The Harmonic Triads

Rainbow xylophone

authentic versus artificial creativity

But naturally agree to the vector being the only logical route to discern between the original and the simulation toward the Absolut limit of reps.

Because the logical sequences are deduciable line by line per structural dimunision . as the 3 legs of apprehension suffer an unperceived unbalane. With the 5 th leg appearently appearently. lost to in visibility

The sensibility of which connects to It’ basic uncertainty.

so trying to recapture It will result in the inordinately insufferable feeding of a troll, that resembles a hungry ghost.

Howev5. the basic wide open aperture still maximally opsn hence unficused, because the two orbs can not eternally out stars through this expanding of the whites of innoscent mist filling toward the black ink of visible vapors, by quickly filling up with many grades of compensating degrees of grey.

If I have already answered that above, also add this:



little more

getting messy

Size requirement for files could be more convenient. Clearer image:

Heidegger & Kant & Plato

Imagine if all three spheres in alignment.

Sorry this is upside down (rooted in dasein instead of Dasein).



Triades…go back to Plato’s psyche.

Connect it to body - mind - nervous system.
Past - PRESENT - future

From genes to memes, this is also a triad…the ‘to’ indicates movement; as does Will TO Power, and Will TO Life
What does one will?
That which he does not possess, or cannot maintain without effort.

Real TO Ideal
Man TO God

Nietzsche said no subject and also said power is his word for freedom. Might wanna take his insight with a mountain of salt.

triads are eternal & go everywhere, not just back. see the shema.

Nietzsche is not my idol, sweets…for those look towards origami, Ollie and the half-Jew, who is not really a Jew according to Jewish traditions…they are Nietzsche’s Bitches, here on ILP…and that freak historyboy.
I’m just a goat. The goat?
I would not accept this in my humility before the cosmos…my gods.

We all have an origin story.

Not the cosmos dear…it has no memory.
It needs no first cause…for what was its cause?
You must contradict your own delusions, or come up with some bullshyte excuse to exempt yourself rom them.