The Laborer And The Prostitute.

[b]What is the difference between labor and prostitution?

Is not the laborer a prostitute constantly doing chores for the state who act as the representing pimp?

Isn’t the term “laziness” a symbolic description of one who constantly tries to reject the notion of whoring themselves out?

Is not the criminal a individual who finds alternative ways to survive beyond standard prostitution supported by the state?

Is not the people who are called “criminals” and “social rejects” the ones that are defamed because they don’t whore themselves out at the state’s disposal enough?

Upon this realization the economy is then reduced to a moral idealism that creates new generations of “pimps” and “whores”.

Like every form of prostitution “compensation” and rights of “entitlement” becomes the narcotic of salvation in society’s ideal universe as it entices all individuals to prostitute themselves again and again.

The laborer is just like the prostitute in that their entire lives is surrounded by “compensation” and social “entitlement” too.

With society filled so much of idols and operas it becomes no surprise that prostitution is one of the main features of civilization since the prostitute is a great actor amongst the dramatic ongoing factitious stage that is the simulacrum of man’s own hyperreality.

Class conflict throughout history then becomes reduced to the expensive whores belittling the cheaper ones surrounded by misery and infamy.

When one fails to prostitute themselves “correctly” to the state’s standard of idealistic living the government sweeps in like the representing pimp with punishment of death and imprisonment.

It is no wonder that churches and governments seem to be more like brothels with politicians more like pimps who constantly look for more bodies to serve their interests.[/b]


2 : to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes : debase <prostitute one’s talents>
— pros·ti·tu·tor -ˌtü-tər, -ˌtyü-\ noun


: a person who solicits clients for a prostitute.

[size=200]Brothel Or Bordello[/size]

: a building in which prostitutes are available

The system depends on production.

It then promotes ideals that glorify work and production, but more than this it creates artificial needs so as to maintain production in a part of the world where the basic human needs are already easily met.

Every year we are faced with the marketing of products we don’t really need, but are told we do and every year the stuff we bought last year is already obsolete.

The basic desire of a capitalist system is to establish this constantly growing production, by using marketing and peer pressure, and to establish the exagerated hope of upward social mobility as the only measurment of value and worth and as possible, despite the overwhelming odds.

It’s like the lottery.
It sells moeny as ‘happiness’ and then promots the idea that you too can win, even if the ods are agaisnt you by a factor of millions to one.

This keeps you playing.

In a strange sort of way, I’ve always thought of prostitutes as to women as soldiers are to men. I’d elaborate, but I’ll wait and lurk for a while.


This social upward mobility is alot like prostitution in that everybody whores out each other consuming each other’s activities and simaltaneously creating a atmosphere where everyone is disposable amongst each other too.

Are not all women prostitutes with different prices?
It has to do with the precious ovum.
Once they discover its value or find out theirs is not as valuable, they adjust the price accordingly.


you have to sell yourself and egrade yourself from down up.
It’s a demeaning process which only those with little ego and even less character can even attempt.

How do you bow low to an imbecile just because your promotion and subsequent career depends upon him.

This is a systemic method of weeding out those that pretend and those that actually believe in the cultural norms; that they are one of us.
This is how censorship doesn’t have to be forced on the media.

By the time a reporter even makes it to a position where he speaks to mass audiences he’s been tested and retested and proven that he’s a ‘tru believer’ that will not rock the boat or ask uncomfortable questions.

How many asked George W. to defend his pre-war on Iraq positions?

Here we see how the system has become so sophisticated that it no longer needs to enforce its ideals and mythologies using force.

The more complacent and idoctrinated and non-resistant you are, the more success within the system you will have.
The more you qaccept the premises of the system the more efficiently you will use them.

It’s like with a lie. The best liar is the one that actually believes in the bullshit he’s uttering.
The best liars convince themselves that they are not lying.

I love this quote. =D> :slight_smile:

Very clever,witty and well crafted.

I agreed with pretty much everything else you said.

Yeah, but that’s not what I was getting at. I’m working on an articulation but it may be a while.

nihilistic…appropriate since we were talking about women… but it’s not entirely true?

the first line should act as its own countermeasure. There are some faults in the process, putting pressure on people to buy things should force every desire and item to be recreated, it works out great for younger generations until they decide to settle, for some reason I can’t imagine a price on two opposite sex looking for a permanent partner (sure you can value them morally and all that crap that wouldn’t alter the actual process). But as a society…it comes to a point where everything/anything cannot be recreated any more (unless the production depended on the ignorance of previous desires and satisfaction of the majorities); until then, look forward to chaos and destruction ^^

The sex

Good analogy but theres less transmitable stds from labouring

Cirtainly not, not being lazy does not mean that you have to work for someone

No a criminal is someone who finds a way to survive by opposing the state. You can survive without doing anything the state tells you to and without breaking the law. I can think of a few examples right now. Apart from paying tax’s but I dont see how paying tax’s can be seen as prostitution

No I explained this earlier, a criminal opposes the state directly

Its a good try and there are similarities but the comparison is very shakey there are too many differences. I have tried to outline a few. As usual joker I think you have a good point but you take it too far get too exited and make the innitial point which was quite good, seem unreasonable and unbelivable.

What about economic prisoners?

I agree with what you are saying

but I do not see myself as a prostitute but rather a prisoner.

I do not want to be a ‘big winner,’ I do not subscribe to the theory happiness and I feel no peer pressure.

However, I have to pay bills. I live in a trailer, so I think rent can not get any cheaper, eat about $40 of food a week, and for the most part only buy clothes to go to work in, own a car to go to work in, buy gas to go to work with, and my cable bill is my luxury so I dont hang my self.

but I think I am stuck in an ecomomic prison. It seems like Im just keeping my head above water. stuck going to work every day and getting no where.

the next step is moving to the woods with a tent and tring to make it on my own. but I have no confidence.

I agree with the op and the on I quoted, but I think the issue can go further.

So take it there.

ya…that is what I kind of meant by economic prisoners…but

I think it is not a matter of whoring one’s self but economic bondage.

If one desides to play the game it is prostitute and pimp

but if someone does not want to play the game it becomes

prisoner and warden.

I dont want to whore myself but I have a B.S. from a major university and I am barely make enough to live.

work, paybills, sleep, work paybills sleep work paybills sleep

many, including myself, are stuck in the economic prison.

and ‘criminals’ are whores to the state. If there where no criminals then there would be fewer judges, cops, lawmakers, probation offices, lawers, ect.

criminals are probably some of the biggest whores to the state. the criminals ‘method of prostitution’ is simply commiting 'crimes
the state needs criminals or all the people above would be out of a job.
crime is also a reason to increase taxes.

This thread of mine is all about similarities but to be honest they are not completely the same.

However by definition sex is a physical activity much in the same like labor.

Maybe not but let us not forget the chronic illnesses, fatigues, physical damages and psychological problems that come onto alot of people through labor.

Bodily harm is still bodily harm.

Explain more in depth please.

The prostitute pays sex tax to her pimp. What’s the difference?

Explain more in depth please.

All this thread comes to be about is the similarities.

Try to keep a open mind… :wink:

In context of this thread a prostitute is a prisoner to her pimp and to her profession.

To her need; her metaphysical character as a temporal becoming.
Also a prisoner of her past that determines her.

That too. :slight_smile:

Prostitution has historically been the only job where women earn, on an hourly basis, more than men. (Of course, most of a prostitute’s money goes to a pimp.)

The OP view of both labor and prostitution is really a view of power and its unequal distribution. As the methodical and organized expropriation of the work of some for the use of others defines the class “workers”, the methodical and organized expropriation of the sexuality of some for the use of others defines the gender “female”. Heterosexuality is the predominant social structure of this (homosexuality is also socially gendered).

So ‘production’ in terms of process is analagous to ‘gender’ in terms of process. Class is the social framework of labor, as heterosexuality is the social framework of sexuality.

The primary concern of both structural constructs is control. That’s why the link made in the OP isn’t much of a stretch.

This thread was meant as a expression of similarity for both men and women.

Please take your single minded idealistic feminism out the door with you.

What about the more modern modeling thing?

Exploitation of the other includes all aspects of them.

And look males are now also prostituting themselves.

Production points to resources as gender points to sexual identity.
There’s nothing unnatural here but man’s control and symbolisms.

If a cow is exploited this is an extension of the prey/hunter dynamic.
It isn’t invented.

man overcomes in all areas, by controlling.