You know that word…?
The one you say -
The one that never goes away.
That hangs around
on the tip of your tongue
like a paint-pot, on the topmost rung…?
That’s the one -
I knew you’d know
I’m sorry now I gotta go.
What’s that you say…?
I can’t go now…?
Gotta gotta you stupid cow.
You said the word,
don’t you see…?
You said the dreaded L-O-V-E…[/size]
Cunning cow? I guess I’ve heard that expression used - more than once… But what C word would make a man run iinsteading of walking? Nope. Not yet. Think about it a little more.
Guys, I’ve just realised what the L-word is. I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record here, but I think it’s “lube” - that is, “anal lube”, to facilitate sodomy