The ILP Karaoke Bar

This rhyme which I wrote in the cave is where I first found a way to do that in English. I liked the writing as well of course, its just your free styling was opening vast depths to the process.

I get riches
stack bitches
tossing midgets
like DiCaprio, all business

its hard to rap this properly because it only has one correct way.


The game is the game.
Now you know.

This vocaroo really fucks up the eq.

rap can be great for what it is, but what it is isn’t great, if that makes any sense to you. as great as a rap may be, it’s still only just a rap. the existence of rap, to me, lies somewhere between a harmless artistic activity and a magnificent travesty expressing one facet of the slow descent of western civilization and culture.

and i wouldn’t be able to not see anyone who attributed so much greatness to rap as being part of this decline… and neither would i be able to explain any of this to someone who did so.

but check this one out. a well written rap to this groove would be epic. who among the ILP rappers shall have the courage to take up the mic? be warned; a song like this belongs only to the illest.


Yeah, because Homer was a definite sign of the decline of western culture. :slight_smile:

you need to get these nazis off your back hombre.

Fuck your dumbasss ideology. Praise your artistic abilities.

You don’t need do do anything. But the supremacy of the boringness you become when you’re ideological is just something I don’t like.

Pezer, I must have missed one of your raps. Only heard the one that starts with goddamn, the man came up with some rhymes. Wheres the other one?

On another note, Faust killed Iambiguous. Or had him confess, at least, that he has never believed any of the crap he was writing. For the first time ever, he confessed to having a perspective.
I just gave him the little nudge after Faust had broken his pride.

I gave it a shot.

Bruh. That was pretty fuckin ill. Lemme talk to J Roc and Killaroo and see if I can get u in.

Lol, well shit. Um. It’s a beautiful beat.

I hadn’t noticed the challenge before.

I listened to that Soldier song at least a million times when it came out.

Your challenges are pretty good.

I like the idea of a philosophers entourage, rather than a philosophers crew. Anyway thats what is kind of inevitable. Where a crew is unlikely.

Before you edited the above post, i was going to say I think your not wanting me in your crew is a wise career decision. I’d only disappoint ya. my raps are whack like a half eaten big mac or a Wendy’s double stack with just one patty. They thought they had me, but I noticed there was only one patty, so I got my money back. Yeah it’s like that. But it wouldn’t be for you if you let me in your crew.

Peez, on the other hand, has potential and shows promise. His only problem is, he’s got no rhythm. Lyrics are clever and catchy, but his delivery is too nonchalant and lazy, and he can’t get no flow going, nah mean?

It wasn’t a rejection, but accepting what you both expressed.
Id still prefer to have bunch of crazy philosophers on stage with me though.

Pezer… when we were constantly smoking in the practice building in Montreal he was kicking hard core freestyles that were definitely to the beat. But he needs to get there spontaneously in some ingenious ridiculous way, apparently the structure of it isn’t interesting to him otherwise. Im sure he could do it if he cared to prepare some headphones and a mic.

Look, Pezers first lyrics he posted on my forum, how straightforward they are, how orderly.
Theres really no other way to rap these than to cram them neatly in a the bars of a basic beat.
So he clearly knows what he should be doing.

But when he starts to rap the emotions connected to it are so volcanic that he completely loses interest in the 4x4 and tries for a pentasyncopic 20x5 or some shit. I appreciate that because I am like William Blake in my general attitudes. But yeah without tempo it doesn’t work.