The Jesus Poll v2

If FM is the new jesus, I guess that means he doesn’t really exist, and his posts are randomly being written by various nutjobs?

Funny you should mension nutjobs.

Whoops…Im exercising my beast…which is why my beast needs to be exorcised.

Sorry… I couldn’t help myself. :smiley:

There is quite litereally zero evidence for his existence. In a culture like the Romans that’s a little remarkable.

Regardless, here’s a fascinating article on the subject: … _Jesus.asp

Actually, there is a mention in a historical record of a guy named Jesus. Somewhere. I think.

No offense but, that is one of the lamest responses I’ve ever read.

Why do people post comments without adequate evidence to back-up proposed claims??

no its ture sage, at catholic schol, i was presented with a brief birefi birefi statement that a guy named jesus existed. it is certainly true that roman records briefly briefly briefly mentioned the most impportant man in all of history. brief barf.

You were in catholic school? I’m sorry… However I’m suprised they would present their students with a very, very, very, (extremely very) brief statement about the REAL Jesus. I would be of the mind that they’d spend most of their time making sure students accept Jesus as their savior without any hesitation. Otherwise a stick whack would be administered…

No, no. This is true. Historically, and as an ordinary man spreading some philosophical teachings, Jesus’s name was insignificant. There is one document I saw a copy of–the letter sent to the Roman council (?) petitioning the arrest (?) of Jesus. In fact, whoever wrote that petition misspelled his name–Jesu Christos, or something like that.

Btw, I believe in the man Jesus, not what he’d been made into much later on.

A letter eh?

I would imagine if Jesus was arrested for something, it would have been heresy against Judaism. In following with that, it can be said that Xtians are nothing more than Jewish heretics.

Just a man whose rebellious ways and philosophy was warped into a religion.

^^^My choice

I believe personally if Jesus was the son of God so was alot others to me, like 100 around him. Because he taught about Life After Death, and how to go to Heaven. But to me he was just someone who figured out how to go to the Life After easier then most. Because reading these ancient Greeks, other religions existing before Jesus, ect. I believe he just stole others ideas considered logical by almost all, put them together, and just preached as if he was God Almighty’s kid. Because if theirs psychics as powerful as Nostradamus who can make a date destiny for your demise, why did Jesus fail to even scare anyone physically?? Also if the Greek and Roman gods were real, even their kids mere human humans didn’t care about really, example is mere mercenaries trying to kill them.

Gods kid is just a title claimed by the big headed who just figure out more about the aura of God then others in their life, to me.