I think spirituality is not dead, and is not dying. Right now, the old belief systems are in their last throws. They’re dying. But I think what will slowly replace them is a new belief system, based upon the true faith of the individual, not upon sheep-like obedience to some socially constructed text or political entity.
Science is giving us a better and better picture of reality. Scientists devise theories to try to explain how and why the universe works. These theories are conceptualizations of the nature of reality. They are sets of propositions that are attempts to categorize and explain the interactions between particles of matter that make up the universe. These propositions (like all propositions) are either true or false. The way science goes about determining whether the theory is valid or not is by making oberservations of the universe (they see what the universe is like). If the observations confirm the predictions of the theory, the theory is validated; if they don’t, the theory is falsified and a new theory must be developed. That is how science progresses. Scientists continually make up new theories to better picture the universe. They try to take in all kinds of data, and organize them into coherent concepts that descirbe nature.
The problem with science and spirituality is the propositions of spirituality cannot be tested. There is no way to demonstrate the existence of karma in a test tube. God isn’t going to pop up in a linear acclerator.
Science tries to explain all that does exist. It tries to provide a complete picture or representation of how the universe works. But it cannot try to explain how or why all that exists does exist. Scientists are limited to obeservations of the universe to verify their theories, and there is no way to look at the universe and see how it came into existence. That would require looking at things outside the universe, which is impossible for science to do. How can one look at something that exists removed from the universe when the universe is all that exists? It’s a great paradox. Cosmology provides a great picture of how the universe evolved and how it was long ago, but still it can’t explain how the universe popped into existence. Science can develop a perfect picture of the universe, but cannot picture how the universe came to exist.
So there is no objective, scientific way to explain how the universe came into existence. So can metaphysics give us an answer? I think not. According to Mr. Wittgenstein, propositions are true if they are logical and if they refer to an objective fact. But the propositions of metaphysics, the theories that try to explain how and why the universe exists, do not refer to object facts. They may be logical, but there is no way to show that they are not empty concepts. They are subject to the same treatment Kant gave to the ontological argument. So we can’t even speak of metaphysics.
Thus, philosophy and science can’t explain how anything exists. There is no way to objectively picture the spirit world, or how our world exists. But these paradoxes still haunt us. So the solution is to make spirituality completely subjective. There are no answers to the questions, no way to even symbolize the answers. So the individual can make up their own picture of spirituality, their own picture of faith, their own picture of God. They can have no evidence for its truth. They can’t know if it’s false either. All they can do is believe in it, on the strength of the absurd. The existence of the universe poses questions which have no answer, so each person can create their own, individual answer to them. Spirituality will not die, it must merely become completely subjective.