the great play dough of mind

falling asleep listening to the dull poets
read their dull poems in the land of Soul!
in stuffy halls with cheap coffee machines
and hard uncomfortable wooden chairs.
This is where poetry comes to die.

I’m sitting in my big brain
playfully thinking
pip the seed
pop out my mouth word
pop out my word mouth!
spill it out.
Say what you mean clear and precise.
come to the point.

excuse me,
could you pass me a bowl of word!
would you like a word? you would
wouldn’t you? word out.

go on — take it — have a word
just one - --ok no problem.
any word will do.
eat it – eat it down
into the throat the belly
through the the toes
back up
spit it out
rift out a big
gassy belch of word
the word the sower of seeds

fields of thoughts
strings of feeling
quilted under
layers of brain…

it is a great play dough of the mind
is word - word great bread of thought

  • think over broken bread!

Words help make that
the line that goes
from me to you
from you to me

pass eyes back and further
in silence the words hunker down
for waitings sake until mouth
open and sound come rushing

words - ventriloquists - projecting our voice.
You make the puppet live through his mouth

[size=150]- hymn for the emo! [/size]
You pathetic fucking suburbanites. Safely holed in the pen of house.
You have the practical skills of handicapped children. Deskilled.
No survival technique. You cannot rewire a plug.
You phone strange men to fix your problems then you pay them.
You cannot tie your own shoe lace: you are dead already.
When the War starts - your all finished! Morts. Cannon fodder.
Target practice. You soft lifers - when life gets tough -
you will disappear in a puff of wimp.

I will shit all over your stability.
You snobs raised on
BackStreet Boys
Hair spray
and bubble gum brain
mirror reflect mentality
six pack a stack body
toned eternal youth
you fucking effeminate
queer cocking sucking
wastrels of nowhere
spoiled lifeguard of seatbelt safety!

Nurseries of the future
your windows are locked
you raise armies of spoiled brats
dribbling and wetting themselves
in a society as mad as Disney Land.

  • smother the babies
    lest we birth a monster
    in our own image!

ignorant little pastries
still in the oven of Mummy!
still under the yoke of the Father
egg boys! mushy boys! runny eggs!

limp wristed warm

pretty boy Mikey Mouse degree
Idiot Proof College era
Learned Ignorant
Misinformed mooncalfs
Fence sitting impartialists.

Nature is cruel
and she mocks
you with the
safe life

in secret she
gambles your

I have an offline .doc file of selected works by yourself, Colin, into which this latest one will become the next entry.

Season’s greetings!