The great academic revolt...

The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Here is the preface of a controversial book:
Why do we reproduce? Is it possible for us to avoid reproduction? How would we be if there is no reproduction? Can there be any evolution or innovation without reproduction? This piece of writing is to make you acknowledge and study the inevitable reproductions in the realm of ideas. You may claim that you can avoid the reproduction of ideas. Try not to reproduce the ideas with which the questions in the following pages in order to prove that you can avoid the reproduction of ideas. You would find that it is impossible for anyone to avoid the reproduction of ideas. Study the ideas upon which the questions in the following pages are based in order to acknowledge or challenge the claim that one cannot avoid the reproduction of ideas. Your ideas are reproducible ones and the human kind will reproduce them forever. Evolution needs reproduction.

Is it impossible for us to avoid the classification of subjects on the basis of the objects they deal with? The classification of subjects on the basis of the objects they deal with is the basis of many human conflicts. Every subject is capable of dealing with every object. The identification of the ideas with which each and every thing is questioned and studied is necessary to dissolve the classification of subjects on the basis of the objects they deal with. This writing provides the ideas with which each and every thing is questioned and studied for the people to dissolve the classification of subjects on the basis of the objects they deal with and bring peace in mind and world.

People can evaluate the claims of the academicians, educators, scholars, books, scientists, and philosophers on the innovation of evolution of ideas by making a distinction between the ideas that are reproduced and the ideas that are innovated. Such evaluations are necessary because many of them advocate as if they do no reproduce and as if reproduction of ideas is a sin. The truth is that one cannot avoid the reproduction of ideas. Students can use this writing to assess the way their teachers and books reproduce and articulate the ideas as if they do not reproduce the ideas. Teachers can use this writing to prepare their lectures anticipating the possible *uestions from the students.

Things cannot be analyzed without relating them through ideas. How do one’s ideas relate things? How does one relate things through ideas? This writing would help people to ascertain how one’s ideas relate things and how one relates things through ideas.

Support and refine this writing if you care for the dignity and esteem of your fellow human beings and your sons and daughters. Fight against this if you are a capitalist who exploit the fellow fellow men and women. Truth triumphs.
Why do we reproduce?