The greatest lie a teacher can tell is ‘if you believe in yourself, you can do anything’.
A girl believes she can be a great singer but she does not have the talent. yet she doesn’t listen to me and keeps on trying. She is obviously wasting her time.
It is important to realise your potential and your personality and make the most out of it.
People are anxious of their status in society because they believe the lie they can achieve anything they want, and when they do not achieve what they want, they feel dejected whilst not realising they have believed a lie all along that’s making them feel bad.
Do not believe you can achieve anything in life. Most of the time, you are only building up for big disappointment, like sex.
We’d all have less anxiety if we realise our potential and be with people like us. if you are a philosopher, then ILP is the place to be. if u r gay, maybe clubbing is the place u feel most comfortable with. it is about being with people like u and people who can understand u.
I wish you had a chat with Madonna 25 years ago, Old Timer; the world would be a different place today if you had.
You assume talent is what gets people to where they are; but nothing could be further from the truth.
All you need is
a) the will to power i.e. the will to keep pounding away until you break through.
b) a street-wise understanding how the world really works and the smarts to exploit it (i.e. how and where to aim your will/determination/power) and
c) luck.
Everything else, especially talent, can be manufactured.
I also observed in this world power is all there is. there is no right/wrong, simply power to do thing. You can do things and whether you should/should not is defined by psychology. what matters is what can or can not be done and not what should or should not be done.
how i wish you are right, experience tells me otherwise.
comfortably numb
I am not saying people like Madonna shouldn’t try. All I am saying people should try as hard as they can to the best of their ability. how do each and everyone of us know our abilities?? by observation and inner contemplation.
but u realise not everyone can be a Madonna no matter how hard they try.
Experience tells you that you could not be Madonna? I’m sure any sane person could tell you outright you cannot exactly be another, though you can steal their identity easily enough or accomplish what they have and more. When one says one cannot be anything, it brings to attention the question of just how hard this person tried compared with another. Granted some try harder then others, but it should be known that some are lazier and generally dumber then others.
I suppose then that I should clarify: One can be anything within their own power… but what then, is the power of one?
There are few quotes I have lived my life by, but this is one of them:
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The would is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge
There are many factors that leads one to success, where persistense and natural talent are only two.
I think one has to do something that they enjoy. “one often becomes good at what they naturally like.”
In music for example, since that has been brought up with madonna, If you are trying to break thru as a reggae artist because that is what you think is cool, but you naturally play the blues better, you are probably setting yourself up for a mismatch.
You have to learn to read yourself as if you where a stranger, to avoid the bias of “believing in your self no matter what,” which will not help you see where you are “really at” When you can see yourself as a stranger, you can see your natural strenghts, and your weaknesses, and then you can begin to work on your weeknesses to make them stronger in order to achive your personal goals.
talent is not all it takes, not at all. Persistense and intelligence are very serious animals that can over take talent.
What is talent anyway? Most of the time, people discover their natural talents by persistence. They work and work, and see what doesn’t work, and then what “does” work. What feels awkward and what feels right.
most of the time a diamond does not come out of the rock ready and polished.
Very seldom does a diamond fall out of the rock nearly perfect. Most diamonds need polishing before they move from teh “amatuer” arena to the “pro” arena.