The 'L' word

[size=150]The ‘L’ word.

You know that word…?
The one you say -
The one that never goes away.
That hangs around
on the tip of your tongue
like a paint-pot, on the topmost rung…?
That’s the one -
I knew you’d know
I’m sorry now I gotta go.
What’s that you say…?
I can’t go now…?
Gotta gotta you stupid cow.
You said the word,
don’t you see…?
You said the dreaded L-O-V-E…[/size]



Come on MAN, out with it.

Oh the suspense!!!

What does L-O-V-E mean? What do the dashes stand for?

Oh the agony.

…um, nice poem, by the way.

Ah yes. The only word worse than that is the “c” word. Then it isn’t just leaving, it is running away.

Nice one, Tab.

“C” word?



Cunning Cow?

What’s so bad about cunning Cow? Is it really run worthy?

Hurrying away, maybe. I just can’t see running as a necessary course of action.


Cunning cow? I guess I’ve heard that expression used - more than once… :laughing: But what C word would make a man run iinsteading of walking? Nope. Not yet. Think about it a little more. :wink:

Maybe I’ll have to ask Old timer for an indepth analysis.

Thanks Rainey.

:laughing: Aye. Harder to rhyme with though.

Guys, I’ve just realised what the L-word is. I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record here, but I think it’s “lube” - that is, “anal lube”, to facilitate sodomy :slight_smile:

Mate, if you aren’t gay, you might want to stop acting like it. You’re making the real gays look bad.

Lubed by Love? Dude, that DOES sound kind of gay. Okay, I kid.

Hey, Tab, sorry for derailing your otherwise masterful piece of work. I really did like your poem. Good stuff.

Sodomy isn’t a “gay thing” - heterosexuals do it too!