The House of Usher

Plagued by loneliness
I wrap tight around my body
large yellow window curtains

The streets are cold and empty.
Like the shelves of barren fridges
In the kitchens of frigid bachelors

There is not a soul about.
Night paints shadows on the walls.
The silence holds an immensity.

As though only the graves were real
and I the grimreaper left only with eternity
to shiver in the dark eyes wide with mania…

Silence, death, nothingness, emptiness. These are all forms of peace which some persons find repuslive. Is peace neutral or is peace anything which is an amusing destraction?

Quite funny this: I come back to this forum for a bit of dialogue with Dan, having had dialogue with Colin, I see a post by Colin to which I want to reply, and the only other person to have replied is… Dan! A blue triangle of souls has flickered into being.

Just wanted to remark that the handle of the Colinsign poetry sausage machine is still turning :slight_smile: