The Gifts of the Spirit

Hi Bob,

You do not need to lead people in the sense that Jesus did. He came at a different time and did what was neccessary for that time as did Buddha, as did Mohammed, Lao Tsu, Confucius… Jesus couldn’t find even one of his disciples to stay awake! …his purpose was different. You (I) do not need to lead people, your (my) role is different. Y(our’s) is to become aware, not only of the nature of the universe but of your own true nature. An awareness of your own true nature is not simply knowing that it exists but it is manifesting it. Becoming the beings we were created to be. Using your own inherent wisdom, practice your knowledge so that your knowledge becomes your wisdom through experience. Our lives are a book that we are ever writing. We are ever creating our environment, the world - we have the power of creation in us, at the moment we do it unconsciously, the chaos of the world is a reflection of our hearts. Naturally as you learn, awaken, your environment begins to transform as a reflection of your heart. Your awakened heart inspires. That is your gift and with gratitude not only do you inspire but you are inspired.



The idea is very simple. Christianity is for people who wish “to be.” Therefore it begins with the assertion that we are not and live instead in dreams or “asleep” The teaching is for awakening in order “to be.”.

It is easy to assume that we are and are with people in the light such as Paul is referring to. When I suggest that we are rather in Plato’s cave or in the "Burning House"in Buddhism, it is an insult to your ego and the rest of my fan club. We have a difference but it isn’t all that difficult to understand.

Awakening cannot be explained. It is experienced through trying to awaken. When you see you cannot and are willing to admit it to yourself, then you begin to experience the contrast and what is lost by its acceptance.

Suggesting sleep will always provoke anger and dissension. Anger, disension, disagreement and all the rest will always be there. The question becomes if it can occur in a way people can profit from? It cannot be helped. It is an annoying truth that only a few can be open to. You speak of direction, but what direction can there be with sleeping people? Everything just continues to follow the cycles it always has and will continue to do. You do not want to see that what you see as life around you and human interaction is just the normal expression of man’s collective being.

What will you say or do that is new? It has all been said and tried before and will be said and tried again. Our collective being is like a pillow. You push down on one side and the other raises. You think this is progress until the other side pushes down and your side goes up. The pillow is still the pillow regardless of the shape it is pushed into. Lawful earthly influences will just allow its shape to continue changing and adapting to earthly conditions.

Christianity realizes that the answer isn’t in doing this or that but in the collective attempts at awakening. As I said before, help in these attempts at the realization of ones sleep and efforts of awakening is Christian love. It is the realization and concern for the inner man.

What the heck will a counselor do? If she’s a cute female, hopefully I could confuse the heck out of her enough so that we’d just end up sharing some cocktails and a little reality. Now that’s a useful expert. :slight_smile:

Translation: You just don’t want anything interfering with your feelings of self importance and expressions of “wonderful” thoughts. But I am curious as to what these answers you speak of will be.

This idea of shared talents as perceived by the state is the essence of Communism and you see how that ended up. Gifts of the spirit and earthly talents are not the same and shouldn’t be considered as such.

Hi Bob,

For those who are of good intent, each performs within their understanding of what can be understood in that moment. That each experience brings greater understanding is given. That which is our spiritual nature is continually unfolding, and in every moment we have more to share.

That which is the ineffable requires no more of us. To be open, to share willingly, to celebrate both our spirit and our humanity and to grow in that. Is that not enough? What more does any consciousness have to offer than the best of our potential in any moment?

If there is leadership, if one is to be seen as a ‘guide’, it is in our acceptance of the gift of life and to share our hearts and understanding with others. If there is Truth, it is in that simplicity. Authenticity, truth, sincerity, or any other word you would place here, is not of books, holy or otherwise, but in that which rises spontaneously from our hearts and minds. As a creation of all that is, we have all the potential for expressing the wonder of the ineffable. “The truth will out”. We just have to find the courage to let go of ourselves and be that which is.


Hi Nick,

If only it were that simple – at least you have been continually denying that when I have said that it could be simple. I have the feeling that you are a compulsive dissenter, whatever opinion other people have.

When you suggest the cave, I get the feeling the record has a scratch. It seems to please you that you could insult someone – I may not appear it, but you leave me quite indifferent. What does exasperate me is the fact that you seem unable to make up your mind, or use words that could lead us onwards. I experience you as a quagmire in which I get stuck and you are always around the corner.

Do you actually know what you meant by this? On the other hand, don’t try and explain. I’ve had enough.

The needle is stuck again, [yawn]

If you say so, but Nick, please stop posting the same things over and over again - please


Hi Angel,

Now that’s a sobering thought! :slight_smile:

I think you are right to some degree, although I sometimes see little advance and for what advance we have achieved, a lot of effort invested.

Thanks, I am thankful when others pick me up. It has been an eventful weekend – and a tiring one. It is helpful when people put us back on the track…

True words.

Hi JT,

Yes, I think that all scripture and inpirational writing is trying to achieve a peace within us, a “quiescence” that helps us “live in the Spirit” and shapes our souls.

This became clear to me when I was driving an old lady home form a Bible-meeting and she said to me, “I often wonder whether God will ask me what I know when I meet him. You see, the older I get, the less I know. So many memories elude me, faces have gone, words have gone. I know I knew once, but I don’t know now. Do you think that God will want to know what I have learnt in the Bible?”

I said, “I think God will know what you have known, because he will be able to read it in your soul. The way you approach him, the way you listen to him, the way you speak to him will be a thousand pages in the book of your life. It isn’t what we have forgotten that worries me, but what we can’t forget, and would rather have had never happened.”

She said, “He will know that too! Thanks be to God that he speaks through us to each other, and that we may know that he is merciful.”



All thanks to Heaven. Yes it has been a challenging weekend. Yes indeed.


Bob, I question whether advance is quite what we are about. For every ‘positive’ we bring about, we bring a measure of it’s opposite. As one begins to see that all partakes of one, advancing or not advancing becomes the same to us. To live as best we can understand and to share that with others is the effort to be made. The the. Sharing our grasp of the ineffable, our love of life, and life’s love of us is the reciprocal gift. It’s so simple. Too simple. If we come from within, then all without will follow. That is our faith in life.