The Higher mind

Some people accept with no problem, that their body is intelligent enough to automatically let their brain know when they are dehydrated, or has some other deficiency (even if their mind may have overlooked it) they accept there is in some form, a kind of higher authority that knows best, but the same people will not accept the idea that a higher mind (their own) is telling them certain thoughts will create a deficiency of some sort, which it does in all people, it is because your mind reacts the same way your body does to things it recognizes naturally as harmful. It is your default state. But just as some people completely ignore what their body is telling them regarding the poor food they eat, their lack of excercise, they ignore what their higher mind is saying also. In fact the two most often go together, when someone becomes depressed they will begin ignoring both what their body and mind is telling them making them worse. A self defeating cycle.

But your higher mind naturally tries to put up all sorts of stop signs saying “hazardous - keep out” but curiosity getting the better of most people they must enter in, and begin dabbling with all sorts of silly ideas and concepts which will drive them round the bend eventually, all thats harmful for them until in the end, they are left wondering how they were lead there, they were warned repeatedly, but they never listened and find themselves in some lunatic asylum or prison, or in trouble with their family, their neighbours or freinds, all because of the thoughts they entertained! It is the invisible world which rules human society. Only an idiot would disagree yet strangely enough so few people ever take lessons from this fact of life, and allow their imagination to run riot, never seeing it as a threat, how idiotic :smiley:

Look at Crowley, a perfect example of hedonism, had you met him this fool would have told you it was good to indulge in everything the sage says is bad, that it was all perfectly natural. Yet look at how he ended. Compare the life of these simple minded dimwits to the life of those who are the real benefactors of mankind.

You assume that all people are inherently reasonable, which they are not.