The History of Detrop

Detrop is…

  • Interesting and Engaging
  • Vile and Disgusting
  • I don’t know Detrop
  • Mind your own business THIRST!
  • He is a !@#$%^&* and a !@#$%
  • I love Detrop
0 voters

Hi all,

I would like to learn about the history of Detrop and all his pseudonyms. It seems he is pretty famous (or infamous) here at ILP… I don’t think anyone has such a cool label like he does: ILP Harlot … :laughing:

Detrop… I would first like to hear from everyone besides you and then you can add your two cents.

Just curious because the history of ILP is not very informational…

i’d like to know about his history?

I doubt that anyone on ILP knows detrop outside of his posting persona presented here. All you could get from such a question would be fragments of what people remember and misremember from what detrop has already written. This thread might get you opinions about detrop but that would not be his history. Only detrop could write his own history, and then you would have to decide if you could trust what he had written.

Maybe Detrop is not as popular as you thought. :wink:
Why would you care about the history of Detrop anyway?

I guess I should have specified that I was interested in his ILP history. In general, I am interested in everyone’s story here at ILP beginning with the moderators and frequent posters.

So Xanderman, what is your history? :smiley:

:laughing: You weren’t kidding Childsplay…

I care about the history because Detrop is a frequent poster to the forum. So many people seem to have an opinion about Detrop… I was curious what some of those were and what Detrop has to say about himself (though I’d rather hear from everyone else first).

Also general curiosity…

I love De’trop… when will I be barefoot in the kitchen!?

I havnt found anywhere to introduce meself. is there anywhere that member intros are done. just curous.

I dont know detrop but I bet he is cool if someone is willing to start a whole post for him :slight_smile:

i dont know detrop…but i want him

If you want him that bad, I suggest you chat up childsplay… you might find they share a lot in common :sunglasses:

[EDIT: I thought childsplay was another one of detrop’s doppelgangers… but I’m beginning to have my doubts]


I assume Ben changed it as a joke, the devious lad he is.

However, if he thinks he can buy my love, he is terribly mistaken.

Will those three members who chose this option please report to the principle’s office.

Nope. Can’t do it. I already checked her (I assume its a ‘her’) out.

She’s 15 years old. Where I’m from, 15 will getcha 20.

Embracetrees, this is not a sex-forum and I am not a Harlot. I do understand how hard it is to resist me in all my glory, so don’t feel like I’m singling you out. I’m supposed to be flirting with Vortical right now anyway.

But you can’t just say “I want him” and expect anybody to take you seriously.

I know, I know. The power of my mind and my words, my brilliant eyes, my confidence, the tempered physique, etc., etc., seduce even the hardest of women.

I once beat an entire Amazon tribe of women, in my past life, and forced them to bow down to me, making me their king.

Anyway…what was I saying? Oh yeah…

I am twice your age, so pucker up and put your thinking-cap…and your underware, on.

Besides, once you go détrop, you won’t ever stop.

(that’s my rendition, anyway)

annoying, arrogant, self-absorbed, sarcastic, intoelerable, twice my age, egotistic, selfish…
man…now i REALLY want you!

Hi Detrop, why are you so poop-pular with the ladies? I think I’ve seen many posts about you being hot… what words of wisdom could you pass on to men out there?

Vortical… do you like me? :wink: I’m adorable and my mommy thinks I am the handsomest guy (besides George Clooney of course!)

ILP HARLOT :laughing: that’s classic!


Oh for God’s sake, all I said was:

Détrop’s a complete and utter



tab, youre adorable! :laughing:

Hi embracetrees,

Please, go to the thread Thirst’s love shack. Adore only Thirst! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m joking people! Or am I? :astonished:

Never lock horns with the Tabsternator… I been a’buttin other billy-goats off the mountainside since befores you wuz born. :evilfun: