The future of man vs. the future of philosophers.

Ad hom to the whole forum?

reply to dan:



Dude are you completely dyslectic? Its so aggravating.

I called you a coward because you so pro-actively submitted to what you then considered the breach of your nations constitution and attack and ridicule those who dont.

Well thanks for finally admitting that.

No Im not.

No, it started before that. It started YEARS before that in fact, during the time when you kept not reading my posts and replying to them as if you had read them. That started building up a lot of anger in me about what I perceive as your laziness and dishonesty.

Oh sure. Projection.
How banal.

Then you’ve been losing for at least three years.

Apparently you havent read your constitution.

I can reply to more, but since you have such immense trouble reading, I will leave it at this and see to it that you at least manage to process this modest bit of information.

Do you understand that, from my perspective, the American government is OF, FOR and BY the People rather than separate of them?