The Illogical debate

This is the game. I will make an argument for something post a fallacious counter-argument. Do not point out the fallacy, unless pointing it out is a part of a counter argument.

Ronaldo holds the all time record for most goals scored in world cup games, plus he raised the skill level of the entire sport with his addition to it, therefore Ronaldo is the greatest soccer player to have ever lived.

Ronaldo likes to eat rice, and everyone knows that whoever eats rice is the greatest soccer player who ever lived, therefore Ronaldo cannot possibly be the greatest soccer player whoever lived.

Chicken wings are the preferred food of soccer players, none of whom are better than the others. Because Renaldo eats only vegetables, he should be erased from the history of soccer and his sympathizers should be euthanized. Therefore, obviously, he is not the best at anything.

You would say that about chicken wings, I mean, look at that beard.

I don’t even have a dog!

But you do have a Mao citation in your sig. The presence of Mao citations in sigs automatically rules out any authority on footballing matters.

Plus, Ronaldo’s a fatty. Assuming we’re still talking about that Ronaldo. There’s the other Ronaldo, the one who scored twice against Roma.

This can be true if you mean to say that he will maintain that greatness until someone “bests” him.

One thing you would need to take into consideration is the fact that sure the at his coming the skill level with respect to time is at its highest, but you should also consider the derivative of the skill level with respect to time. If the derivative corresponding to Renaldo’s coming is at its highest of all time, then yes he would be the greatest player.

For non calculus people… It would be like a man beating the record for most straws shoved in mouth at once. Technically all he has to do is add one more straw to beat the record. Big whoop. If he were to add a bunch of straws it would be more impressive.

All Renaldo has to do is score one more goal to be great. Did he only score one more goal than the previous record holder, or did he score a bunch, thereby setting the bar way higher than necessary for a “broken record”?


Ronaldo would be committing a fallacy in saying that rice eating = greatness. He could say though that your chances increase if you eat rice. Dealing in absolutes (regarding subjective material) usually leads to a fallacy.

Their are several fallacies in this, but what you pointed out is not a fallacy, it is simply a false premise. The real probelm with that sentence, however, is “everyone knows”. Not exactly truth functional…and turns the statment into an atomic sentence rather than a conditional, rendering my paragraph a series of atomic sentences with no argument.

[size=59]Do not point out the fallacy, unless pointing it out is a part of a counter argument. [/size]

The two times Ronaldo kicked his cat before a match he scored two goals in each time. It follows then, Gobbo, that kicking Ronaldo’s cat twice will yield AT least two goals for every two games.

Kicking your mom helps me score in my game. :smiley:

Yay for arguing through personal attacks!

You’re a brainless parimecium, parallel only to the indecent quagmire of your indecency. I know nincompoops smarter than you. My rock could beat you in a race. Your face smells like a baboon’s underside. Your hair looks like a voracious bee nest. You are most certainly an imperfect creation, to the utmost extent. Your eye looks like a meatball. Your ears are so big you hear colors. Your toes are so fat, they won a wrestiling contest.

You’re just mad because you don’t have a tail.

Has the pothead thread moved?


You can go eat your relavent material. OOOOOHHHHHH! Burn.

For the record, an argument consists of statements which are either true or false, and a conlusion. If you choose to ad hom another’s argument, make sure to add a conclusion. Saying “you’re a dickhead” is not an argument. “You’re a dickhead, therefore ronaldo is not a good player” is.
This might help:

I’m a dickhead. Therefore I wear a big condom over my face and hide in shame.

I can’t believe that no one has responded to this since april!

If you find semen in your girlfriends vajina and it isn’t yours, you don’t have to wear a condom.