The Hall of Stupity

Recording those who don’t know how to use an internet forum properly. First off is Xunzian, for forgetting to lock his thread, then making a thread for the replies that got in before the lock, when he should have just deleted them and initiated a pm conversation with the poster: … p?t=157571

Next is the Joker, because whenever he makes a post he usually makes two. Or more. Case in point: … &start=825

NickOtani posts in the wrong forum: … 30#1886230

Of course, there will always be more. Also, should you find your name listed here, don’t despair: many of the great philosophers didn’t know how to use a personal computer.

You should also include Uccisore, for accidentally deleting a whole poster from ILP and myself, for accidentally clicking ‘edit’ instead of ‘quote’ and fucking up someone’s post before quickly restoring it to its original state so no one noticed.


Right. Uccisore, Siatd, your errors are now immortalized in ascii.

Uccisore, for deleting a benign poster from the website.

Siatd, for pissing off detrop.

Nihilistic for not being able to keep posters straight, and confusing Tristan for Serebrum several times in one thread. … c&start=50

I don’t know how people make those really long replies with all the quotes from other people one after another. Does this make me a luddite?

If you don’t know if that makes you a Luddite or not, you’re definitely a luddite.

I was going to mention you in my prior post but now you’ve done it for me.

Yes, it really ain’t hard. You just click the ‘quote’ button and it does most of the work for you.



Uccisore Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:05 am Post subject:

If you don’t know if that makes you a Luddite or not, you’re definitely a luddite.


Ok. I think I may actually be a luddite. But at least I tried. At least I tried.

whats a luddite. yes, im that lazy. (meaning i wont go look it up)


:smiley: :smiley:

Basically, you add up the number of comments you’ve got (i.e. maybe it’s your original comment, their response, your response to that and an additional comment from them, so that’s 4) and you put {quote}{quote}{quote}{quote} (only using brackets) then {/quote} after each comment.

I’ll have to try that when I first wake up one morning before I smoke.

Vfr, for not understanding signatures. … p?t=157571

October wins the “Most Ambiguous One Word Title” award. … p?t=157647


But…you linked the wrong thread… :laughing:. For shame…

My post has been edited by unknown hands. Damn you, siatd.

Oh for god’s sake! You’re undermining my title! … ?p=1887143

Ahahaha, this bot can’t even link correctly. Hee hee. … 64#1888064

Since all of you know your stuff so well, the purpose of this thread is now official changed to pointing out particularly stupid threads. … p?t=157886

Aaaaaaand: … ?p=1890340

For misspelling a word and thus proving that it applies to himself.