The Lady Behind the Counter

She had silver hair,
and a half-smile
like she knew a secret
that she wanted to share with you.
Like she understood something
that you didn’t understand.
And kind eyes that seemed to say,
if you had the time,
she’d patiently explain it all.

But I didn’t have the time.
In fact, I didn’t notice any of this.
Where would I get the goddamn time?
I was late and the rest of the world
was in slow motion again.
And everybody was in my way again.
Goddamn ‘em all.

And so I pushed to the counter and set
the coffee down on it, as I dug for my wallet.
‘Just the coffee, sir?’
-Yes, yes, just the coffee…

‘Have a wonderful day,’ she offered,
waving away
my attempt to pay.

And I looked up and saw the lady.
And then I noticed
the silver hair and
the half-smile,
like she knew a secret
that she wanted to share with me.
Like she understood something
that I didn’t understand.
And the kind, patient eyes
were looking into mine.
Goddamn ‘em.
I managed a ‘thank you’
before I walked back out into the world.


Hi rainey,

Sorry I took so long to respond, I’ve been too busy trying to kill dragons. :smiley:

But the point is well taken. Why is it that we become so important that we stop living and just go through the motions? Is there any way of escaping our busy-ness? Or is it just an accepted part of our social structure? Have any poetic solutions? :wink:

Solutions? Nope. 'Fraid all I can do is present the problems. This really happened and the guy really was me.

Of course maybe recognition of the problem is part of the solution. Let’s hope so.

Sooo, how long can you hold that in your head? I’m up to maybe 15 or 20 minutes… :laughing:

I’m guessing, and this is just a guess, that her secret was she knows people do have the time, and no, they are never really late.

That would be my guess as well.