch eye to eye.
The elderly take safe steps over frosted roads.
All walking toward kettle warm houses
filled with the turkey-jesus-heart of Christmas!

The afternoon passes, in ships of fog, placid.
The night darkens and rooms grow closer
around us as the heat mixes with the wine
the wine with the laughter and the walls
orange to the tone touch the atmosphere.

Log fires - a perfect cliche - warm and real!
The flames licking and painting all night long.
As whiskey and long memories stretch through
the night…

as the day and the night
as just another day and night
in short message earth
where memories hold present

we kiss goodnight.
the night covers itself

soon Boxing Day shall waken
stumble out of bed
melt the last
frost of Christmas Morning