Salvia brought me into a hallway of hell:
a suspended moment that I panicked eternal
as my friends and I remained stuck,
our abdomens merged in the walls.
The portal moved forward eternally,
blank and waiting for footsteps.
I knew the number of these tubes was infinite.
I remained stuck,
my torso merged into the present wall behind me,
face to face with two friends
–now unrecognizable demons
laughing insanely
at this new
unhabituated human
after an unmeasurable amount of time
will have completely given in to his curse
and laugh without pity.
Lots of shrooms
led me to make a perceptual shift
when glancing at a fat man
I noticed not his entire body,
–and labeling it by name–
but instead noticed each individual piece,
the moment before my brain would connect them.
And further backwards:
A honeycomb of infinite images–
all the same scene in front of my eyes,
but each unique from its neighboor by the slightest altered interpretation.
I witnessed
every possible universe my mind could create
from the sight stimuli that floated in my brain
–waiting for me to fit it into a convenient organizing principle–
but all I could label was “confusion”.
And further backwards:
through the tunnel of sight perception
“I’m not supposed to be here…”
A sense that can’t be described by sight, sound, touch, feel, nor taste
“This is the place that the insane travel…”
I need to go back
And then back,
looking around,
the kitchen is another universe,
another dream.
What is the blinding light in front of me?
It has no source
and it remains stationery over me
regardless of where I move my head.
Such brilliance, such radiance
and I
so out of it
and desperate for normalcy
just tell myself
that it is nothing
but the insane effect of a dangerous drug,
passing off the opportunity to communicate
with what some would call an angel
when it very well may have been my inspiration:
breathing into my soul
images so beyond my imagination.