Government is run by individuals, therefore, individuals can govern themselves.
Government is used to think, therefore, there is no reason for the common citizen to.
Capitalism is freedom of the rich and slavery of the poor. When one is rich, another suffers for it. Virtue is trickery. You owe nothing to your oppressor.
Metaphysics is a lie. What you see go on is reality.
The boss makes more money not because he works harder or is entitled but because he issues his employees to work for him. Ignorance of self worth and dignity in addition to the basic needs that are met with minimal education and job opportunity hides evidence of their exploitation.
There’s more to a global economy than labor. The boss usually makes more money because he has marketted himself to the company such that he is perceived as more vaulable than the production forces. Aside from that, some might argue against capitalism by saying that even the boss is a slave, and that only those who profit from capital gains are the really evil ones.
Well, Ok, but you know people do it to themselves. So why should I pity them. If someone feels oppressed then generally they get together with others and start a revolution. You can’t rescue those that have no desire or wish to be rescued. Ignorance and undereducated is not a valid reason. Too many uneducated and ignorant people have revolted against their oppressors and won. odds are always in the masses favor.
Just like the women in the middle East that are regarded as property and secondclass people. Can’t help them unless they want it. Most seem to be content. Otherwise they would not put up with it. After all, Females out number the males. If they truly wanted rights they would revolt.
In the past, personal and political liberty depended to a considerable estent upon governmental ineffeciency. The spirit of tyranny was always more than willing; but its organization and material equipment were generally weak. Progressive science and technology have changed all this completely. Aldous Huxley
The US government was very ineffecient, then it adopted the German model of bureaucracy. The German model of bureaucracy was Prussian military bureaucracy applied to citizens. This is required, before a country can have citizens incapable of thinking for themselves.
“Democracy is a way of life and social organization which above all others is sensitive to the dignity and worth of the individual human personality, affirming the fundamental moral and political equality of all men and recognizing no barriers of race, religion, or circumstance.” Congress of Education for Democracy, August, 1939
Speaking of the enemy as we entered WWI
“Whatever their effeciency, such great organizations are so impersonal that they bear down on the individual lives of the people like a hydraulic press whose action is completely impersonal and therefore completely effective in crushing out individual liberty and power.” Sara H. Fahey, quoting India seer and poet, Tagor, at the 1917 National Education Association Conference.
Between WWI AND WWII we adopted the German model of bureaucracy. Following WWII we adopted German education for technology for military and industrial purpose and stopped transmitting the culture that protected our liberty. The US has internalized its enemy and this is the justification for the Bush family claiming the US is the New World Order . This is what is behind the neocons, and the invasion of Iraq, and what the US has been doing in the mid east for many years. It is also behind the sweet deals industry is making with government, such as the medical insure that benefits drug companies, but still leaves the people unprotected. “Your’s is not to question why. Your’s is to do or die.” Religion, industry and the military are autocratic, and increasingly the government of the US is gaining autocratic authority over the people, whose education leaves them as a children, not wanting to grow up and accept the duties of adulthood.
Our young are as sure they are superior, as did the youth of Germany. They scorn history and see no reason to pay attention to it, because they were taught it is valueless. As the Prussians did when they took control of Germany, the US has destroyed its national hero’s and praises effeciency.
Only because people are willing to follow. Its much easier to do that than to work. People do not want to think for themselves they want others to think for them. Thinking takes risk. Risk is work and work is too much trouble.
These go hand-in-hand. The distinction is the government being the only head in society’s operation. If a citizen has their own idea, it’s overruled by the government’s.
None isolated, considering it’s eating the entire world up. The boss is in a dog eat dog rat race that he’s winning in some form or another. Anyone who willingly participates in Capitalism knows how it works to the extent where they can see the class differences. They aim for the higher wages and don’t care about the ones who lose in the process.
The fact is, we should have the opportunity to develop by ourselves. There are too many factors involved in a large group under a jurisdiction to be correct 100%.
It’s the same pattern of religion. Only 1 way and 1 leader. You’re an undeserving corrupt follower that must accept the rules or else you’re condemned.
We live a decaying lie that makes people more ignorant and weak every passing moment.
Of course, you are correct, assuming absolute efficiency, all-encompassing legislation, and pure theory. In practise, it never works that way. Maybe in very small groups, it does.
Government is not run by individuals any more than a herd is made up of individuals. There is a group dynamic that must be present to rightly call an amalgamation of individuals a herd. Different groups have different dynamics. We may witness a group of individual animals at a watering hole, but that fact alone doesn’t make them a herd. It may just be the only watering hole around.
And wealth is not a zero-sum game. Wealth can be created - it isn’t necessarily taken from someone else.
Sometimes the boss doesn’t make more money. Sometimes the boss loses his shirt - but his employees may still take a wage until that point is reached.
And government is not the only regulative force in society - not in every case, at least.
Sometimes a citizen has a better idea - so good that he (or she) actually becomes the boss.
In the US at present, even professional economists have trouble discerning class differences.
1: a large group willing to obey orders.
2: a smaller group willing to give orders.
That’s the difference between management and development.
It does not mean that the ones ontop are exploiting, nor does it mean the ones on the bottom are blind slaves. It’s just a form of specialization. Specialization arises in order to compensate for technical complexity. Goverment and economics becomes more complex as population increases and culture/technology grows. Everything then becomes more and more beurocratic, and I’m not going to try extra hard to spell that word properly : “beurocratic”. Everything has to be specialized and indirect at that level, because the common civilian can’t be an electrition, a farmer, a doctor, a physicist, etc. They don’t have the mental capacity to be self-sufficient when presented with too many complex tasks.
How well an individual does in an industry depends on if it is autocratic or democratic. Having ambition and instigating new ideas can be called insubordination and lead to being fired.
A business owner is treated much better by those who matter, than those hired to do the work. I have been in both position, and I would rather be the owner than the employee, unless the employer is worthy of me.
Again Athena, you take a complex subject and reduce it to an axiom.
How well an individual does in an industry depends on a lot of things. Including luck, politics, ability, (and yes) the corporate structure, diligence, preparation - c’mon now.
Having sex with the boss’ daughter can be called insubordination and result in firing, or it can lead to marriage and a vice-presidency. It could all depend upon how good the sex is.
Among other things.
Who matters? Who are these people who matter? And to whom do they matter?
I’m not sure your personal preferences are a good basis for political/economic theory. Or practise.
Did you want to address the issue of the difference between democrataic management and autocratic management, or just argue? I don’t have time for nit picking, pointless arguing.
The problem is this: The government -is-, in fact, run by few individuals and could be narrowed to 1, such as the American president.
How you came to watering holes and the definition of “herd”, I’m lost. Maybe, what you mean is that just because we have government doesn’t mean we’re not individuals. In other words, we share 1 thing but that doesn’t restrain us. I would agree if only it were true. Government isn’t like a watering hole, it’s closer to an ocean that we’re drowning in.
When someone is made richer, their contrasting class is made poorer. That’s simply how the economy works. Unless there are supermen who are working their asses with the power of all of the men that it would take to equal the time and labor it takes to honestly earn the money, it’s piggy back riding.
This is due to the opponents who are gaining on them. Because they give a little extra from the table is no reason to praise them. It’s not anymore moral than charity. They’re still the ones who put themselves in such a position by joining in with capitalism instead of trying to change it.
As far as I’m conerned, the government is a regulative force that should be stopped among many others, especially religion. They connect and come from one source: people who make ruling ideas that others accept and don’t question.
Yes, but it’s time to end this cycle of master and slave.
Because it’s a battle that ascends and descends at an exceeding rate. Disney owns this now and AT&T is with Verizon and blah blah blah. Children are still starving, right? But that’s not news.
Hi again, alt - I am given to understand that you are having a bit of trouble with the government right now. I am truly sorry about that, and wish you all the best.
I meant that government is a collective. It was a minor point.
But, as to the economy, it is not a zero-sum game. Manufacturing is a classic example of creating a value-added product. The whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. Even a communist knows this. It’s not at odds with Marxist economic theory at all. That added value plays a part in the creation of wealth - this would occur even in a communist collective - wealth creation is not the sole province of capitalism. Any co-op can accumulate capital and invest that capital is an ebnterprise that adds value to, say, raw materials to create a product. This added value in turn accumulates wealth even for that kibbutz. The same is true in agriculture - there are many models - I could inundate you with them - but not now - it’s late and I am old.
Sometimes the boss loses money because an oppressive socialist government changes the rules, or because a natural disaster wipes him out, or by some other non-competitive means. Sorry I’m working a twelve hour shift tomorrow for my capitalist slavemasters, or I’d elaborate.
Children will always starve - the fact is that fewer than ever are starving - but no economic system can take more credit for this than can capitalism. The Ruskies only fed their friends - and not even all of them.
I’ll hit you back later.
By the way - word has it that Peter Piper was self-employed.
To a point, I agree with this, but society also requires one to work for ‘the man’ to get by. It’s only somewhat of a choice to work for the man. If you want to be a poor piece of shit in the eyes of society, you don’t have to do anything, but if you want to be something, well then you have to chain yourself up and bend over.