The homeless and approaching winter

I went on a homeless count in the big city here, along the river valley park system & was told by the ranger estimate,that there were 140 campsites, even some families with kids. The shelters here are way over crowded & this is how some people have to live, & next week the temperature is going down to 17F.
Well, someone, on our old forum said it’s worthwhile to talk to homeless people & I agree.
Get them a coffee to warm up while you’re at it. =D> Not everyone but pick a homeless person that you kind of relate to.

I’m slowly reading a book by a teacher of philosophy, Jean Vanier; “Becoming Human.”
I think this will bring me along in my journey.



I heard they’re going to be shipping out the addicts in van city for the 2010 games.

Funny how they only give some attention to the homeless when the world is going to be seeing them :unamused:

I like your sig.

What are your thoughts on the next… .6 years or so?

Here on the coast there are still a few thousand homeless still living in tents. They can’t rebuild their lives yet, Insurance companies are doing a royal screwing down here. State Farm has been busted for fraud, they are in huge trouble.
Fema people try to help but money, is being stretched to fraying points between Florida, Alabama, Mississipi and Texas, then you have all the towns that were ripped up by Tornados this year, all the flooding in the northeast and the Hawian earthquake was icing on an already problematic cake.

The US has been hit hard by natural diasters the past couple of years. I wonder what the exact numbers are on lives destoyed, injuries and deaths. It has been rough. I know a number of people that passed away down here, I attended too many memorials and funerals this past year thanks to Katrina. Reach out and help those who have been ravaged by nature and greedy corporations.