As ILP grows and develops it is often difficult to figure out exactly where the site is going. In the past, there has deliberately been no real agenda or vision for where ILP is going and a symptom of that is disparity in rule-making and moderating. As a result we’d like to open up this discussion for sharing your views on ILP in general and what you’d like to see done with it.
A few sample questions might be: (don’t feel limited to these)
What is good about ILP?
What could be changed about ILP?
What are your priorities when coming to ILP?
In general do you prefer more rules/moderation or less?
What do you think of ILP in general?
The purpose of this is to give the staff a better idea of what the members of ILP want. It is not an invitation to be offensive but an opportunity to give some constructive criticism on the site and where you’d like to see it go over the next few months and years.
Nothing is taboo to mention but please be respectful in your posts and suggest solutions as well as problems. If you make comments about the site in other threads, you will be directed here.
As per usual it depends on what your expectations are. I come here to shoot the shit, crack a few jokes, listen to a few more and try to take an interest in people who I’ll never meet.
Of course there’s actually a reasonable chance that at some point I’ll bother to catch up with those of you who are also from this little green bit of Europe, but you take my point…
I don’t really come here for philosophical conversation, though of course I do engage in all sorts. I would (for my own interests) like there to be more political philosophy and less actual politics. The Americans (no offence, I like the country and its people a lot, in moderation) tend towards betraying their party affiliations and refuse to discuss anything that’s happening elsewhere, the Canadians only ever seem to want to talk about America (get over it already, have some fucking pride…), the Aussies (I’m developing a real affection for that country, I must visit it soon) don’t seem to care about anything except sport and the Europeans are too busy with racism and bashing the EU to get any serious work done.
Of course I’m talking both about this forum and in general, though I’m less of an expert on the latter…
I still reckon essay writing competitions or organised debates with referees to remove any comments which step out of the rules would up the standard of ‘serious’ writing. Or we could invade another board and kick some $hit out of their most renowned posters for a laugh, kinda like a philosophical version of a gang war…
How about going through each and every poster and banning anyone who hasn’t contributed at least 1 post per month of a given standard? I know the idiots would just return in droves with allegations of fascism but at least it would liven things up. Dictatorship is underrated these days…
We could redecorate the place, I’m sure embracetrees could come up with a ‘funky’ colour scheme. How about music playing in the background? It’s been demonstrated the music usually increases intellectual (or at least academic) performance, we could plug Ben’s iPod in somehow…
I’m fresh out of ideas, though I’ll give it some more thought.
What is good about ILP?
imo, the domain name is the best feature – the Rant House is the worst. Most forums will not put up a rant section because it invites undesirable traffic and cheapens the overall ambience of the forum etc. Mundane Babble and Creative Writing are keepers. Why not move Essays into the Other Forums section? …line it up like: Creative Writing, Essays, Mundane Babble.
What could be changed about ILP?
More smilies – there are some really cute smilie .paks available! Name change to Philo HM…something along the lines of Advanced Studies or ILP Think Tank. if it were mine, I’d keep it invitation-only and focused, though. Dump the Rant section – it’s a sewer!
What are your priorities when coming to ILP?
clean look, organized, active, variety of characters, personalities and reading material, moderated, the beer is always cold and there is always someone to play with, eh converse with
I think ILP is a fine idea. I do hope that in the future it doesn’t desire to trade quality for quantity where quality is preserved as in a museum. This is why I’ve been advocating separate boards for differing human attitudes especially in religion where it is vital. A board that features attack and defend in the spirit of debate and self justification is different than one that features the goal of mutual respect with the shared goal of understanding. But you’ve read that from me already.
I believe that this idea of moderators is a big concern. For me a good moderator is like a host in a restaurant. The purpose of the host is to reflect the goals and atmosphere of the restaurant and each board is like a different restaurant. There are sleaze joints, casual joints and fine restaurants. Each serves a purpose with moderating ideally reflecting each purpose.
Being respectful and honest at the same time, I must say that from personal experience, it is not always the case. I have found some hosts to be in nasty violation of forum rules themselves only from disliking opinions different from their own. Their goal IMO should be to increase interaction on boards through the expression of an accepting attitude rather than creating divisions within boards. The divisions are naturally there through the goals defining the separation of boards. So, this matter needs a bit of work IMO.
Here is an idea that the site has become large enough to pull off. People are writing books all the time and authors with a bit of a name and following like to sell them. You could contact them or their agents and ask to interview them in relation to their book. A board could be created for interviews. The agent would see that there are a lot of members and potential dollars so an interview could be arranged inviting comments afterwards. You may pick up many new members that way if you are looking for them.
Start a philosophy forum from scratch, get your members without poaching them from an already well established philosophy forum, get original names and concepts for your forums, then get back to me ok?
ILP is good because it’s still a break from the rest of the internet world in a lot of ways. I don’t have to deal with people spelling things with a ‘3’. If people disagree with me, they are generally kind enough to explain why, instead of calling me a name, or posting a picture of Darth Vader kicking a cat through a set of goalposts or whatever the kids are doing.
I would like to see more restriction as to who posts where. I think, now and then, we get people through who are obviously totally ignorant about philosophy and have no desire to learn anything come here. They make like 50 posts a day for three weeks, annoy everyone, and dissappear. Nobody benefits, and we all see where it’s leading…it would be nice if people could be restricted to the Mundane/Rant boards if they demonstrated this kind of behavior.
I want to see what controversies are being stirred up, what active threads there are about a topic I have some facts/opinions concerns, and if anyone responded to the last thing I said.
More, but only if things take care of themselves- that is, I like a substantial list of up-front rules that are rigorously enforced. I don’t so much care for spot decisions and imprecision.
In general, I'm glad that I've finally been here long enough that I can bitch about how 'things have really gone downhill'. Makes me feel like part of the establishment, which is great. Even when I complain, it's with an understand that this place is heads and shoulders above any other web forum I've experienced, and I'm extremely glad the place exists. Even the irritations are only irritations because they remind me of what the rest of the internet is like all the time.
What is good? Interesting exchange of ideas and learning. I do learn regarding many topics.
What needed to be changed is already being changed. Thanks moderators. Shit I am out of my smokes, a run to the store needed.
Priorities, they change daily. I am concerned regarding all my predictions regarding the Middle-East coming true, which means the death of forums like this.
I prefer the rules, as I am sick of being called numerous names, and bully tacticts when I disagree with claims. So what? Just read reflect, etc. then accept or disagree. Frankly, I am beginning to think I have been with regular folk a very long time; and am not used to the sewer language that a few posters spout, albeit, one poster made the mistake of comparing me to filth, hence I blew my cork; sorry all.
Love ILP, am gaining great insight regarding Islam, Neitzsche, Quantum Mechanics, etc.
I am here to learn, an am a real bone-head in the science and math fields.
If Drought pounces Mods., I will sharpen my talons.
Have learned much mods. and posters, keep up the insights, I am still paying off my M.A. degree, it was not cheap.
LOL, there are two other sites I visit. One appears to be more on the academic side, the other revolves around the various religions and ethics issues. Both have very strict rules and the posters do not suffer insults when they disagree with a claim. I believe SMIATD informed me that Xeno/Zeno blog voted me the most annoying poster. So?
Similar to Dr. S., I am not here to win a popularity contest and posters do not pay my bills. There are many on this site who have provided a wealth of information. Thanks to the chap who corrected me regarding Oswald being a marksman. Thanks to Noetician for providing insight into her faith. Thanks to Bob regarding his thoughts regarding faith. Thanks to Ben for the insight regarding the Arab/Israeli conflict. Thanks to Bessy and liquid for being sweethearts. Thanks to tentative his insights. Thanks for the many insights regarding the sciences, as this is a huge weak spot in my background. There are many others as well, and am not posting their names as I will probably misspell them.
We can agree to disagree, even if we do disagree keep the courage of your convictions if unswayed by the other’s claim.
All forums have become mundane babbles. What I intend to do to improve ILP is to start some seriously controversial threads. I’ve been too busy working and with my book, the only time I can find for ILP is on weekends. I’ll try my best to visit ILP more often.